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CS/COE0447 Computer Organization & Assembly Language. Chapter 2 Part 2. Topics. More types of instructions Translation into machine code How they work (execution) Understanding the technical documentation (green card) Immediate values Sign and Zero extension of immediates
CS/COE0447Computer Organization & Assembly Language Chapter 2 Part 2
Topics • More types of instructions • Translation into machine code • How they work (execution) • Understanding the technical documentation (green card) • Immediate values • Sign and Zero extension of immediates • Loading large immediate values into registers, which leads us to pseudo instructions (source versus basic in MARS) • Addressing: bytes, half-words, words, and alignment Ask any remaining questions from Lab 2 • Algorithms in assembly language: arrays, loops, if-statements (presented through example code). Ask remaining questions from Lab 3 • Assembly and execution of branch and jump instructions
Example: LUI, ANDI and ORI lui $t1, 0x7F40 # load 0x7F400000 into $t1 #lui is load upper immediate #upper: upper 2 bytes (4 hex digits; 16 bits) #immediate: part of the instruction addi $t2, $t1, 0x777 andi $t3, $t2, 0x5555 # bitwise and ori $t4,$t2,0x5555 # bitwise or Trace in lecture
Documentation [greencard]: LUI, ANDI, ORI lui I R[rt] = {imm,16’b0} f_hex andi I R[rt] = R[rs] & ZeroExtImm (3) c_hex ori I R[rt] = R[rs] | ZeroExtImm (3) d_hex (3) ZeroExtImm = {16{1’b0},immediate} In Verilog: In lecture: machine code understand the green card info above 16‘b1 // 16 bits, with binary value 1 1’b0 // 1 bit, which is 0 {a,b} // ab 3{a} // aaa {3{a},b} // aaab
Shift Instructions • Bit-wise logic operations • <op> <rdestination> <rsource> <shamt> • Examples • sll $t0, $s0, 4 # $t0 = $s0 << 4 • srl $s0, $t0, 2 # $s0 = $t0 >> 2 • These are the only shift instructions in the core instruction set • Green card is wrong for sll and srl; “rs” should be “rt”
Shift Instructions • Variations in the MIPS-32 instruction set: • Shift amount can be in a register (“shamt” field not used) • sllv, srlv, srav • Shift right arithmetic (SRA) keeps the sign of a number • sra $s0, $t0, 4 • Pseudo instructions: • Rotate right/left: ror, rol • The point: lots of possible variations in shift instructions. Whether they are in the core ISA depends on the assembly language. [MIPS, being RISC, has only a couple in the core]
Example of Shifts .text li $t0,0x77 li $t2,3 sll $t0,$t0,3 srl $t2,$t2,2 $t0 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 0111 $t2 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 So, $t0 becomes 0x000003b8 $t2 becomes 0x00000000 000 00
Puzzle: How we do we load a 32 bit immediate value into a register using core IS? • Suppose we want to load 0x76B52134 into $t0 • What instruction will do this? • lw? Nope: lw loads a value from memory, e.g., • lw $t0,4($t2) loads the word at M[4+$t2] into $t0 • lbu? Nope: lbu also loads a value from memory, e.g., • lbu $t0,4($t2) loads the byte at M[4+$t2] padded to left with 26 0s • lhu? Nope: lhu also loads a value from memory, e.g., • lhu $t0,4($t2) loads the 16 bits at M[4+$t2] padded to left with 16 0s • lui? Nope: • lui $t0,0x7F40 loads a 16-bit immediate value followed by 16 0s • That’s all the load instructions in the core instruction set!
Puzzle: How we do we load a 32 bit immediate value into a register? • Let’s try defining an instruction: • li $t0, 0x76B52134 • We need to choose an instruction format • R: op (6) rs (5) rt (5) rd (5) shmt (5) funct(6) • I: op(6), rs (5), rt (5), imm (16) • J: op(6), address (26) • MIPS: a key design decision is that all instructions are 32 bits. This is not true for many other ISAs • How will we fit a 32-bit immediate value into an instruction?
