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ITEC228 DEVELOPING AWARENESS FOR WORKING LIFE LESSON 4 JOB INTERVIEW. BY: H ÜSEYİN GÜRSEV SPRING 2010. JOB INTERVIEW. An interview is a conversation between two or more people, where questions are asked by the Interviewer to obtain information from the Interviewee .
JOB INTERVIEW An interview is a conversation between two or more people, where questions are asked by the Interviewer to obtain information from the Interviewee. Job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization, or firm. Job interview is considered to be one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees by firms. Job interview demands significant resources from the employer, yet has been demonstrated to be notoriously unreliable in identifying the optimal person for the job.
JOB INTERVIEW Multiple rounds of job interviews may be used when: (i.e. Initial Interview, First Interview , Second Interview ) There are many candidates Job is particularly challenging or desirable. Earlier interview rounds may involve fewer staff from the employers and will typically be much shorter and less in-depth. A common initial interview form is the Telephone interview. Once all candidates have been interviewed, the employer typically selects the most suitable candidate (s) and begins the negotiation of a job offer.
JOB INTERVIEW PREPERATION FOR INTERVIEW A common reason employers give for not hiring an applicant isthe inability of the applicant to fully explain the contents of hisor her CV. It is therefore important to prepare yourself for interview and be able to discuss in detail every item listed on your CV, and if possible give examples when appropriate. It is also wise to research the company before the interview. It is normal to be nervous at interview. To avoid being nervous, the applicant should practice answering difficult questions before going to interview.
JOB INTERVIEW PREPERATION FOR INTERVIEW (Continued) The most important factor in ensuring a good interview is to prepare well beforehand. You will usually have at least two days notice of an impending interview, so make good use of the time to prepare yourself for interview. 1.MAKE SURE THE BASICS.- Where will the interview take place? - How will you get to the interview? - How long will the journey take? 2. MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARRIVE ON TIME - Do not arrive 15 minutes late and say “I went to the wrong department”
JOB INTERVIEW PREPERATION FOR INTERVIEW (Continued) 3. THINK ABOUT YOURSELF and THE INTERVIEW - How much do you know about the company conducting the interview? It can be a good idea to do some research on the company beforehand, to get an idea of what it does, what it believes in and even who the company works with and who are the rivals. Demonstrating to the interviewer that you have “Done your homework” will gain you points. The interviewer will want to make the interview as productive as possible, and if the interviewer can save time on “The Company speech” so much the better.
JOB INTERVIEW THINK ABOUT YOURSELF and THE INTERVIEW (Continued) What do you know about the job you have applied for? Or more importantly – What can you find out about the job? Study the Job Description carefully, and be able to talk about the skills you have that are listed in that job description, as well as other skills that may apply to the position. Be able to discuss where or how you acquired these skills, and how you might best put them to use for the company, Can you outline your life and career in a clear and logical way? Can you provide examples of success and achievements in previous jobs and demonstrate a positive attitude to your previous employers? .
JOB INTERVIEW PREPERATION FOR INTERVIEW (Continued) 4. PREPARE YOUR ANSWERS FOR LIKELY QUESTIONS “Imagine that you are the Interviewer. What questions would you ask?” Write down all the questions you can think of and then consider the answers. Some questions might be more difficult to handle than others! (See Common Interview Questions) Remember, the Interviewer will be interested to see how you handle difficult questions, and may phrase his/her questions accordingly. Be positive. This may mean admitting to mistakes as well as claiming successes.
JOB INTERVIEW PREPERATION FOR INTERVIEW (Continued) 5. CONSIDER WHAT YOU WANT TO GAIN FROM INTERVIEW Are there things that you want to find out about the job? What information do you want to get from interview? Making a list of questions to clarify your concerns may prove useful Some of the these points will probably be answered during the course of the interview. You will normally have an opportunity to ask any outstanding or further questions at the end of the interview. Remember, asking “Intelligent and Considered Questions” is one of the surest ways of making a good impression.
