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Evolution in Volvocine Algae

Evolution in Volvocine Algae. Colonial. Unicellular. Common ancestor – not direct line. Unicellular -. Single cell. Colonial -. Different configurations. Isogamous -. Identical gametes. Eyespot -. Detect UV light. Flagella -. Propel the cell. Polar -. Anterior/posterior.

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Evolution in Volvocine Algae

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  1. Evolution in Volvocine Algae Colonial Unicellular Common ancestor – not direct line Unicellular - Single cell Colonial - Different configurations Isogamous - Identical gametes Eyespot - Detect UV light Flagella - Propel the cell Polar - Anterior/posterior Vegetative cells - Cannot reproduce Reproductive cells - New colonies Oogamous - Egg & sperm

  2. Volvocine Line Beginning http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/Biology/botf99/algaeheadpages/lowealgaef/greens/studealgae/stvov/stvolvox.htm Chlamydomonas Most primitive Single celled Bi-flagellate for movement Isogamous

  3. Pandorina Large eyespots on one end http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/webb/bot311/Chlorophyta/PandorinaLg.jpg New colony Polar Isogamous Each cell

  4. Eudorina Smaller Colonial Polar Vegetative & reproductive First move toward reproductive specialization Isogamous

  5. Volvox – colonial & polar Daughter colonies 1000’s vegetative Few reproductive Large nonmotile eggs Small sperm Oogamous Communication

  6. Chlamydomonas Gonium Eudorina Volvox http://nimravid.wordpress.com/2008/04/16/evolve-multicellularity-volvox/

  7. Symbiosis 2 different species live together Relationship Host - largest Mutualism - Both organisms benefit Commensalism - 1 benefits, 2nd unaffected Parasitism - 1 benefits, 2nd harmed Co-evolve to stable relationship

  8. Mutualism - Lichens Algae Fungal hyphae Fungus & alga

  9. Body shape = Crustose http://www.cs-music.com/features/photos/lichen-fence.html

  10. http://waynesword.palomar.edu/pljan98e.htm

  11. Body shape = Foliose http://waynesword.palomar.edu/pljan98f.htm

  12. http://waynesword.palomar.edu/pljan98f.htm

  13. Body shape = Fruticose http://www.hiltonpond.org/ThisWeek010222.html

  14. Mutualism – termite & protozoa http://www.securitypest.com/images/TermiteAcrop.jpg

  15. Trichonympha • http://www.uccs.edu/~rmelamed/MicroFall2002/Chapter%2011/Animal-like.html

  16. http://www.sfu.ca/~fankbone/biol/index2.html

  17. Commensalism - Barnacles Home & transportation • http://www.learner.org/jnorth/images/graphics/u-z/gwhale_tail.jpg

  18. Remora http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngexplorer/0505/articles/gallery_1.html

  19. http://www.ms-starship.com/sciencenew/symbiosis.htm

  20. Commensalism - Bromiliad Epiphyte

  21. Orchids

  22. Parasitism – host is harmed Modified Parasite - Needs nourishment Needs transportation Needs to reproduce Complicated life cycle

  23. Anopheles Mosquito Secondary host Malaria protozoa Sexual reproduction Transportation

  24. Plasmodium a protozoa Penetrates human liver cells – asexual spores

  25. Infected Red Blood Cells Asexual spores reproduce until RBC ruptures Male & female gametocytes Mosquito = fuse to form zygote

  26. Tapeworm eggs Ingested by primary host Larva

  27. Bladder-Worm

  28. Encysted bladder worm in meat

  29. Primary host Small intestine 7 meters long

  30. Scolex Suckers hooks

  31. Large & Muscular – full of fertilized eggs

  32. Blood Fluke Eggs From feces

  33. Eggs hatch into ciliated larvae Infect secondary host - snail

  34. Mother sporocyst produces many daughters

  35. Immature larvae in sporocyst

  36. Larvae escape snail into water Invade humans through skin

  37. Adult Blood Flukes In blood vessels Sexual reproduction Eggs migrate

  38. 200,000,000 People Infected 1,000,000 death annually

  39. Liver Fluke

  40. Liver Fluke Distribution

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