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TAIST Tokyo Tech Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (TAIST Tokyo Tech ICTES Program). Every accepted applicant will receive a scholarship. Master of Engineering Program in Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (International Program)
TAIST Tokyo Tech Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (TAIST Tokyo Tech ICTES Program) Every accepted applicant will receive a scholarship Master of Engineering Program in Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (International Program) Kasetsart University
Introduction to TAIST Tokyo Tech ICTES • Under the TAIST Tokyo Tech program • Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and Tokyo Institute of Technology • TAIST Tokyo Tech ICTES • Degree title: M. Eng. Master of Engineering (Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems) • The semester starts in June Every accepted applicant will receive a scholarship
Objective • To prepare students with a comprehensive understanding of HW and SW technologies in ICTES, with in-depth knowledge of embedded systems in VLSI designs and embedded software development, as well as broad knowledge of their applications in communications, networking, signal processing, human interface, artificial intelligence, etc. • To experience actual development of embedded systems using the state-of-the-art CAD tools for both HW & SW in “Embedded Systems Design Exercise Class”. Every accepted applicant will receive a scholarship
Special Characteristics (I) • All students will receive scholarships for studying this program for two years. • NSTDA will award scholarships to all TAIST Tokyo Tech students for the first year of their study. • The students who work with NSTDA researchers will receive a scholarship for the second year for the second year of their study. • A number of professors from Tokyo Tech will come and give lectures to the students and also advise the students in the second year of study. • All lectures are conducted in English. • The students do their research work at four national research institutes. • NECTEC, MTEC, BIOTEC, and NANOTEC (NSTDA)
Special Characteristics (II) • The students will be registered at a host universities (SIIT or KU), and the same time at TAIST Tokyo Tech. • Thai professors are co-lecturers and advisors of the students. • The lectures are conducted at National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand Science Park (TSP), where the TAIST Tokyo Tech office is located. • TAIST Tokyo Tech accepts students not only from Thailand or Asian countries but also from all over the world.
Special Characteristics (III) • Full-time students as well as part-time students from the industry, both of which will greatly benefit from the unique learning environment which this program is designed to provide. • After graduation to further pursue a doctoral study at Thai universities or at Tokyo Institute of Technology or other Japanese universities.
Course Structure • Compulsory Courses (7 courses, 18 credits) 1. Computational Mathematics 2. Software for Embedded Systems 3. Hardware for Embedded Systems 4. Research Methodology 5. Research Seminar 6. Software Design Exercise For Embedded Systems 7. Hardware Design Exercise for Embedded Systems • Technical Elective Courses (select 2 courses, 6 credits) 8. Communication 9. Signal Processing 10. Intelligence Processing 11. Environment and Control Systems
Course Description (I) • 01227511 Computational Mathematics Set theory, relations, formal proof methods, finite automata, regular expressions, context-free grammar, pushdown automata, first order logic, theories related to counting, graphs and networks, interplay between continuous models and their solution via discrete processes, vector spaces, basis, dimension, eigenvalue problems, diagonalization, inner products, unitary matrices. Applied statistics to intelligent systems, supervised statistical learning. • 01227521 Software Concepts for Embedded Systems Software programming, embedded operating systems and middlewares, verification and testing for embedded systems, software concepts on microcontroller architectures and peripherals, compilers and debuggers, timer and interrupt systems, interfacing of devices, software issues in design of embedded systems, communications and networking.
Course Description (II) • 01227522 Software Designs for Embedded Systems Hardware and software development tools, software project management techniques and tools, embedded operating systems, software development project: requirement analysis, software detailed and test case design, software coding and testing, software documentation. Project planning, system specification design, software coding, software implementation and verification on FPGA prototype board. • 01227523 Hardware Concepts for Embedded Systems Basic digital system design, processor architecture design, VLSI design methodologies, hardware concepts on microcontroller architectures and peripherals, device interface, hardware for communications and networking.
Course Description (III) • 01227524 Hardware Designs for Embedded Systems Hardware development tools, hardware description language, FPGA design flow: input and output pin assignment, synchronous and asynchronous logic design, logic simulation and optimization, verification of design constraints. Hardware development project, software and hardware implementation and verification on FPGA prototype board, practical issues on microcontroller and FPGA. • 01227599 Master Thesis 3-12 credits/semester Research at the master’s degree level and compile into a thesis.
