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Legend. Bible. Prerequisite. Gen Ed. Bachelor of Science in Information Security. Corequisite. Major. Fall Course. F. Other. Spring Course. S. Freshman Fall (17) Spring (16). Senior Fall ( 15) Spring (15). Sophomore Fall (18) Spring (15). Junior Fall (15) Spring (16-18).
Legend Bible Prerequisite Gen Ed Bachelor of Science in Information Security Corequisite Major Fall Course F Other Spring Course S Freshman Fall (17) Spring (16) Senior Fall (15) Spring (15) Sophomore Fall (18) Spring (15) Junior Fall (15) Spring (16-18) F SP SP SU LUEG (3) Gen Ed. LUHI (3) Integrated History F SP F SP SP F F LU 1103 Lipscomb Seminar MK 3503 Prin of Market. MA 1314 Calculus I CS 1122 Intro to Comp Sci SEC 3113 Princ. of Info. Sec. MA 2314 Calculus II CS 2233 Data Struc. & Alg MK 3573 Consumer Behavior SEC 4053 Senior Seminar BI 1073 Story of Jesus CS 1213 Intro. to Prog. BI 1093 Story of Israel CO 1003 Intro. to Comm. EN 1123 Composition II CCI 395V Internship BI 1083 Story of The Church BI 3213 Faith & Culture MA 2103 Discrete Math MG 3503 Prin. Of Mgmt SEC 3313 Intro to Policy & Pro. PE XXX2 Wellness AC 2503 Financial Acc. ENT 2503 Entrepren. Business LULI (3) Integrated Lit. CS 3523 Operating Systems IT 3313 Network Princ. CS 1233 OO Design & Prog. CS 2252 Competition Prog. IT 2223 Web App. Dev. I IT 3323 Wireless Networks CS 2243 Database Mgt. Sys. CS 2323 Comp Org. BI 4213 Biblical Ethics EC 2503 Princ. of MicroEcon. SP SU F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F SP SU SP SU SP SU SP SP SP SU SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SEC (3) Elective SEC (3) Elective SEC (3) Elective SP SU SP SU SP Explorations Explorations Sr. Standing & 15hrs Concentration Concentration Jr. & Dir. Appr. ACT:23 SAT:550 ACT:20 SAT:480 Concentration Foundations Foundations SP SU SP SU MA 3123 Theory of Stats F SEC 4313 Database Security F ACT:26 SAT:590 Explorations SEC 3323 Cryptography F SEC 4323 Network Security SP Engagement Explorations Foundations ACT:26 SAT:590 SEC 3333 Bus Cont & Dis Rec SP SP