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Ch. 20: Nixon Presidency

Explore the Nixon presidency, OSHA's role, EPA's mission, Realpolitik approach, and the Watergate scandal aftermath. Learn about the Nixon Doctrine, SALT Talks, and Nixon's resignation. Discover how Gerald Ford succeeded Nixon, the 1973 oil crisis, Carter's presidency struggles, and the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

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Ch. 20: Nixon Presidency

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  1. Ch. 20: Nixon Presidency • OSHA- govt. agency that was to make sure that all work places were considered safe • DEA- created to combat the rise of drug abuse during the late 1960s • EPA- goal was to protect and clean up the environment

  2. 26th Amendment- gave 18 year olds the right to vote in federal elections • Realpolitik- goal was to focus on realistic political goals • Nixon Doctrine- said that Asian nations needed to protect themselves and can not rely on the U.S. military • Goal was to prevent another Vietnam

  3. US-China Relations- Nixon improved relations with a 1972 visit to Beijing which led to more trade • Nixon also visited Moscow and improved relations • Détente- relaxation of tensions between US and Russia

  4. Nixon in China

  5. Nixon’s greatest accomplishments was his foreign policy efforts • His visits to Russia and China were major events of the 1970s • SALT Talks- US and Russia agreed to reduce the size of their nuclear arsenal

  6. Presidency in Crisis • Spiro Agnew- VP resigned under suspicion that he took bribes as the governor of Maryland • Watergate Complex was the home of the Democratic Headquarters

  7. 5 men were arrested for breaking in • 1972- Nixon wins the presidency by a huge margin • Writers for the Washington Post accused the White House of the break-in

  8. Senate began to hold hearings investigating the break in • Nixon said he knew nothing about the break in • Senate Committee learned that Nixon taped all of his conversations in the White House

  9. Nixon claimed executive privileges and said he didn’t have to turn over the tapes • Nixon v. U.S.- said Nixon had to turn over the tapes • 18 minutes of the tape were blank (very controversial)

  10. Senate Committee found that Nixon knew nothing of the break in but tried to cover it up • 1974- House of Representatives recommended that Nixon be impeached • Aug. 8th 1974 Nixon Resigns

  11. Nixon Resigns

  12. Watergate Legacy • Presidents power was greatly weakened • People began to distrust govt. officials • Shows that checks & balances actually works

  13. New President • Gerald Ford became VP after Agnew resigned and President after Nixon quit • Ford selected Nelson Rockefeller of NY as his VP

  14. Gerald Ford (R) 1974-1977

  15. 1st time in American history when the Pres. & VP were not elected by the people • Ford pardoned Nixon of any crimes dealing with Watergate • Very controversial decision

  16. 1st Oil Crisis • U.S depends heavily on oil from the Middle East • OPEC placed an embargo on oil to the U.S. in 1973 • Gas prices skyrocketed to all time highs

  17. Long Gas Lines

  18. People had to buy gas on odd/even days • U.S. automobile industry was badly damaged • Commonly called the “Energy Crisis”

  19. Energy Crisis • Led to a large demand for foreign cars (Rice Burners) • Alaskan Pipeline was built • 1974 embargo ended • U.S. still relies on M.E. oil

  20. Alaskan Pipeline

  21. Carter’s Presidency • Election of 1976- Jimmy Carter (D) vs. Gerald Ford (R) • Carter became the 1st southern president since 1848 in a very close election

  22. Jimmy Carter (D) 1977-1981

  23. Carter’s Leadership • Great intentions but did little • His party ended up hating him • Seldom followed through with his plans • Changed his mind a lot

  24. Cared about human rights • Amnesty for Draft Evaders- pardoned all those that dodge the draft during Vietnam • Three Mile Island- 1979 partial meltdown of a nuclear plant in Pennsylvania • U.S. began to move away from the use of nuclear power

  25. Three Mile Island

  26. Middle East in Turmoil • U.S. supports democratic Israel • U.S. supports Arab states for a steady supply of oil • Prevent USSR influences • Goal was to keep peace

  27. Middle East Mediation • Camp David Accords (1979) • Historic peace agreement between Egypt and Israel • Carter mediated it and it was considered his only good thing

  28. 1979 USSR invades Afghanistan • U.S. condemns them and boycotts 1980 Olympics in Moscow • Afghanistan is called the USSR’s Vietnam

  29. Iranian Hostage Crisis • 1979 Carter allows the former Shah of Iran to come to the U.S. for medical help • Iranians were angry and took over the U.S. embassy

  30. Iranian Hostage Crisis

  31. Iran wanted the Shah for trial and Carter refused to turn him over • 1980 Carter initiated a military rescue but it failed • Hostage crisis greatly hurt his reelection effort

  32. 1980 Election- Reagan destroys Carter and the day he takes office the hostages are released • Carter Legacy- he had great intentions but failed on almost everything he did

  33. Ronald Reagan (R) 1981-1989

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