JOB INTERVIEW ADDITIONS TO INTERVIEW PREPERATION The evening before the interview, re-read your Job Application form or Cover letter relating to the interview. Take your Interview campaign notes with you to the interview and make sure you are familiar with them. - When asked about Achievements you can referrer to your notes – it will make you more succinct and professional sounding. Refer only to those Additional Achievements (additional to those in your CV) that you think are specific to the job. Feel confident (even if you are not) the interview is not a natural situation and it’s OK to feel nervous. Remember that people who smile easily and naturally never seem to be nervous.
JOB INTERVIEW WHAT TO WEAR FOR A JOB INTERVIEW What to wear for a job interview has to be researched as part of the interview preparation. General tips on what to wear for a job interview for both man and women: Dressconservatively. Conservative dressing is best for the interview regardless of the dress code at the organization. Well-groomed hair style. Clean, trimmed finger nails. Minimal cologne or perfume. No visible body piercing. Wear one ring and limited jewelers.
JOB INTERVIEW WHAT WOMEN SHOULD WEAR FOR A JOB INTERVIEW Avoid over dressing. Shoes should have conservative heels. Use a briefcase rather than a purse. Conservative nail polish. Minimal use of make up. Limit jewelers ( i.e. one wedding ring and one set of earrings etc) WHAT MEN SHOULD WEAR FOR A JOB INTERVIEW Conservative suit - two piece suit & tie, conservative & solid color. Long sleeve shirt. Wear a conservative tie / Avoid bow ties. Dark shoes & dark socks. (Managers with military background can determine a lot by looking at your shoes.) Avoid beards & mustaches. (if you cannot help the moustache, make sure it is well trimmed). Get a hair cut. A short and conservative style is best. Do not wear any earrings.
JOB INTERVIEW INTEVIEW PROCESS a) THE THREE STEPS OF INTERVIEW PROCESS Establish Rapport (Opening of interview) Gather Information (Body of interview) Close The Interview Each step has its own protocol and requirements and different focus and emphasis. Successful completion of each step is critical if you are to go on to the next step in the process, i.e. second interview or the actual job offer.
JOB INTERVIEW a) THE THREE STEPS OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 1. ESTABLISH RAPPORT (OPENING OF INTERVIEW) The establishing rapport step is where the vital first impressions are formed. You will set the tone for the interview through your physical appearance and initial responses. Personal appearance speaks volumes before you ever utter a word! Finding out the firm’s policies on dress and appearance before interview can lead to smart and conventional dressing. “ If the second secret of success is to arrive on time, then the third is to dress suitable”.
JOB INTERVIEW a) THE THREE STEPS OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 1. ESTABLISH RAPPORT - Continued Applicants are also analyezed in reference to the company ‘s culture by considering the following issues. - Does this person fit in the organization? - Would this person represent our company well? - Would other managers believe I made a good selection in recommending this person? Moreover, applicants will be assessed by their approach to the initial conversation: - How they perceived in the eyes of the interviewer. - How the words are said rather than what words are said Applicants verbal articulation and vocabulary during the conversation will be noted, especially any variance, positive or negative, from the standard.
JOB INTERVIEW a)THE THREE STEPS OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 1. ESTABLISH RAPPORT - Continued The words will flow smoothly if the applicant searched did his/ her interview homework and have fully researched the company. The applicants confidence , attitude and passion, will play a great role in establishing the tone for the interview and make the personal connection with the interviewer (s).
JOB INTERVIEW a) THE THREE STEPS OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 2. GATHER INFORMATION STEP Interviewer(s) ask questions and match applicant’s answers against their Critical Success Factors (CSF) during this step. - Some of the questions will be Close-ended Questıons such as : What was your GPA? - Some of the questions will be Open-ended Behavioral Qquestions, such as :Can you give me an example of a time when you had to make an unpopular decision? Honesty and sincerity in answering questions should be evident. Interviewers are keenly aware of when interviewees are being less than honest or making things up. How? Through threat of Rreference check questions. e.g. That is an interesting story!!! Is Jane Jones one of your references?
