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Sustainable Local Development in Drina-Tara Region: A Stakeholder Network Approach

Explore how Gert Guri School on Local Development at the University of Trento is fostering sustainability through a participatory approach in the Drina-Tara region. The network of local stakeholders, including representatives from ministries and experts, collaborates on a multilayered mechanism for regional development. This initiative aims to finalize a Rural Development Strategy, coordinate activities with national experts, and harmonize local and national strategies. The Stakeholders Group, supported by local coordinators, facilitates the coordination of activities with representatives from three countries and offers international support for improving cross-border frameworks. Learn about the synergies created at the national, regional, and international levels to promote sustainable development in the Drina-Tara region.

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Sustainable Local Development in Drina-Tara Region: A Stakeholder Network Approach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gert Guri School on Local Development University of Trento Sustainability of ParticipatoryApproach in Drina-Tara Region

  2. Drina-Tara network of local stakeholders National level (representatives of ministries and experts) Inter-state (SWG) Multilayered mechanism

  3. Local stakeholders network supported by local coordinators Further development of the project proposals Finalizing a Rural Development Strategy of the Drina Tara Region Regular meetings of SG members Website and public activities MoUs with the municipalities in the Drina Tara Region Stakeholders Group

  4. Coordination of activities with national experts/ representatives of the three countries Harmonization of local & national strategies Possible financial support for project proposals Support for improving cross-border legal framework National level

  5. SWG acts as an international umbrella offering: International and local expertise; Support for improving national cross-border legal framework; Contacts with international donors Regional/International promotion of this initiative International level

  6. Thank You

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