Course Description (IV) • 01227525 Communication Theory for Embedded Systems Information theory, signal processing, communication systems, data and digital communication concepts, theory and techniques in data communications: transmission, encoding, decoding, error detection, error correction, link control, networking and standards. Communication software and hardware, synchronization subsystems, time division multiple access systems, code division multiple access systems. • 01227526 Digital Signal Processing for Embedded Systems Digital signal processing theory, video and audio processing, discrete-time signals and systems, linear time-invariant systems, sampling of continuous-time signals and convolution, finite and infinite impulse response filter designs, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform algorithms, relations between Fourier transform: discrete-frequency Fourier transform, Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier transform, and discrete Fourier transform. Image and speech coding and decoding, transmultiplexers, filter banks, channel estimation and equalization, synchronization, array processing, power spectral estimation, adaptive filtering, analog digital converter and digital analog converter algorithms.
Course Description (V) • 01227527 Intelligence Processing Human interface, computer graphic, artificial intelligence, concept and design of human-machine interface, trends of human interface design, graphic user interface, interactive software design, hardware technology for human interface, basic descriptive geometry, methods of creating, storing, manipulating, presenting and animating two and three dimensional objects, applications of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence languages, search techniques, knowledge representation, reasoning and inference, machine learning, expert systems.
Course Description (VI) • 01227528 Control Systems for Embedded Systems Control system theory, Laplace transform, control system description and block diagrams, dynamics of typical controlled systems, development and simplification of transfer functions, analytic tools for predicting system response and performance, root locus design techniques, applications for embedded systems: control systems and environment, environment control systems, and power management systems and methods.
Applicant Qualifications • The applicant must stay in Thai or other Asia Pacific countries. An applicant from other countries will be considered in a case-by-case basis. • The applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering or science or a related field that is accepted by the TAIST Tokyo Tech Executive Committee. • The applicant must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 or sufficient relevant research or work experience as specified by the Executive Committee. • The applicant must submit an official score of an English test, such as TU-GET, KU-TEST, TOEFL and IELTS or come to take an English test conducted by TAIST Tokyo Tech.
Admission/Selection Process(I) • The applicant downloads the application and recommentdation form at http://www.nstda.or.th/taist_tokyo_tech/ • The applicant fills in the application form and submits it together with the following documents. • Two 1-inch recent color photographs • An official transcript for bachelor’s degree (and master’s degree if exists). • A recommendation from an advisor in the bachelor’s degree (or master’s degree) • A recommendation from a teacher, a supervisor, or a qualified person.
Admission/Selection Process(II) • The applicant sends all documents to the following address or email. Ms. Pornpawee Kurdkor (kuictes@gmail.com) Master of Engineering Program in Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (International Program) Electrical Engineering Department Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand • The applicant without the English proficiency test needs to take an English test held by TAIST Tokyo Tech. • The applicant comes to be interviewed as a specified date and time. • The list of the passed applicants will be announced at the following URL. http://www.nstda.or.th/taist_tokyo_tech/
Graduation Requirement • Twenty-four credits of taught courses required by the curriculum with an accumulative GPA of at least 3.00. In addition, the grade of each of these courses must be at least “C”. • Fifteen credits of thesis work and passing a thesis defense. • Approval of the thesis by the external examiner and the thesis committee. • At least one paper on part of the thesis has been accepted for publication in (ICTES) a national journal approved by the Academic Review Committee, or • at least two papers have been accepted for publication in international conference proceedings. • Have satisfied English proficiency requirement. • The maximum period of study is 4 years.
Degree and certificate • Master of Engineering (Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems) • The TAIST Tokyo Tech students receive the following certificates from the host university, Tokyo Tech and NTSDA as follows. • A master degree in Engineering from the host university • A certificate from TAIST Tokyo Tech signed by the host universities, Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Science and Technology Development Agency. In the future, this will be a joint degree.
Detailed information URL: http://www.nstda.or.th/taist_tokyo_tech
Contact Address Information and Communication Technology for Embededded Systems (ICTES) International Program Department of Electrical Engineering Kasetsart University 50 Phaholyothin Rd. Chatuchak, Bangkok, 10900 Thailand Tel: +66 2 942-8555 ext. 1590 Email: kuictes@gmail.com