$at 0111011010110101 0000000000000000 $t0 0010000100110100 Puzzle: how will we fit a 32-bit immediate value into an instruction? • We can’t! Recall, we want: 0x76b52134 $t0 • li $t0,0x76b52134 is translated into 2 instructions [“li” is a pseudo instruction; not implemented in the hardware] • lui $at, 0x76b5 • ori $t0, $at, 0x2134 • There’s a tradeoff between simplicity of instructions and the number of instructions needed to do something • MIPS is RISC: reduced instruction set computer 0111011010110101
Loading 32-bit immediate value into registers • Recall, we want: 0x76b52134 $t0 Basic Source lui $1, 30389 li $t0, 0x76b52134 ori $8, $1, 8500 In Mars.jar, after you assemble the code
Loading addressesinto registers • .data places values in memory startingat 0x10010000. So, 32 bits are needed to specify memory addresses. • 1 instruction isimpossible: the address would take up the entire instruction! • Use another pseudo instruction called la Basic Source lui $1, 4097 la $t0, 0x10010008 ori $8, $1, 8 In Mars.jar, after you assemble the code
Quick Exercise • From A-57 (in the appendix): load immediate li rdest, imm e.g., li $t0,0xffffffff “Move the immediate imminto register rdest” • What type of instruction is this? E.g., is this an R-format instruction? Perhaps an I-format one? … Please explain.
Quick Exercise Answer • “li” is a pseudo instruction. The instruction is translated by the assembler into two instructions in the actual machine code that is executed by the computer. • We saw an example on slide 11
Addresses Specify Byte Locations Half Words 32-bit Words Bytes Addr. 0000 0000 • Addresses are aligned: addresses are multiples of X, where X is the number of bytes. [practice in next lab] • word (4 bytes) addresses are multiples of 4; half-word (2 bytes) addresses are multiples of 2 • In lecture: what this looks like in Mars. Addr = ?? 0001 0002 0000 0002 0003 0004 0004 Addr = ?? 0005 0006 0004 0006 0007 0008 0008 Addr = ?? 0009 000A 000A 0008 000B 000C 000C Addr = ?? 000D 000E 000C 000E 000F
Memory Transfer Instructions • Review: To load/store a word from/to memory: • LOAD: move data from memory to register • lw $t3, 4($t2) # $t3 M[$t2 + 4] • STORE: move data from register to memory • sw $t4, 16($t1) # M[$t1 + 16] $t4 • Support for other data types than 32-bit word is needed • 16-bit half-word • “short” type in C • 16-bit processing is common in signal processing • lhu and sh in MIPS • 8-bit byte • “char” type in C • 8-bit processing is common in controller applications • lbu and sb
Byte Ordering • How should bytes within multi-byte words be ordered in memory? • Conventions .data .word 3 (0x00000003; 03 is the least significant byte) • “Big Endian” machines • Least significant byte has highest address • 03 would be in 10010003 • “Little Endian” machines • Least significant byte has lowest address • 03 would be in 10010000 • MIPS can be either; MARS is little-endian
.data b2: .byte 2,3 b3: .byte 4 .align 2 b4: .word 5,6,7 .text la $t0,b2 lbu $t2,0($t0) # $t2 = 0x00000002 lbu $t2,1($t0) # $t2 = 0x00000003 lbu $t2,2($t0) # $t2 = 0x00000004 lbu $t2,3($t0) # $t2 = 0x00000000 (nothing was stored here) lbu $t2,4($t0) # $t2 = 0x00000005
void swap(int v[], int k) { int temp; temp = v[k]; v[k] = v[k+1]; v[k+1] = temp; } Procedure Example $a0: pointer to array $a1: k swap: sll $t0, $a1, 2 add $t1, $a0, $t0 lw $t3, 0($t1) lw $t4, 4($t1) sw $t4, 0($t1) sw $t3, 4($t1) jr $ra
Control • In any typical computer (Von Neumannarchitecture) you have 2 options for control • Proceed to the next instruction, or • Go to another instruction • beq $t0,$zero,label1 • # if $t0 == zero, then goto label1 • Why? The next instruction executed is the one whose address is in the program counter (PC). The PC can be • Incremented to point to the next instruction, or • Updated to include the address of another instruction
Implementing a for-loop for (i = 0; i < n; i++) <body> <next instruction> Same as: i = 0; loop: if (i < n) { <body>; i = i + 1; goto loop; } <next instruction> Let’s focus on “if i < n:” …
Implementing a for-loop loop: if (i < n) { <body>; i = i + 1; goto loop; } <next instruction> How is “if i < n” implemented in assembly language/ machine code? Do we test i < n?
