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Change Management on Hybrid OMDoc Documents: A Case Study

Change Management on Hybrid OMDoc Documents: A Case Study. Sönke Holsten, Normen Müller. What is Change Management on Hybrid OMDoc Documents?. Change Management: Maintenance of relations Propagation of changes Hybrid OMDoc Documents:

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Change Management on Hybrid OMDoc Documents: A Case Study

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  1. Change Management on Hybrid OMDoc Documents: A Case Study Sönke Holsten, Normen Müller

  2. What is Change Management on Hybrid OMDoc Documents? • Change Management: • Maintenance of relations • Propagation of changes • Hybrid OMDoc Documents: • self-contained structured compositions of information units hosted in various application domains with OMDoc as the top-level information unit

  3. Document-based Software Development • Markups constituting the software development process: • formal specifications: ZML, OMDoc • design diagram: XMI[UML] • source code: JavaML, CodeML

  4. Requirements Specification • The software should be able to manage phone numbers, i.e. represent a phonebook. Each entry in the phonebook should consist of a phone number and a name. It should be possible to: • add entries • delete entries • query for entries by name

  5. UML Diagram <UML:Model> <UML:Class name=“Phonebook”> <UML:Operation name=“addEntry”…/> <UML:Operation name=“delEntry” …/> <UML:Operation name=“searchEntry” …/> </UML:Class> <UML:Class name=“PhonebookEntry”> <UML:Attribute name=“number” …/> <UML:Attribute name=“name” …/> </UML:Class> <UML:Datatype name=“int”/> <UML:Datatype name=“string”/> <UML:Datatype name=“void”/> <UML:Association …/> </UML:Model>

  6. Source Code ... <ccdef export=“searchEntry"> <ccsym cd="cpp.dec" name="public-type-function"/> <apply> <ccsym cd="cpp.types“ name="funtype"/> <ccsym cd="cpp.types" name=“int"/> <ccsym cd="cpp.types" name="string"/> </apply> <bind> <ccsym cd="cpp.proc" name="function"/> <bvar> <ccv name="name"/> </bvar> ... </bind> </ccdef> ... /** * This is the class Phonebook, which * manages phonebook entries * consisting of a name and a number */ class Phonebook { Public: void addEntry(string name, int number); void delEntry(string name); int searchEntry(string name); /** * Phonebook class empty constructor. */ Phonebook(); /** * Phonebook class empty destructor. */ ~Phonebook(); ...

  7. Maintenance of relations Requirements Satisfied by • Explicit statingof relations • Deriving new relations UML Diagram Implemented by Verified by Source Code Tested by Test case

  8. Change Propagation • Software undergoes changes, e.g. new functionality is implemented: “It should be possible to query for entries by number” • Change step by step: • Programmer renames existing method searchEntry to searchEntryByName

  9. Requirements Specification • The software should be able to manage phone numbers, i.e. represent a phonebook. Each entry in the phonebook should consist of a phone number and a name. It should be possible to: • add entries • delete entries • query for entries by name

  10. UML Diagram <UML:Model> <UML:Class name=“Phonebook”> <UML:Operation name=“addEntry”…/> <UML:Operation name=“delEntry” …/> <UML:Operation name=“searchEntry” …/> </UML:Class> <UML:Class name=“PhonebookEntry”> <UML:Attribute name=“number” …/> <UML:Attribute name=“name” …/> </UML:Class> <UML:Datatype name=“int”/> <UML:Datatype name=“string”/> <UML:Datatype name=“void”/> <UML:Association …/> </UML:Model>

  11. Primitive Equivalence Relations <a> <b></b> <c><d/></c> </a> <a><b/><c><d/> </c></a> = a b c d XML

  12. Primitive Equivalence Relations (2) a a = b c c b d d XML Grammar

  13. Primitive Equivalence Relations (3) a a = b c b c d e XML Grammar DocModel

  14. Document Model • Equivalence Relations • Similarity Groups: • Groups elements that are considered equal under a certain equivalence relation • Dependencies: • What dependencies may exist • Rules to compute dependencies

  15. Classified Dependencies • 3-tuple <(a,b), R, eq>, where • a, b are information units • (a,b)  R • eq is a set of equivalence relations • CD’s react sensitive on eq

  16. Change Relation • 3-tuple <(a,b), R, eq>, where • a, b are information units • (a,b)  R • eq is a set of equivalence relations • CR’s preserve eq

  17. Outlook • Representation of: • differences (XUpdate/ XQuery Update Facility + RDF) • dependencies (RDF schema) • equivalence relations (?) • Extend Phonebook example step by step

  18. Questions I want to answer • Are primitive equivalence relations sufficient for change detection? • What information do we need to automatically propagate a change?

  19. Thank you for your attention!

  20. Any suggestions?

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