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Discover this Charleston, SC historic bed & breakfast inn that offers the perfect venue for weddings, romantic getaways, and business gatherings. Special rates & Charleston vacation packages available.
MENU Rated #1 B&B on TripAdvisor Rated #1 B&B on TripAdvisor As seen in Conde Nast Travel Guide's "Best of Charleston" As seen in Conde Nast Travel Guide's "Best of Charleston" Take a Video Tour of Governor's House Take a Video Tour of Governor's House V I E W A V A I L A B I L I T Y Reservations Check availability or make a reservation for our Guest Rooms & Suites V I E W A V A I L A B I L I T Y Come visit the only house in the United States where you can sleep under the same roof as the youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence! T H E G O V E R N O R ' S H O U S E I N N A Historic Bed and Breakfast The Governor’s House Inn in Charleston, SC offers the rare pleasures, aristocratic comforts and romantic grandeur of a pre- revolutionary National Landmark. With magnificent drawing rooms, boudoir staterooms, and expansive veranda porches, it
is no wonder that the former Governor’s mansion was proclaimed the most glamorous of Charleston inns by Travel Holiday. Book Governor’s House Inn for an extraordinary wedding venue; luxuriously appointed lodgings for your bridal party; or a stunning setting for your corporate retreat or vacation. We are the #1 B&B in Charleston on TripAdvisor, and we’re located O U R within walking distance of Charleston’s highest rated dining and attractions. H I S T O R Y A M E N I T I E S The Governor's House Inn is known for providing the ultimate in guest comfort. We pride ourselves on offering some of the most luxurious and convenient accommodations and amenities in Charleston. The inn is one of the only properties in downtown L E A R N Charleston to offer complimentary, on-site parking. M O R E S T A Y I N T O U C H Receive special offers and discounts. Enter Email S U B M I T – T R A V E L “Of all Charleston inns, Governor’s House has the most glamorous feel and most sophisticated style.” H O L I D A Y L O C A T I O N Stay in the Heart of Charleston Located in the heart of downtown Charleston, The Governor’s House Inn is just a short walk from the iconic Battery and City Market. While staying here on your romantic getaway, wedding, business or leisure trip enjoy fine dining, shopping and Spoleto venues - all within walking distance as well. Legendary for southern hospitality, The Governor’s House inspires O U R guests to slow their pace and experience a genteel lifestyle. L O C A T I O N R E C O G N I T I O N Top City in the U.S. For more than eight years in a row, Charleston has been named “Top City in the United States” by Conde Nast Traveler Reader’s Choice Awards. R E A D M O R E 117 Broad Street Charleston, South Carolina 29401
Toll Free: (800) 720-9812 Local: (843) 720-2070 info@governorshouse.com 2019 Charleston Area Visitors Guide 2 R E 0 E X 1 C C 8 O E G L N I T I O E N O F L E N C Governor's House Inn 9 9 . . 2 2 R G a u t e e d t s b y s C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 1 6 . G O V E R N O R ’ S H O U S E I N N , C H A R L E S T O N , S O U T H C A R O L I N A . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D .