JOB INTERVIEW a) THE THREE STEPS OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 2. GATHER INFORMATION STEP - Contınued The interview questions will usually be probing questions which drill deep into your background, attempting to get past the interview veneer. Interviewee will be judged on : - Attitude(Is s/he always this pleasant or is there someone evil lurking beneath the surface?), - Work ethic (Will s/he really work hard or is s/he just looking for a cushy job?), - Intelligence (Does s/he really understand the industry concepts ?), - Honesty (Is s/he really this good or is just acting?).
JOB INTERVIEW a) THE THREE STEPS OF INTEVIEW PROCESS 3. CLOSE THE INTERVIEW In the Close step, the interviewer will set the hook for the next step. If you have succeeded to this point, there will usually be an indication of future steps and the conversation will center around the interviewer will be giving you further company information ,which is reserved for only the selected few. If you have failed to this point, the conversation will center on the neutral subject that provides for a clean disengagement Such as the weather or football match etc. No matter what your view of the interview to this point, it is important to personally close the interview by establishing continuity of the process. Understand what the next step will be at the end of ıntervıew..
JOB INTERVIEW THE INTERVIEW PROCESS b) WHEN YOU GO INTO INTERVIEW ROOM While you are waiting to go into the interview, try to find out the name of the interviewer (If you do not know) from the receptionist. Be Positive when you go into the interview room. Smile, say good morning/afternoon and if possible, use the formal name of the interviewer- (e.g. M., Mrs, Miss x) - Good Morning Mr. White The first few minutes are crucial. Studies have shown that interviewers form their overall impression of applicants within the first five minutes of the interview.
JOB INTERVIEW Be sure to keep in mind the following basic things when you go into interview room Remember - First impression is very important ! Stand tall. Make eye contact. Shake hands firmly. Be polite; use the formal address of Mr., Mrs., unless invited to do otherwise. Wait for invitation; do not sit until invited to do so. Sit straight and tall Be attentive and enthusiastic All of these things indicate that you want to be there and that you are calm, confident and professional.
JOB INTERVIEW What to expect when you go into interview room When you first arrive, the interviewer will likely try to put you at ease with some initial conversation. Remember : A conversation is more than just an exchange of words. A dialogue of non-verbal signals (i.e. Body Language) is taking place at the same time and you should be sensitive to this dialogue of movement, gesture and eye contact. This Initial conversation may include discussion of your journey to the interview or current events, or questions about hobbies and interests. Be as close as possible to your normal self. (Don’t be afraid of humor , but don’t overdo it and listen carefully to what the other person is saying.) Be warm and conversational, but don’t ramble Respond appropriately
JOB INTERVIEW C)DURING THE INTERVIEW The body of the interview will likely begin with the interviewer giving a detailed description of the job that you are applied for. This is an opportunity for you to ask intelligent questions and demonstrate what you know about the position and the company. The main portion of the interview is all about you, where you will be asked to answer questions about : - Yourself - Applicable studies and training - Your Skills - Past work experience, etc.
JOB INTERVIEW C) DURING THE INTERVIEW (continued) - Make eye contact, - Keep your answers brief but thorough, and focus on the positive. - Be enthusiastic and use good grammar; - Avoid too many “um”s, “eee”s, ııı“s and other such fillers. - Don’t fidget or exhibit other distracting nervous mannerisms, - Don’t offer any negative information about yourself or criticize previous employers. In the ideal interview, the Interviewee should talk 60% of the time and Interviewer 40%. However in practice, the interviewer often talks too much and the balance swings to 30 / 70% or even more. It is up to you to pull the balance to your favor. Remember that the interviewer has only your past history and the way in which you put it across to go on. This is your chance to make a great impression in person and get the job you want.
