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CommonLine Loan Processing

CommonLine Loan Processing. Loan processing. Overview The CommonLine process Banner processing Electronic Funds Transfer processing. CommonLine process. Institution transmits loan application to CompuServe mailbox of service provider Via third party software

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CommonLine Loan Processing

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  1. CommonLineLoan Processing

  2. Loan processing • Overview • The CommonLine process • Banner processing • Electronic Funds Transfer processing

  3. CommonLine process • Institution transmits loan application to CompuServe mailbox of service provider • Via third party software • Guarantors, lenders pick up the mail • Process loan data • Send response information to the Institution’s CompuServe mailbox • Institution processes the response data

  4. CommonLine process (cont) • Institution processes any change information • Guarantors, lenders pick up change records • Institution picks up change responses from the CompuServe mailbox • Disbursing agents send disbursing information to the institution

  5. Banner Processing

  6. Banner CommonLine Set up • ROAINST - Institutional Options Form • RFRBASE - Fund Base Data Form • RFRMGMT - Fund Management Form • RTVCINT - Certification Initials form • RTVLNST - Loan Status Validation Form • RPAIDEN - Non-Person Identification Form • RPRLNDA - Lender, Disbursing Agents Rules Form • RPRLPRD - Loan Period Rules Form • RPRCLSS - Class Code Translation Rules Form • RPRLOPT - Loan Options Form

  7. Banner CommonLine Set up Con’t • ROAINST - Loan Process Type (E) • RFRBASE - Fund Type (Loan), Federal Fund ID (STFD,PLUS) • RFRMGMT - Loan Process , Loan Fee Percent, Disburse (None) • RTVCINT - Certification Initials • RTVLNST - Inactive, Hold • RPAIDEN - Creation of Lenders and Guarantors • RPRLNDA - Lender Base Data Form(Linking Lenders to Disbursing Agents) • RPRLPRD - Creation of Loan Periods (Fall/Spring) • RPRCLSS - Converting Student Level and Class to Financial Aid Class Code (1 - Freshman, 3 - Sophomore)

  8. Packaging loans • Loan options (RPRLOPT): • Create loan application when loan is accepted, N • Satisfy loan application requirement, N • Create award for loan within packaging, N • Default return ID • Default lender ID • Default guarantor ID

  9. Packaging loans (cont) • Memo Actual Amount • Authorize Loans • Loan option - returned check detail codes • Student charge/payment • Return payment • Return refund

  10. Creating loan applications • RPRELAP - Electronic Loan Application process • Parameters • Aid year • Fund code (multiple) • Default process type - GP, GO, PO, RP, CR, PG • Population selection

  11. Creating loan applications • RPRELAP - Parameters • Permanent address Default • Local Address Default • Loan Status Default • EL Application Status Default • ETF Authorization Default

  12. Creating loan applications • RPRELAP - Parameters • Lock Indicator Default • References Default • Deferment Request Default • Capitalize Interest Default • Default Lender ID • Default Guarantor ID • Default Return ID • Default Loan Period

  13. Creating electronic application • RPRELAP - Parameter 03 • GP - Service provider prints a prom note and mails it to the borrower • PG - Print and Guarantee • GO - Prom note signed by the borrower and institution obtains the guarantee • PO - Service provider mails prom note before the loan eligibility data is certified • RP - Service provider to re-print a prom note • CR - Borrower sends the loan application to the service provider instead of the institution

  14. Creating loan application • RPRELAP continued • RPRELAP will replace an old record with a new one upon an award change • RPRELAP will create a subsequent application record upon an award increase for the difference between the previously processed application • RPRELAP is the only way to create electronic applications

  15. Creating loan application (con’t) • Electronic applications will only be created on RPAELAP when the Stafford, UnSub or PLUS is in the accepted status • Electronic applications will be created for both Sub and UnSub Stafford Loans

  16. Creating Loan Applications • Batch Application Creation • Job Submission • On - Line Application Creation • RPAAWRD • RPAAPMT • ROARMAN

