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Sn Tin

Marissa B 1 st Period. Sn Tin. Name: Tin Symbol: Sn Atomic Number: 50 Atomic Mass: Number of Protons/Electrons: 118.71 amu Number of Neutrons: 69 Classification: Other Metals Crystal Structure: Tetragonal Color: Silvery-White Discovery: Known since ancient times

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Sn Tin

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  1. Marissa B 1stPeriod SnTin

  2. Name: Tin Symbol: Sn Atomic Number: 50 Atomic Mass: Number of Protons/Electrons: 118.71 amu Number of Neutrons: 69 Classification: Other Metals Crystal Structure: Tetragonal Color: Silvery-White Discovery: Known since ancient times Name Origin: Came from the Latin word Stannum meaning to drip Cost, Pure: $24 per 100g Cost, Bulk: $1.80 per 100g Tin in it’s liquid form Basic Information and Facts

  3. Common Uses: Tinned Pieces: kitchen utensils spray recipients shaving foam ink cans electronic components integrated circuits clips/pins Tin plate over steel is used to make cans for food Used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion Molten tin is used to float molten glass to produce window glass Tin salts sprayed onto glass are used to produce electrically conductive coatings Tin fluoride is used as addictive in toothpastes Sources: Tin is found mainly in the ore cassiterite, which is found in Malaysia, Bolivia, Indonesia, Thailand and Nigeria. It is obtained commercially by reducing the ore with coal in a reverberatory furnace. Atomic Structure Atomic Structure , Common Uses, and Sources

  4. Physical: Melting Point: 449.41998oF or 231.9681oC Boiling Point: 4118oF or 2270oC Density: 7.31g/cm3 Phase at Room Temperature: solid Other: Flammability Class- Non-combustible solid (except as dust) Conductivity- Thermal: 66.8 W m-1 K-1 Electrical: 8.7 x 106 S m-1 Chemical: Bond Preference: ionic Oxidation Number: 0-4 Modern Electron Configuration: [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p2 Reactivity Ability With Air: Stable With Water: Stable With Acids: None With Bases: Mild Physical And Chemical Properties

  5. Environmental: Tin is not fairly biodegradable Organic tins can spread through the water systems when adsorbed on sludge particles Health: Organic tin bonds are the most dangerous forms of tin for humans Humans can absorb tin bonds through food, breathing, and through the skin Interesting Facts: It is claimed, when you bend a bar of tin, it will "cry" as the crystal structure is disrupted. The "Tin Cry" is an oft-described, seldom-heard phenomenon Tin resists corrosion from water, But strong acids and alkalis corrode it Environmental & Health Concerns and Interesting Facts

  6. http://www.periodic-table.org.uk/element-tin.htm http://www.carondelet.pvt.k12.ca.us/Family/Science/GroupIVA/tin.htm http://www.chemicool.com/elements/tin.html This soldier on horseback is made of 99.99% pure tin References

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