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Your Name, Your Title/Position Your Company Name

If Your Session Title Is Really Long and Stretches to Four Lines, Use This Title Slide for Your PowerPoint Presentation. Your Name, Your Title/Position Your Company Name. If Your Session Title Is About Three Lines Long, Use This Title Slide for Your Presentation.

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Your Name, Your Title/Position Your Company Name

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Presentation Transcript

  1. If Your Session Title Is Really Long and Stretches to Four Lines,Use This Title Slide for Your PowerPoint Presentation Your Name, Your Title/Position Your Company Name

  2. If Your Session Title Is About Three Lines Long, Use This Title Slide for Your Presentation Your Name, Your Title/Position Your Company Name

  3. Presentation Requirements • The aspect ratio for your slide deck is 16:9 • Keep your presentation under 50 slides • Use standard fonts — preferably Arial • Avoid using any fancy animations

  4. Presentation Requirements • The title of your session should match the title that appears in the Forum 2019 agenda • Breakout sessions must have at least 40 minutes of content • You can allow for roughly 5 minutes of optional Q&A • Check the description in the agenda to makesure your presentation covers everything outlined

  5. ACTION ITEM #1 You must finish yourpresentation withat least three action items.

  6. ACTION ITEM #2 Tell attendees exactlywhat they need to do, not do, or do differently.

  7. ACTION ITEM #3 Please don’t put more than 40 words on a slide, and make the type large.

  8. Tips and Pointers • Rehearse your presentation to make sure it runs 40 to 45 minutes • If you run long or end early, attendees will complain and rate your session poorly.

  9. Tips and Pointers • Please don’t spend a lot of time telling the audience why your topic is important • Assume they know your topic is important — that’s why they came to hear you speak • Use your time to impart new ideas, insights and actionable advice • Teach attendees how to do something

  10. Tips and Pointers • Banks don’t want to hear the words “credit union” or “member,” and credit unions don’t have “customers” • Use inclusive language like “financial institutions” or “banking providers” or “banks and credit unions” • Use “consumers” or “people” instead of “customers” or “members” • Keep your material relevant to institutionsof all asset sizes — both big and small

  11. Don’t cram too muchtext onto one slide.

  12. Emphasize a single pointon its own slide.

  13. A TYPICAL PRESENTATION LOOKS LIKE THIS Typical slide design • First point • Second point • Third point • Fourth point • Fifth point

  14. THIS IS BETTER First point. Second point. Third point. Fourth point. Fifth point.

  15. You do not need a slidefor every point you make.

  16. Chop out slides. First point. Second point. Third point. Fourth point. Fifth point. Draw attention to key thoughts only.

  17. Attendees struggle with small type. • ( Especially in the back of the room. )

  18. Avoid fonts below 24pt


  20. Make it visually DELICIOUS



  23. QUESTIONS? #fbforum

  24. THANK YOU! YOUR Name speaker.email@company.com @Twitter800-555-1212 #fbforum

  25. Text Animation Tips • If you put all your bullet points up at once, people will stop listening to you and read your slides instead • This slide has animated bullet points • It reveals only one bullet point at a time

  26. Slide Title Goes Here • This slide has animated bullet points • The second bullet point goes here • Best to have no more than five bullet points • And you can add a fourth bullet point • Last bullet point

  27. Slide Title Goes Here • This slide has animated bullet points • The second bullet point goes here • Best to have no more than five bullet points • And you can add a fourth bullet point • Last bullet point

  28. Slide Title Goes Here • This slide has animated bullet points • The second bullet point goes here • Best to have no more than five bullet points • And you can add a fourth bullet point • Last bullet point

  29. Slide Title Goes Here • This slide has animated bullet points • The second bullet point goes here • Best to have no more than five bullet points • And you can add a fourth bullet point • Last bullet point

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