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GCP Course Survey Data

Feedback on CITI GCP course for human subjects protection. Participants' views on material delivery, understanding, registration ease, and effectiveness. Assessment of course impact on research projects and confidence level.

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GCP Course Survey Data

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  1. GCP Course Survey Data 1-1-09 to 5-8-09 CITI Developers Meeting 5/21/09

  2. I believe that ongoing instruction in human subjects protection for ALL members the research team is essential for assuring the ethical conduct of research with human research subjects. n=2589 85% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  3. Your age in years is:

  4. What is your gender?

  5. Does your institution rely exclusively on the CITI Program to provide training in Good Clinical Practice?

  6. I think that the Internet is an appropriate tool to deliver basic instruction on the ethical conduct of research with human subjects n=2655 82% Strongly disagree Strongly agree.

  7. The current course site presents the materials in a way that is easy for me to understand and learn. n=2621 73% Strongly disagree Strongly agree.

  8. The presentation model used by CITI is rather like reading a book or a journal. Other web based models require that the learner click from "page to page" in order to read the material in smaller segments and interact with the software. Please provide us with some feedback regarding the current presentation model.

  9. It was easy to register and enroll in the CITI GCP course. 9% 81% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree. 85%

  10. Navigation through the CITI GCP Course was easy and intuitive 9% 84% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  11. It was easy to get my completion report when I finished the CITI GCP course requirements 9% 69% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  12. The GCP Course quiz questions address the relevant issues in the modules? 8% 76% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  13. How many log in sessions did you use to complete the GCP curriculum requirements?

  14. About how many hours did it take for you to complete your CITI GCP Course requirements?

  15. Assuming a similar time commitment, would you prefer another vehicle for this GCP instruction?

  16. For this type of instruction, I would prefer a presentation model that would require the learner to actively participate in games, videos or other exercises designed to emphasize important concepts. 44% 43% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  17. After completing this instruction, I now have a better understanding of how to apply the concepts of Good Clinical Practice to my clinical research project. 9% 74% Strongly disagree Don't know V Strongly agree.

  18. Now that I have completed the course, I am more confident in my abilty to advise a student or a colleague on the ethical conduct of clinical research acording to GCP and ICH. 8% 71% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  19. Now that I have completed the CITI Course in Good Clinical Practice, I feel that the time I invested was time well spent. 12% 64% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  20. I believe that the course I just completed will not only help me remain compliant with the Regulations and Policies, but, also help insure that I will be doing better science 12% 67% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  21. I believe that the course I just completed will help me do better science. 12% 65% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  22. Who do you think will benefit most from the time you spent completing the CITI GCP course? 15%85%

  23. If you previously completed a GCP course, how does the CITI GCP Course compare to the course you took previously? 1 = The course I took previously was far superior to the CITI Course; 9 = The CITI Course is far superior to the course I took previously. 1615 3578 17%21%62% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  24. How would you rate the "Good Clinical Practice” Course 8% 69% Strongly disagree Don't know Strongly agree.

  25. Top 10 institutional RCR Course Users **** 1-1-09 to 4-30-09

  26. CITI Course Usage

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