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Zygintas Dovydenas

Zygintas Dovydenas. Responsible Management ESC Rennes School of Business. Assignment 1: Symbol of CSR / Sustainability.

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Zygintas Dovydenas

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  1. Zygintas Dovydenas Responsible Management ESC Rennes School of Business

  2. Assignment 1: Symbol of CSR / Sustainability The symbol expresses perfectly the idea of sustainability. The stump represents trees which are being cut. Out of the stump stems a sprout, which represents new life instead of the old one. In the back we see a circle which symbolisesthe shining Earth – a common symbol of sustainability. The idea of this symbol is that people should think of the future – if trees are being cut, then new ones must be planted so that future generations wouldn‘t feel lack of any substance or material we use nowadays. The symbol of New Society Publishers, socially responsible and carbon neutral North American publishing company.

  3. Assignment 2: Video / Film on CSR / Sustainability An interview with Michael Hastings. He is KPMG’s Global Head of Citizenship and Diversity. He was previously the BBC’s first Head of Corporate Social Responsibility having been the BBC’s Head of Public Affairs. He is also very closely connected to CSR and sustainability via several other organisations. He simply represents a real and inspiring idea of CSR, which is known to be certainly backed not only by his beliefs, but also by his life experience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNKn93VViUc

  4. Assignment 3: Identifying CSR / Sustainability Heroes (1) DaliaStreimikiene She is a senior research associate at Lithuanian Energy Institute.The main areas of research are energy and environmental economics and policy, development of economic tools for environmental regulation in energy sector seeking to promote use of renewable energy resources. The author of more than 50 scientific publications in foreign and Lithuanian scientific journals.

  5. Assignment 3: Identifying CSR / Sustainability Heroes (2) DaliaStreimikiene Possibly the most important publications, mentioned in the CV of Dalia Streimikiene of the year 2010

  6. Assignment 3: Identifying CSR / Sustainability Heroes (3) DaliaStreimikiene Getting to minds of lithuanian polititians is very difficult. Even though there are this many scientific articles written by this author (and even more by other authors) on the topic of energy sustainability and use of renewable egergy sources, Lithuania, after closing its former energy source Ignalina NPP and having an opportunity to turn to renewable energy, still goes for nuclear power. The efforts made by this scientist encourage to research this field even further and look for more influential methods to reach public and polititians, who make the most important decisions.

  7. Assignment 4: Identifying CSR / Sustainability NGO and NPO Heroes (1) Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania The NGO has also members in Latvia, Estonia, Germany and Russia. The Group is responsible for sustainability issues. It works in a broad range of environmental fields, covering such topics as nature conservation, chemicals, urban environment, waste and waste management.

  8. Assignment 4: Identifying CSR / Sustainability NGO and NPO Heroes (2) Themost prominent activities: • Consumers Information on More Health-Friendly Choice of Daily Goods • Securing Sustainable Farming to Ensure Conservation of Globally Threatened Bird Species • Measures to Improve Water Quality • Baltic Info Campaign on Hazardous Substances • Other: http://www.bef.lt/en/projektai.php Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania

  9. Assignment 4: Identifying CSR / Sustainability NGO and NPO Heroes (3) Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania The NGO was chosen as a hero, because of its clear sustainability activities, broad range of completed and ongoing projects in the sphere and promising goals for the future.

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