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Why not use Federated approach for Database Management System (DBMS)?

Why not use Federated approach for Database Management System (DBMS)? . Yan Cui ITK478 Position paper. Issues in enterprises.

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Why not use Federated approach for Database Management System (DBMS)?

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  1. Why not use Federated approach for Database Management System (DBMS)? Yan Cui ITK478 Position paper

  2. Issues in enterprises • “…organizations merge or takeover since the existing systems have been designed for different corporate needs, the resulting enterprise will have to face information inconsistency, heterogeneity and incompatible overlap”. Wijegunartne, Fernandez and Vltoudis in [1] • “…a large modern enterprise, it is also inevitable that …use different database systems to store and search their critical data. Competition, evolving technology, mergers, acquisitions, geographic distribution, and … decentralization of growth…” Haas and Lin in [2]

  3. Database system approaches • Compare two major database system approaches: • Federated database system approach • Distributed database system approach

  4. Distributed database system • Fragmentation of OODBs • The Fragmentation Process in OODBs (horizontal fragmentation and vertical fragmentation) • Heuristics for the Fragmentation Process in OODBs • Allocation of OODBs

  5. Federated database system • Characteristics of federated solution • Transparency • Heterogeneity • A high degree of function • Extensibility and openness of the federation • Autonomy for data sources • Optimized performance • Case study in Xperanto and Australian Gas & Light Company (AGL)

  6. Federated database system (cont) • Case study in Xperanto • Xperanto architecture • XperantoXML schema mapping • Xperanto query processing and XML documentation construction

  7. Federated database system (cont) • Case study: Australian Gas & Light Company (AGL) • Federated architecture • The AGL Data integration

  8. Conclusion: • Distributed database system has several disadvantages are complexity, economic, difficulty to maintain data integration, database access. • federated database system provides transparency, autonomy, optimized performance, accessibility, and query standard through multiple DBMSs.

  9. Questions?

  10. Reference: • [1] InjiWijegunaratne, George Fernandez, John Valtoudis. 2000. “A Federated Architecture for Enterprise Data Integration”, 2000 Australian Software Engineering Conference. Retrieved September 12, 2007. (http://portal.acm.org.proxy.lib.ilstu.edu:2048/citation.cfm?id=787253&coll=Portal&dl=GUIDE&CFID=5277637&CFTOKEN=95867344) • [2] Laura Haas, Eileen Lin, 2002 “IBM Federated Database Technology”, IBM, retrieved September 10, 2007 (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/0203haas/0203haas.html) • [3] F. Baião, M. Mattoso, and G. Zaverucha, "A framework for the design of distributed databases. "in Proceedings in Informatics 14. Distributed Data & Structures 4--Records of the 4th International Meeting, W. Litwin, and G. Lévy (Eds.), Carleton Scientific, 2002, pp. 29-36. • [4] M. Özsu and P. Valduriez, Principles of Distributed Database Systems, 2nd edition (1st edition 1991), New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1999. • [5] Michael J. Carey, Jerry Kiernan. 2000. “XPERANTO: Middleware for Publishing Object-Relational Data as XML Documents”,26th International Conference. Retrieved September 13, 2007. (http://portal.acm.org.proxy.lib.ilstu.edu:2048/citation.cfm?id=671862&coll=Portal&dl=GUIDE&CFID=5277637&CFTOKEN=95867344) • [6] FernandaAraujoBaião , Marta Mattoso , GersonZaverucha, Towards an Inductive Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases, Proceedings of the 3rd IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, p.188-197, August 20-22, 1998. • [7] Ishfaq Ahmad , KamalakarKarlapalem , Yu-Kwong Kwok , Siu-Kai So, Evolutionary Algorithms for Allocating Data in Distributed Database Systems, Distributed and Parallel Databases, v.11 n.1, p.5-32, January 2002. • [8] Ishfaq Ahmad, Yu-kwong Kwok, Siu-kai So, Evolutionary Algorithms for Allocating Data in Distributed Database Systems, Distributed and Parallel Databases, 11, 5–32, 2002.

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