JOB INTERVIEW C) DURING THE INTERVIEW (Continued) TYPES OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ASKED There are basically eight types of questions you may face during the course of an interview: 1. Credential Verification Questions The purpose is to place objective measurements on features of your background. e,g, What was your GPA? How long were you at EMU? 2. Experience Verification Questions The purpose is to subjectively evaluate features of your background. e.g. What did you learn in that course? What were your responsibilities in that position?
JOB INTERVIEW TYPES OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ASKED (Continued)3. Opinion Questions The purpose is to subjectively analyze how you would respond in a series of scenarios. E.g. What would you do in this situation? What are your strengths and weaknesses?. 4. Dumb Questions The purpose is to get past your pre-programmed interview answers to find out if you are capable of an original thought. e.g. What kind of animal would you like to be? What color best describes you? There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer to this type of questions, since it is used primarily to test your ability to think on your feet. 5. Math Questions The purpose is to evaluate not only your mental math calculation skills, but also your creative ability in formulating the mathematical formula for providing an answer or estimate. e.g. What is 1000 divided by 73?
JOB INTERVIEW TYPES OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 6. Case Questions This type of question includes problem-solving questions Its purpose is to evaluate problem-solving abilities and how you would analyze and work through potential case situations. e.g. "How many gas stations are there in Europe?“ "What is your estimate of the global online retail market for books?“ 7. Behavioral Questions The purpose is to anticipate future behaviors based upon past behaviors. e.g. Can you give me a specific example of how you achieved it? What were the steps you followed to accomplish that task? 8. Competency Questions The purpose is to align past behaviors with specific competencies which are required for the current position. e.g. "Can you give me a specific example of your leadership skills?“ “ Explain a way in which you sought a creative solution to a problem."
JOB INTERVIEW TYPES OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ASKED (Continued) In addition to the 8 Types of Questions, it is also worth mentioning the Technical Questions as a specific question type! Technical Questions are a different type of Knowledge- based job Interview questions, and they relate to the technical issues of the position. An additional interviewer accompanies the main interviewer to ask technical questions in a Panel Interview. The technical interviewer gives his expert evaluation to the panel members. The first four question types (Credential Verification,Experience Verification Opinion Questions and Dumb Questions) are still the favored approach by most untrained interviewers, simply due to lack of experience. Behavioral and Competency interviewing questions is gaining greater acceptance by trained interviewers, because past performance is the most reliable indicator of future results, especially when it is tied to the specific competencies for the position.
JOB INTERVIEW d) INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Your Job Interview preparation and Job Description the can give you a lot of insights on what the employer expects of you and how to answer Interview Questions. An interview is a test. Each Interview Question is going to test you on a particular area. The key to pass this test is to practice. To improve on the delivery of the answer to the predictable interview question, try to use a video camera or a tape recorder which will enable you to observe yourself and identify the possible areas of improvement. This is also a good opportunity to observe and improve your own Interview Body language.
JOB INTERVIEW COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS The Interview questions below are only a guide. You will also be asked specific questions related to the industry and the particular job area you are applying for. COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS How long have you been looking for a job? What do you know about this Company? What interests you about this Company? What are you looking for in a new job? What would be your ideal job? What sort of job are you considering at the moment? What have you got to contribute to our company? What can we offer you that your present employer cannot offer?
JOB INTERVIEW COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (Continued) How successful are you? What was your greatest success and how did you achieve it? What has been your biggest failure? How could you improve yourself? How did you progress in your last job? How do you handle criticism? How do you work with others? Are you a self-starter, able to work without constant supervision? What do you not like about the job? Are you objective in evaluating yourself and others? What motivates you? Are you competitive? What problems did you encounter and how did you overcome them? Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities? Are you enthusiastic and easy to work with? Can you work under pressure?
