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FLLLEX – Final Evaluation. Magda Kirsch & Yves Beernaert, Educonsult (BE). The QA/ evaluation cycle : Deming Cycle. Key elements of evaluation .
FLLLEX – Final Evaluation Magda Kirsch & Yves Beernaert, Educonsult (BE)
Key elements of evaluation • Relevance: specific needs versus objectives of the EU programme (Key activity 1 : Policy Cooperation and Innovation, Studies and Comparative Research within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme) • Efficiency: relationship input versus output resources • Effectiveness: match between results and objectives of the project / activity • Impact on various stakeholders: teachers, trainers, learners, pupils, schools, universities, decision or policy-makers, on educ. Systems etc. • Sustainability: potential of continuity of project after end of funding; institutional & management capacity
Objectives of the FLLLEX Project • Identify challenges and implications of LLL incorporation into European HEI's • the degree of flexibility in which HEI's can cope with the recognition of prior learning and • how the management and services of HEI’s are adapted to the new demands from LLL. • Development of a self-assessment tool for HEI's (FLLLEX Radar) • good practices, • provide a bench-marking opportunity for the participating HEI’s • signal missing links between the European and national policies, • signal the current capacity of the HEI’s to achieve the goals mentioned therein. • Policy recommendations regarding LLL • Dissemination activities
Evaluationwillbebasedon • Reading of documents • FLLLEX report • FLLLEX Radar • Some of the interim documents • Attending meetings (Yves) • Interviews (Yves) • Attending the FLLLEX workshops during the conference • If necessary: further interviews • Present meeting Purpose of this meeting: • Collecting further information
Relevance Activities were relevant in view of: • Specific objectives of the project • WP 1-4 contributed to developing FLLLEX Radar (WP5), self-assessment of individual institutions (WP6), review(WP 7) and dissemination (present conference) • One of four strategic objectives of ET 2020 • “Making a European area of Lifelong Learning a reality” • Objectives of the‘Agenda for new skills and jobs’ initiative (CEU, 2010) “Progress has to be made to improve the identification of training needs, increase the labour market relevance of education and training, facilitate individuals’ access to Lifelong Learning opportunities and guidance, and ensure smooth transitions between the worlds of education, training and employment. Achieving this calls for closer collaboration and partnerships between public services, education and training providers and employers at national, regional and local level. The transition towards learning outcome-based qualification systems and greater validation of skills and competences acquired in non-formal and informal contexts are also of great importance in enhancing employability.” (CEU 2011) Anyfurther information?
Efficiency • According to the evaluators the project has been run efficiently • Human resources have been used efficiently taking into account expertise and experience of partners • Apparently also financial resources have been used efficiently • According to partners interviewed the project coordination worked efficiently. • Any suggestions on how to improve efficiency of further projects?
effectiveness • Objectives have been reached in terms of: • Programme: LLP- Key activity 1: • Policy cooperation and innovation in Lifelong learning is supporting policy development and cooperation, notably in the context of the Lisbon process and the Education and Training 2010 work programme (see slide on relevance); • Specific objectives of the project: • Challenges of LLL for HEI’s have been identified • Tool has been developed • Tools for and gaps in implementing national policies have been identified; • Recommendations for policy on LLL for HEIs, national governments and EU have been made • but where are concrete examples of good practices? • Dissemination is ongoing. Any further information?
Impact • Outputs and outcome = FLLLEX report + FLLLEX Radar • But what about the impact? • Is there already an impact on the institutions involved in the project? • Is there an impact on other training providers? • Is there an impact on the policy makers • Are there clear differences between the impact in different institutions/ countries involved in the project?
Sustainability • How do you see the future of the project and especially of the FLLLEX Radar? • Will the tool be used in your institutions? • Will it be used by other providers? • What is necessary to make it sustainable?
Finishing the Evaluation Report • If you would like to give more information concerning the evaluation you can contact me/us • During this EURASHE conference for a personal interview • By e-mail: magda.kirsch@educonsult.be yves.beernaert@educonsult.be • For a skype or telephone interview • Just to give additional information
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