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Indifferent. Not at all interested in someone or something. Obliterated. Destroyed something completely so that nothing remains. Reaping. The selection of people for the Hunger Games. Repentance. When you are sorry for something that you have done. Sustenance.
Indifferent Not at all interested in someone or something
Obliterated Destroyed something completely so that nothing remains
Reaping The selection of people for the Hunger Games
Repentance When you are sorry for something that you have done
Sustenance Food that people or animals need in order to live
Condone To accept, to excuse or forgive
Dissent Disagreement, opposition
Protocol A standard procedure or practice
Valor Courage, bravery
Enunciate To pronounce clearly
Insurmountable Impossible to conquer
Mentor A teacher
Replicate To imitate or copy
Detest To hate
Incoherent Unable to speak or think clearly
Affectations Artificial mannerisms
Prestigious Prominent
Arrogance Self-importance
Resourcefulness The ability to cope with a difficult situation cleverly
Surly Disagreeable
Defiantly In a bold manner
Irredeemably Hopelessly
Leniency Tolerance
Menacing Threatening
Anecdote A short and amusing story
Eccentric Odd or unusual
Reproachful Disapproving or accusing
Unrequited Unreturned