WHAT IS A CULTURAL LANDSCAPE? Carl Sauer (1889 – 1975), Carl Sauer wrote the article "Recent Developments in Cultural Geography," which considered how cultural landscapes are made up of "the forms superimposed on the physical landscape." He proposed an approach variously called "landscape morphology" or "cultural history." This approach involved the inductive gathering of facts about the human impact on the landscape over time. After his retirement, Sauer's school of human-environment geography developed into cultural ecology. Cultural ecology retained Sauer's interest in human modification of the landscape and pre-modern cultures.
cultural landscape natural landscape as modified by human activities and bearing the imprint of a culture group or society including buildings, shrines, signage, sports and recreational facilities, economic and agricultural structures, transportation systems, etc.
CULTURAL LANDSCAPE missing: ECONOMIC ELEMENTS??? http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol7/iss1/art12/inline.html
Acculturation acculturationacquiring the culture, either as a baby or as a newcomer (=naturalization) HINTS:“AC” or “COSTUME”
PLURALISM • PLURALISM diversity within unity E PLURIBUS UNUM “Out of Many, One”
2 contrasting analogies…. melting potvs. salad bowl flavors MIXACCULTURATION flavors BLEND ASSIMILATION
Assimilation • assimilation absorb OR BLEND into the dominant culture HINT WORDS:SIMILAR or SIMMER (like a melting pot BLENDS flavors together)
material? popular culture? assimilation? folk culture? non-material? global-local continuum? diffusion? acculturation? pluralism?
CENTRAL CONCEPTS(2 con’t.) stimulus diffusion
“Cemeteries in Kyrgyzstan are extraordinary, filled not with simple headstones but with mausoleums that are actually small houses. Life means constant movement to follow sheep or yak herds, the Kyrgyz say, and the only proper time to have a settled home is after death.”
Universalizing vs. Ethnic Religions name_____________________In the study of human geography, an ethnic religion is one that appeals primarily to a specific group of people from a specific place, compared to a universalizing religion which attempts to appeal to a wide number of people throughout the world. ETHNIC appeals primarily to one group of people living in one place/region UNIVERSALIZING attempt to be global, appeal to people in all parts of the world
Universalizing vs. Ethnic Religions name_____________________In the study of human geography, an ethnic religion is one that appeals primarily to a specific group of people from a specific place, compared to a universalizing religion which attempts to appeal to a wide number of people throughout the world. ETHNIC appeals primarily to one group of people living in one place/region UNIVERSALIZING attempt to be global, appeal to people in all parts of the world • Mormons • Lutherans (Protestant Christian) • Baptists (Protestant Christian) • Eastern Orthodox (Christian) • Hinduism • Islam • Buddhism (in Japan)