  17. Viewing electronic application • RPAELAP - Electronic Loan Application Form • Updates allowed • Lock indicator • Lender ID • Guarantor ID • Return ID • Loan period • Application status(N, S, I, B, D, C, R, A, G, P, M, T) • Process type

  18. Viewing electronic application • RPAELAP - continued • Record type • EFT authorization • References • Plus to student • Requested • Date created • Prom note • Submission, approval (system maintained)

  19. Viewing electronic application • RPAELAP - continued • Certification data • Student and parent data • Plus loan - Parent information must be entered before the extract process can run (only has to be entered once) • Parent data can be viewed on RPILPAR - Parents Loan Inquiry Form

  20. Viewing electronic application • Parent Loan Data - RPILPAR • Stored in permanent tables • Linked to the student

  21. Sending electronic records • RPRELAX - Electronic Loan Application extract - Parameters • Aid year • Fund code (multiple) • File identifier (P, T) • School name • Combined Sub and UnSub

  22. Sending electronic records • RPRELAX - Parameters • Recipient name • Recipient ID • Media type (D,M,P,T) • Population selections (optional) • Version Number (4)

  23. Sending electronic records • RPRELAX - continued • File name - ELAPXXIN_CCYYMMDDHHMISS.DAT • Report file name - RPRELAX_ccyymmddhhmiss.lis • Electronic records created if: • Loan not canceled • Application Status - R • Batch ID is null • Loan ID is not null

  24. Sending electronic records • Electronic Extract file • One header record • One detailed record for each loan application • One trailer record • Can be sent directly to the service provider

  25. Loan response data • RPRELRU - Electronic Loan Response Upload • File name • Data load directory of Banner • COBOL process • Parameter - Update loan status

  26. Loan response data • Composition of data file • Header record • Detail record • Borrower SSN or PLUS student SSN • Date of birth • Loan type • Unique identifier

  27. Loan response data • Updates application status(A, I, G, B, P, D, M, C, T) • Loan sequence number • Guarantee date • Guarantee amount • Loan Status

  28. Loan response data • Loan Response Data report • Name, SSN • Guarantee Status code • Certification Amount Adjustment code • Requested Amount Adjustment code • Error messages • Control report will display the control information - Recipient name, ID, ED branch ID, Record count

  29. EFT roster processing • RPREFTL - Loan roster data to holding area • File name - 123xxx.dat • (xxx = Roster Sequence number) • Parameter’s - Data file name • Inserts records in the Electronic Payment Receipt table - RPREPMT

  30. EFT roster processing • RPAEPMT - Electronic Payment Receipt Form • Set Receipt flag to Y upon receipt of the funds • I - Individual check • M - Master check • E - Electronic roster • N - Net adjustment

  31. Electronic Loan Disbursement Form • RPAELDB - Electronic Loan Disbursement Form • Review records before posting to the disbursement tables • Delete pending electronic disbursement Y • Only Updateable field • Multiple records can exist (STFD/PLUS) • Query, SOAIDEN/RPILPAR

  32. Posting EFT disbursements • RPREFTP - EFT Posting process • Distribution method - optional, if not entered all methods are processed (E,N,M,I) • Reference ID - optional, if not entered all received batches are processed • RPREFTP - Matches the unique loan ID from the roster to the RPRLAPP table to determine the student PIDM and loan application number

  33. Changes to disbursements • The Posting process RPREFTP automatically sets the feed indicator to Y • Master and individual checks must be manually set to feed • RPRLADB_EFT_IND - RPEDISB • Validates that the EFT indicator is set to Y

  34. Changes to disbursements • RPALDSB Loan Disbursement Form • RPALDSB window 1 - Loan summary • RPALDSB window 2 - Disbursement detail • Reference ID • Returned lender • Estimated amount • Comment • EFT indicator • Disbursement bypass

  35. Exception Reports • RPRLNEX - Student not fully funded • Term Code • Fund Code • Tolerance Amount • Population Selection

  36. Exception Reports • RPRLNAG - Aging Report of Non- Disbursed Loans • Aid Year • Term Code • Fund Code • Reference ID • Sort Order

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