Implementing a for-loop • loop: if (i < n) { • <body>; • i = i + 1; • goto loop; } • <next instruction> • How is “if i < n” implemented in assembly language/ • machine code? Do we test i < n? • Nope.if i < n becomes: • If i >= n: go to <next instruction> • Similar for while loops, if-statements, and so on. • High-level languages specify conditions fordoing • something. Machine code specifies the opposite: • conditions for not doing something, by going • somewhere else
Suppose: $s0 is i $s1 is h $s3 is j YES NO if (i == h) h =i+j; (i == h)? bne $s0, $s1, LABEL add $s1, $s0, $s3 LABEL: … h=i+j; LABEL: If Statement Example
YES NO (i == h)? f=g+h; f=g–h EXIT If Then Else Example i ~ $s4; h ~ $s5; f ~ $s3; g ~ $s2 if (i == h) f=g+h; else f=g–h; bne $s4, $s5, ELSE add $s3, $s2, $s5 j EXIT ELSE: sub $s3, $s2, $s5 EXIT: …
# sum = 0 # for (i = 0; i < n; i++) # sum += i addi $s0,$zero,0 # $s0 sum = 0 addi $s1,$zero,5 # $s1 n = 5; arbitrary value addi $t0,$zero,0 # $t0 i = 0 loop: slt $t1,$t0,$s1 # i < n? beq $t1,$zero,exitloop # if not, exit add $s0,$s0,$t0 # sum += i addi $t0,$t0,1 # i++ j loop exitloop: add $v0,$zero,$s0 # $v0 has the sum
Same as previous version, but uses bge pseudo instruction rather than the slt + beq instructions # sum = 0 # for (i = 0; i < n; i++) # sum += i addi $s0,$zero,0 # $s0 sum = 0 addi $s1,$zero,5 # $s1 n = 5; a random value addi $t0,$zero,0 # $t0 i = 0 loop: bge $t0,$s1,exitloop # i < n?PSEUDO INSTRUCTION! # if $t0 >= $s1, jump to exitloop add $s0,$s0,$t0 # sum += i addi $t0,$t0,1 # i++ j loop exitloop: add $v0,$zero,$s0 # $v0 has the sum
Instruction Format for Branches • Address in the instruction is not a 32-bit number – it’s only 16 bits • The 16-bit immediate value is in signed, 2’s complement form • Addressing in branch instructions: • The 16-bit number in the instruction specifies the number of instructions away • Next address = PC + 4 + sign_extend(16-bit immediate << 2) (in actual MIPS processor) • Next address = PC + sign_extend(16-bit immediate << 2) (in MARS; “delayed branching is not implemented”. You can stick to this on the exams.) • Why <<2? Specifying number of words, not bytes I format op rs rt 16-bit immediate
0x00400024 0x00400028 0x0040002c 0x00400030 bne $t0,$s5,exitloop addi $s3,$s3,1 j loop exitloop: add $s6,$s3,$zero BNE machine code in binary: 000101 01000 10101 0000000000000011 BNE machine code in hex: 15150003 When BNE instruction is executed: Next address = PC + sign_extend(16-bit immediate << 2) Next address = 00400024 + 0000000c = 00400030 address of the exitloop instruction
Instruction Format for Jumps • The address of next instruction is obtained by concatenating with PC PC = {PC[31:28],IMM[25:0],00} Jump op 26-bit immediate
0x00400018 bne $s4, $s5, ELSE 0x0040001c add $s3, $s2, $s5 0x00400020 j EXIT ELSE: 0x00400024 sub $s3, $s2, $s5 0x00400028 addi $s5, $s5, 1 0x0040002c EXIT: addi $s4,$s4,1 j instruction machine code: 0x0810000b. Look at execution: • PC = {PC[31:28],IMM[25:0],00} • PC[31:28] = 0000 • IMM = 00 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 1011 • {0000, IMM, 00} = • 0000 00 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 1011 00 BIN • 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 c HEX • The address EXIT stands for!