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山西佛教雕塑艺术展 An Exhibition of Shanxi Buddhist Sculptural Art. 山西博物院 Shanxi Museum 2011.9. 内容简介 Introduction 佛教是世界三大宗教之一。两汉之际传入中国。南北朝社会动荡,佛教成为乱世百姓的精神寄托,经帝王显贵推崇,炽烈传播,隋唐达到极盛。佛教作为中国雕塑艺术创作的主要题材,历时漫长。石雕和彩塑佛像,金铜造像,经久不衰。
山西佛教雕塑艺术展 An Exhibition of Shanxi Buddhist Sculptural Art 山西博物院 Shanxi Museum 2011.9
内容简介 Introduction 佛教是世界三大宗教之一。两汉之际传入中国。南北朝社会动荡,佛教成为乱世百姓的精神寄托,经帝王显贵推崇,炽烈传播,隋唐达到极盛。佛教作为中国雕塑艺术创作的主要题材,历时漫长。石雕和彩塑佛像,金铜造像,经久不衰。 Buddhism is one of the three major religions in the world. It was introduced into China in the early first century.Later during the period of Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589) when the nation was in a turmoil,Buddhism became the spiritual sustenance of common people while was greatly valued by emperors and celebrities, thus enjoying a wide-spread popularity and reaching its peak during the Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-960). It has been a long time since Buddhism made one of the major creative sources of Chinese sculptural art. Stone and color-painted Buddhist sculptures as well as statues made of gold and bronze have enjoyed an everlasting popularity throughout ages. 山西省是佛教在中国传播的重要地区。以云冈石窟为代表的佛教艺术体现了中古时期艺术家的审美趋向。展览分两个部分,通过山西出土的4世纪至10世纪的佛教雕刻艺术品,揭示了佛教艺术对我国古代雕塑、绘画等领域的深刻影响,体现了佛教所蕴含的向善、和谐的内在精神。 Shanxi is one of the important areas in which Buddhism has been wide-spread in China. The Buddhist art represented by Yungang Grottos embodies the aesthetic trends of the artists in the middle ages. The exhibition consists of two parts. It exhibits the Buddhist sculptural artworks unearthed in Shanxi, which date back to the period from the 4th century to the 10th century. The exhibition reveals the far-reaching influence of Buddhist art upon ancient Chinese sculptures and paintings as well as the internal spirit of seeking virtue and harmony implied in Buddhism.
展览要求 Exhibition Requirements • 展览规模:约60件文物,包括石刻、金铜造像等。 • Exhibition Scale: about 60 relic items, including stone carvings and statues of gold and bronze • 展场要求:500平方米,温度20-25℃;石刻展品湿度55-60%,金铜造像湿度小于50%;灯光不含紫外线,带彩绘的文物照度小于50LUX。 • Site Conditions: area: 500 square meters temperature: 20 ℃ to 25 ℃ humidity: 55-60% for stone carvings; 50% below for statues of gold and bronze lighting: no ultraviolet rays; 50 LUX below for relic items with colored drawings or patterns
第一单元北朝(386—581)北魏、东魏、北齐、北周Part I Northern Dynasties (386-581)Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou • 战乱频仍,社会失序。人们对现实的无助和对来生的憧憬,促成了北朝佛教的空前发展,开窟造像,蔚然成风。山西幸存至今的北朝佛教艺术遗存,仍有200余处石窟寺、摩崖造像和难计其数的单体造像及造像碑。 • Wars frequently broke out and turmoil prevailed. People became more and more helpless in face of the cruel reality while more and more yearning for a good afterlife, which stimulated the unprecedented development of Buddhism in the Northern Dynasties. The building of grottos and statues caught on quickly and widely. Among the extant Buddhist art relics of Northern Dynasties in Shanxi, there are over 200 sites featuring grotto temples, cliff sculptures, numerous statues and steles. • 北朝早期佛像多为高鼻深目、薄衣贴体的异族模样。中后期逐渐汉化,呈现出秀骨清像、褒衣博带的南朝“名士”形象。佛教造像这一外来艺术经历了不断民族化的过程。 • Most Buddhist sculptures made in the early Northern Dynasties take on an exotic appearance, which features a high-bridged nose, deep eyes and a thinly-clad body. Those made in the middle and late period of Northern Dynasties, however, came to take on a gradually-domesticated style, which mostly features the scholar-like image who wears a loose gown with wide girdle. The imported building art of Buddhist statues, so to speak, has undergone a process of continuous domestication.
