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Emerging Trends in Nuclear Information Management

Explore current and future trends in nuclear information management at the 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum in Shanghai. Discover the impact of technology, innovation, and constraints of knowledge work in this dynamic field.

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Emerging Trends in Nuclear Information Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China Dr.DobricaSavić Emerging Trends in Nuclear Information Management

  2. Contents • Present state of information management (IM) • Future management of information • Change and innovation • Current trends • Information relevant trends • Impact on nuclear information • Constraints of knowledge work The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 2

  3. Question • Present state of IM • Constant change • Tremendous progress • Fast pace How about the future? The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 3

  4. Question • How will the future of information management look? What do present trends tell us about tomorrow? The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 4

  5. Times of change • Living and working in times of change • Sustaining (incremental) innovations • Breakout (boundary-pushing) innovations • Disruptive (exponential) innovations The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 5

  6. Current trends • 2016 The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 6

  7. Information relevant trends Technology • Secure architecture • Autonomous agents • Machine learning (algorithms) • Internet of things (from sensing to doing) • Application Program Interface (API) • 3D printing Product/service • Added value • Deliver results, not just solutions • Social impact • Predictable disruption • Digital trust • Analytics Customers • Customer culture • Connected world • User experience • Engage customers • From data-rich to insight-driven Employees • New generation • Liquid workforce • Remote work • Learning & training • New skills (leadership, sales) • From silos to connected The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 7

  8. Impact on nuclear information • Information workforce • Demographic change; Continuous learning; (Dis)engagement; Temporary and remote work • Information security • Technology; Applications; Cloud computing; User behaviour • Information technology • Integrated platforms; APIs; Autonomous agents; Leverage of technology • Information processing • Sensors; Analytics; Machine learning; Algorithms • Information organization • Design thinking; Streamlining; New info-services • Information maintenance and updating • New IT technologies; Innovation; Change management • Information sharing • Motivation; Removal of information and other silos; Customer orientation The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 8

  9. Constraints of knowledge work 6 Characteristics of Knowledge Work (Peter Drucker) • Well defined task • Knowledge worker needs to know and understand the task ahead • Autonomy • The responsibility for productivity is on the individual knowledge workers themselves • Continuous innovation • Major part of knowledge management workers • Continuous learning and teaching • Knowledge sharing • Quality vs quantity of output • Impact of focus on measurement • Motivation • Knowledge worker as ‘asset’ not ‘cost’ The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 9

  10. I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. Albert Einstein Thank you! The 4th Annual Nuclear Information Technology China Forum, 13 – 14 April 2016, Shanghai, China 10

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