JOB INTERVIEW COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (Continued) Can you manage your time effectively? How do you plan your day and week? How did you handle sudden unplanned work or crisis? Can you handle constructive criticism in a productive manner? What are you like under pressure? What are your career goals? How do you deal with different people at work? How did you get on with your last manager/colleagues? How do you express yourself in situations where you have to be tactful? What initiatives do you take to make the work place more efficient? How do you handle work in high pressure situations?
JOB INTERVIEW GENERAL POINTS TO THINK BEFORE ANSWERING A QUESTION Think about the job and the employer's needs first. Employer's needs come before your own. Emphasize how you will help to achieve the company's goals. Describe your accomplishments in quantifiable words. Explain how your skills and attributes will benefit the organization. Be specific and to the point. Explain why you approached to projects in a certain ways. Explain how the skills you bring will benefit the organization. Don't downplay your accomplishments or attribute them to luck. Be specific in your answers. Avoid rambling or going off on a tangent. Ask for clarification if you are unsure of the question. Identify Weakness in your CV and be prepared to discuss them. Possible weaknesses in your CV can be: Low CGPA, Lack of related experience, Short employment periods, Lack of management experiences.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1 a) Tell me about yourself b) What can you tell me about you? Comments- This is deceptive easy question. The difficulty is in the organization of your thoughts, giving a clear summary of your education and experiences to-date and highlighting the ‘achievements / success’ you feel are relevant to the job in question.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 2. What are the reasons that you want to work for us?‘ Comment: If you are not prepared for this question ' it could be devastating. This is why it is imperative that you be prepared for this. How? By researching in the firm’s past, present, andf its plans for future.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 3 a) Why do you want this particular job? b) What do you want to know about us? c) What attracts you to this particular company? Comments: You are being invited here to show that you have done your homework and know a little about the job your applying for and the company you are hoping to work for. The trick is to link this with any of your own particular interests, skills or previous achievements.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 4 a) What kind of work would you really like to do? b) What work recently carried out (or Academic achievements) has given you most satisfaction”? c) What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time? Comments:- Do not led totally away from the job you are applying for now! By all means show that you have ambition and that you plan to stay in work with the company) for some time and develop your career, but do not sound as though the current job is of no interest or only going to be of interest to you for a very short time.
ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 5 a) What have you got more than the other candidates? b) What are your best / worst qualities or strengths / weaknesses? c) What particular experience / qualifications do you think you can bring to this job”? d) What has been your greatest achievement? e) What is the most challenging situation / experience you have ever had”? f) How would you describe your relationships with other people”? Comments: These questions are all offering you an opportunity to talk about your strengths, skills and most positive areas. You can’t know what other candidates offer, so just concentrate on your own strengths. Don’t be tempted to list your weaker areas – if you have to say anything negative about yourself, choose something which you know this particular job doesn’t demand (ie. If you’re applying for a job in retail, “I’ve never mastered typing”
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 6 a) Tell me about your Weakness b) Do you have any Weaknesses? Comments : When asked about weakness, you need to project it as a positive trait. This is not a confessional time, so do not be candid. Do not say you do not have any weaknesses , as you will be taken as conceited and unrealistic. Do not say 'I loose my temper often‘ Rather say You are short tempered. In such a positive way like:- ‘I totally get upset with sub-standard work or undue delays, and I used to be vocal about it. Now, I am focusing onto correcting the worker or process instead of getting upset with it.'
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 7. What do you feel about this interview? Comments:This is the trickiest question of all, when the interviewer will actually evaluate your assessment prowess, your reactions and your attitude. Answer truthfully ' if you found the interview difficult or comfortable. However, be ready to back it up with reasons if asked, 'why'. You can also use this question to sum up your expectations and hopes that you could be part of the company organization.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 8. Why should we hire (employ) you? Comment: This particular question , in whatever form it's asked, really scares a lot of job applicants. It's phrased as a very negative- sounding question. It's intended to be a tough, direct, interview question. Only very good, clear and comprehensive, answer will do the job. This question can soon separate the good applicants from all the others.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 9.What makes you the right person for the job? ‘ Comment: A good answer to his question could be: I have five years experience doing all the work involved in this position. I'm qualified to the required level, and have a very good knowledge base. The quality of my work is described as above performance standards by my current employers. I have additional skills which add a range of related possible applications in the workplace.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS How do you deal with criticism? Comment: A good answer may be : Criticism is necessary, in any job. Someone has to set standards, and make sure those standards are met. I consider criticism as part of the natural requirements of the job, and when criticized, I respond positively. I make sure I understand it. If I get criticized by a manager or supervisor, I make a point of asking questions, if necessary, to be sure I know what's required of me.