菩萨立像 A Standing Statue of Bodhisattva 北魏 (386~557年) Northern Wei (386-557) 高121厘米、宽45厘米、厚16厘米 Height 121cm, width 45 cm, thickness 16 cm 山西省左权县出土 Unearthed in Zuoquan County, Shanxi Province
四面造像石 A Four-side Sculptured Stone Block 北魏(386~557年) Northern Wei (386-557) 高61.5厘米、宽43.5厘米 Height 61.5 cm, width 43.5 cm 1959年山西省沁县南涅水出土 Unearthed at Nannieshui in Qinxian County, Shanxi Province in 1959
菩萨立像 A Standing Statue of Bodhisattva 东魏 (534~550年) Eastern Wei (534-550) 高100厘米、宽54厘米、厚27厘米 Height 100 cm, width 54 cm, thickness 27 cm 2001年山西省榆社县福祥寺出土 Unearthed at Fuxiang Temple in Yushe County, Shanxi Province in 2001
鎏金力士像 A Gilt Statue of Buddhist Hercules 北齐(550~577年) Northern Qi (550-577) 高11.8厘米、宽3.5厘米、厚2.5厘米 Height 11.8 cm, width 3.5 cm, thickness 2.5 cm 1986年寿阳县出土 Unearthed in Shouyang County in 1986
菩萨头像 A Bust of Bodhisattva 北齐(550~577年) Northern Qi (550-577) 通高26厘米、宽21厘米、厚10.5厘米 Height 26 cm, width 21 cm, thickness 10.5 cm 1979年山西省昔阳县静阳村出土 Unearthed at Jingyang Village in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province in 1979
菩萨头像 A Bust of Bodhisattva 北齐(550~577年) Northern Qi (550-577) 长36厘米、宽25.5厘米、厚15厘米 Length 36 cm, width 25.5 cm, thickness 15 cm 1979年山西省昔阳县静阳村出土 Unearthed at Jingyang Village in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province in 1979
菩萨头像 A Head Sculpture of Bodhisattva 北齐(550~577年) Northern Qi (550-577) 高35厘米,宽27厘米,厚24厘米 Height 35 cm, width 27 cm, thickness 24 cm 1954年山西省太原市花塔寺出土 Unearthed at Huata Temple in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province in 1954
第二单元隋唐气度(581-960)隋—五代 Part II Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-960) From Sui Dynasty to Five Dynasties • 唐朝的强盛,是今人无法忘怀的梦幻。从盛唐佛教造像中,我们依稀看到气度恢宏的大唐风貌,感悟海纳百川、开放进取的大唐精神。隋唐将汉代的简约抛于身后,汲取外来营养,融会贯通,完成了佛教雕塑艺术的民族化,并赋予丰腴健美、优雅自然的时代特色,成就了中国佛教艺术史上最辉煌的篇章。 • The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty has been always like an unforgettable dream to the modern world. Judging from the Buddhist statues made in the Tang Dynasty, we can vaguely tell how magnificent the Tang culture used to be and what an embracing and progressive the Tang spirit was like then. In place of the simple Han style, the Sui and Tang Dynasties combined the foreign nutrition with their own strengths and completed the domestication of Buddhist sculpture art. Bestowed with the distinctive features of that time, namely plumpness, fitness, gracefulness and naturalness, the sculptures made during the Sui and Tang Dynasties have made the most splendid chapters in the history of Chinese Buddhist art.
绿釉菩萨立像 Green-glazed Standing Statues of Bodhisattva 隋(581~618年) Sui Dynasty (581-618) 高69.5~70.5厘米 Height 69.5 cm to 70.5 cm 山西省介休市出土 Unearthed in Jiexiu City, Shanxi Province
菩萨三尊像 Three Statues of Bodhisattva 隋(581~618年) Sui Dynasty (581-618) 通高10.1厘米、宽5.5厘米 Full height 10.1 cm, width 5.5 cm 1986年山西省寿阳县出土 Unearthed in Shouyang County, Shanxi Province in 1986 程长洛造鎏金佛立像 A Gilt Standing Statue of Bodhisattva by Cheng Changluo 隋 开皇十三年(593年) The 13th Year of Kaihuang Period of the Sui Dynasty (593) 通高10.2厘米、宽3.5厘米 Full height 10.2 cm, width 3.5 cm 1986年山西省寿阳县出土 Unearthed in Shouyang County, Shanxi Province in 1986
张世兴造观音立像 A Standing Statue of Avalokiteshvaraby Zhang Shixing 隋 开皇元年(581年) The 1st Year of Kaihuang Period of the Sui Dynasty (581) 通高37厘米,底座宽10厘米 Full height 37 cm, width of the base 10 cm 山西省平陆县出土。 Unearthed in Pinglu County, Shanxi Province
释迦坐像 A Sitting Statue of Sakyamuni 唐 景龙四年(710年) The 4th Year of Jinglong Period of the Tang Dynasty (710) 通高93厘米、宽45厘米 Full height 93 cm, width 45 cm 1982年山西省芮城县风陵渡出土 Unearthed at Fenglingdu in Ruicheng County, Shanxi Province in 1982
佛头像 A Head Sculpture of Sakyamuni 唐(618—907年) Tang Dynasty (618-907) 高21厘米。 Height 21 cm 1959年山西省沁县南涅水出土。 Unearthed at Nannieshui in Qinxian County, Shanxi Province in 1959
佛坐像 A Sitting Statue of Sakyamuni 五代(907~960年) Five Dynasties (907-960) 高69.5厘米、宽41厘米、厚25厘米 Height 69.5 cm, width 41 cm., thickness 25 cm 1957年阳泉市征集 Collected in Yangquan City in 1957