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS How long do you see yourself working for this company? Comment : A good answer may be:- 'I can see a long tenure with this company. I know there are a range of opportunities across the spectrum of my profession with this firm. I've heard good things about your training and study support programs, which is perfect for my own studies. If I can achieve promotion, and get the broad experience I need to progress in the industry, I'll be here for a long time'
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 12. What salary do you expect? Comment: This is a question that you want to hear but never want to answer most of the times because you will be scared you may undersell yourself; and your fears are well founded. This question will often be followed by another question‘What was your last salary'. When asked be truthful as much as possible/. Many employers who ask about the last salary taken, offer about 10-20% above your last salary even if their company generally pays more for the job.
ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Ways to beat the Salary Question problem: a) Be open:You may say that you were expecting x amount. Be careful , the interviewer will definitely want to find out why you stated that amount and you should be ready to explain it with confidence. b) Be prepared for a lower offer: Whatever you say, unless you are dealing with a highly established company, where positions and pays are fixed, you will be offered a slightly lower offer that you name. Sometimes, it is worthy to gain entry into a good company even if the beginning pay is lower than expected, provided the growth prospects are good and the brand of the company looks good on your CV. NOTE: Remember that you are Graduates without much experience . Thus you have no bargaining power for salary numeration. A reasonable answer could be: Salary is not my first consideration. Right now\, I am after making a start in my career in a reputable company !!!
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 13 a) Do you have any questions? b) Is there anything you would like to add? Comments: These type of gustions are closing of interview questions. It is your last chance to clarify anything or add information. - Try to ask some questions - Be brief and to the point. It might be useful to have a list of possible questions in mind for this final stage of interview. By asking plenty of questions, you can take the opportunity to show your awareness of the current industry situation and that you are I interested in a long career. Do not ask any irrelevant questions !!!
JOB INTERVIEW ANSWERING TIPS FOR COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS The questions at the end of the interview you could ask questions depends on your situation, and the position you are applying for. Below are some common follow up questions: Folliow Up Questions you may ask: Do you have any reservations about my ability to do the Job? How many more people do you have to see? On what basis will you make your final decision? Can you tell me more about the structure of the organization? What are the skills that you consider important for this job? Do you reimburse travel expenses? Do you have a complete job description for this post? What kind of software do you use? How will my performance be measured? Do you have an induction course/notebook?
JOB INTERVIEW e) AT THE END OF INTERVIEW (Finishing Interview) The best ways to finish an interview has a few basic ingredients: 1. Summing up: The most important aspect of the exit line of the candidate is summing up. When you sum up, you highlight what you want the interviewer to remember about you after you have gone. List a few of your best traits and how these would really add value to the job at hand. 2. Show interest: The best time to really show how interested you are to join the company is the time at the end of the interview. However remember not to go over board about it or it will backfire on you.
JOB INTERVIEW AT THE END OF INTERVIEW 3. Ask follow-up questions: The questions should aim at finding out information about when best to follow-up for the results, whom to get in touch with, or where to check for the decision/ status of the interview. Be sure you know the next step in the interview. 4. Offer Reference: Ask whether the interviewer(s) would like to have any additional information from you, such as references on the past jobs. 5· Thanks the interviewer(s): The best way to finish an interview is still the polite way of taking their leave by shaking hands (if appropriate as custom) and thanking them for the opportunity and time given to you.