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Environmental Protection Legislation and Regulation

Explore the strategic information model (SIM) focusing on EPA's roles, regulations, and management practices in environmental protection legislation and regulation. Dive into key environmental issues, hazards, and risks addressed by legislation.

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Environmental Protection Legislation and Regulation

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  1. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: Baseline Agency Data Model Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  2. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: Baseline Agency Data Model Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  3. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: Baseline Agency Data Model Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  4. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: Baseline Agency Data Model Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  5. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: Baseline Agency Data Model Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  6. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model • Environmental management authority Legislation, regulation • Environmental concern Issue, hazard, risk • Environmental components Resource, population, place, stressor, substance • Environmental management Program, activity, incident, data, program management • Environmental management partners Sector, organization • Places Site, facility, geographic area Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  7. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LEGISLATION environmental protection legisla env protection legislation effec env protection legislation expir env protection legislation synop Clean Air Act 2002 1-1-200 Clean Water Act 2002 1-1-200 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE EPA PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REGULATORY AUTHORITY LEGISLATION STANDARD environmental issue # epa program # env quality standard # environmental protection legisla environmental protection legisla environmental protection legisla env sensitive resource # epa regulation citation # voluntary program flag environmental hazard # auto emissions Clean A environmental protection legisla smokestack emissions Clean A environmentally significant subs population category # sector # env quality control period env quality effective date env quality target level Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 1.1 Environmental management legislation • Legislation... • addresses environmental issues • authorizes programs • establishes environmental quality standards • confers regulatory authority • Things we can find out, using “Clean Air Act” as an example of an environmental protection legislation... • What issues does the Clean Air Act address? • Which programs implement the Clean Air Act? • Which regs rely on the Clean Air Act? • What other laws govern air quality? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  8. EPA REGULATION REGULATORY ROLE epa regulation cit regulatory role # epa regulation ove implement oversight funding REGULATORY REGULATOR REGULATED SECTOR REGULATORY REGULATED REGULATED REGULATED HAZARD AUTHORITY ACTIVITY RESOURCE SUBSTANCE environmental prot epa regulation cit epa regulation cit env protection act env sensitive reso environmentally si environmental haza epa regulation cit organization ident sector # epa regulation cit epa regulation cit epa regulation cit epa regulation cit regulatory role # epa regulation det Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 1.2 Environmental management regulation • Regulations are... • authorized by legislation • supported by regulators (organization in role) • specific to industries and/or sectors • employ one or more agency-wide environmental management strategies • often protect environmentally sensitive resources • are specific to certain substances • seek to manage certain environmental hazards • Things we can find out, using “auto emission standards” as an example of an EPA regulation... • Where did EPA get the authority to issue auto emission standards? Is the authority still valid? • Who implements auto emission standards? • Which regulations require permitting? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  9. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE environmental issue # asbestos from deconstruction manufacturing process effluents auto emissions deterioration of the ozone layer ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE HAZARD AND RISK ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE LEGISLATION environmental hazard # environmental issue # environmental issue # environmental protection legislation # environmental risk # auto emissions Clean Air Act 2002 lead paint old buildings with lead paint smokestack emissions Clean Air Act 2002 Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 2.1 Environmental issue EPA manages environmental issues addressed by legislation and studies issues that are not. Issues are the environmental to-do list. Hazard(s) are the threat side of an issue. Risk is the consequence side. • Things we can find out, using “auto emissions” as an example of an environmental issue... • What legislation currently governs auto emissions? • What makes auto emit and why do we care? • What are the open issues? • Can legislation handle new issues? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  10. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD environmental hazard # environmental hazard descri ENV IMPACT INCIDENT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE HAZARD ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATED HAZARD ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARD AND RISK QUALITY STANDARD HAZARD SUBSTANCE THREATENED PLACE env impact incident ix # environmental hazard # env quality standard # environmental hazard # environmental hazard # env sensitive place # environmental hazard # environmental issue # env sensitive resource # epa regulation citation # environmentally significant environmental hazard # environmental risk # environmental hazard # env hazard subtance bad thi home formaldhyde environmental protection le lead paint old building school lead paint dust environmentally significant population category # sector # env quality control period env quality effective date env quality target level Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 2.2 Environmental hazard • EPA develops strategies for managing (eliminating, diminishing, diluting) hazards. A hazard is substance, usually in a particular sort of place. Once a hazard is defined it can be used... • to help characterize an environmental impact incident • to help define one side of an environmental issue (the hazard size – the other side is about risk) • to focus and perhaps constrain an environmental quality standard • to define regulatory objectives • Things we can find out, using “lead paint dust” as an example of an environmental hazard... • What sort of places have lead paint dust? • What other problems do those places have? • How many incidents involve lead paint dust? • What issues, regs, laws and standards address lead paint dust? • What other hazards involve lead paint? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  11. ENVIRONMENTAL RISK environmental risk # lung cancer lead poisoning ENVIRONMENTAL RISK TO POPULATION CATEGORY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE HAZARD AND RISK environmental risk # environmental hazard # population category # environmental issue # population type based risk mitigation strategy environmental risk # lead poisoning construction worker lead paint old buildings with lead paint lead po lead poisoning school kids ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ADDRESSED BY PROGRAM environmental risk # epa program # what the program proposes to do about risk Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 2.3 Environmental risk • Things we know about environmental risk... • Risk is the impact side of the hazard/risk equation. • Programs manage risk. • Risks are population-specific. • Risk and hazard define an environmental issue. • Things we can find out, using “lead poisoning” as an example of an environmental risk... • Which populations are at risk for lead poisoning? • What issues, regs, laws address lead poisoning? • What hazards are associated with lead poisoning? • What are the other risks in a given population? • Which program(s) handle this risk? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  12. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE RESOURCE env sensitive resource # water air wetland ... ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARD REGULATED RESOURCE ACTUAL RESOURCE env quality standard # env sensitive resource # actual resource ix # env sensitive resource # epa regulation citation # env sensitive resource # environmental hazard # environmental protection legislation # environmentally significant substance # population category # sector # env quality control period env quality effective date env quality target level ACTUAL RESOURCE STRESSED BY INCIDENT ACTUAL RESOURCE GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION actual resource ix # actual resource ix # env impact incident ix # geo location ix # stress begin stress end Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 3.1 Environmentally sensitive resource EPA works to protect environmentally sensitive resources with regulations and quality standards. An actual resource has a geographic location. An actual resource may be stressed by an incident. • Things we can find out, using watershed as an environmentally sensitive resource... • What regulations apply to watersheds? • What quality standards apply to watersheds? • How many incidents involve watersheds? • Which incidents affect this watershed? • What resources are in this area? • What resources are located within a geographic area? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  13. POPULATION CATEGORY population category # human communities endangered species plant species animal species risk group susceptible folk ENVIRONMENTAL RISK TO POPULATION CATEGORY ACTUAL POPULATION environmental risk # actual population ix # population category # population category # population type based risk mitigation stra lead poisoning construction worker lead poisoning school kids PROGRAM TO BENEFIT POPULATION CATEGORY POPULATION LOCATION epa program # actual population ix # population category # geo location ix # Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 3.2 Environmentally sensitive population Population category is used to qualify environmental risk because risk factors vary by population category. Population category provides focus to EPA programs. An actual population has an actual geographic location. • Things we can find out, using kids as a population category... • What environmental risks do kids face? • Which programs are intended to benefit kids? • Do we know if there are kids near the clean-up site? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  14. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 3.3 Environmentally sensitive place An environmentally sensitive place is used to qualify environmental threats. Hazard / risk assessments are different for different sorts of places. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE PLACE env sensitive place # • Things we can find out, using the home as an environmentally sensitive place... • What environmental hazards are found in the home? • What sort of places are threatened by a given hazard? home workplace watershed ENVIRONMENTALLY THREATENED PLACE env sensitive place # environmental hazard # home formaldhyde school lead paint dust Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  15. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 3.4 Environmental stressor Stressors provide a way to characterize environmental impact incidents in order to facilitate response and management. • Things we can find out, using spill as a stressor... • How many spills have we seen in the last year? • What did spill incidents turn out? Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  16. ENVIRONMENTALLY EPA SUBSTANCE TYPE SIGNIFICANT SUBSTANCE environmentally significan epa substance type # chemical biological waste contaminant product radiation ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENV IMPACT STRATEGY FOR ENV SIGNFICANT REGULATED SUBSTANCE OF EPA SUBSTANCE HAZARD SUBSTANCE QUALITY STANDARD INCIDENT SUBSTANCE DEALING WITH ENV SUBSTANCE USED IN SUBSTANCE TYPE SIGNIFICANT SECTOR SUBSTANCE environmental hazard # env quality standard # env impact incident ix # env protection activity # environmentally significan environmentally significan environmentally significan environmentally significan env sensitive resource # environmentally significan environmentally significan sector # epa regulation citation # epa substance type # env hazard subtance bad th environmental hazard # epa regulation detail rega environmental protection l environmentally significan population category # sector # env quality control period env quality effective date env quality target level ENV SIGNIFICANT SUBSTANCE Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 3.5 Environmentally significant substance A substance is not a substance unless / until EPA looks at it. EPA categorizes substances to align with the EPA organization structure, and because there are professional groups who have the lead on certain types of substances (e.g., chemical, biological). Substance helps define hazards, quality standards, incidents, regulations, and strategies. Certain substances are sector-specific. • Things we can find out, using lead as a substance.... • How many spills have we seen in the last year? • How did spill incidents turn out? OBSERVATION env significant substance env significant substance environmental data source environmentally significan epa program # substance volume Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  17. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PROGRAM PARTNER ROLE LEGISLATION environmental protection legislati program partner role # env protection legislation effecti implementation env protection legislation expirat oversight env protection legislation synopsi user Clean Air Act 2002 1-1-2002 Clean Water Act 2002 1-1-2002 EPA PROGRAM epa program # environmental protection legislati voluntary program flag PROGRAM TO BENEFIT POPULATION ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ADDRESSED PROGRAM SECTOR PROGRAM PARTNER PROGRAM SERVICE PROGRAM RESOURCE ENV SIGNIFICANT SUBSTANCE CATEGORY BY PROGRAM OBSERVATION epa program # environmental risk # epa program # epa program # env protection activity # epa program # env significant substance observat population category # epa program # sector # organization identifier # environmentally significant substa work resource ix # env significant substance source # what the program proposes to do ab program partner role # epa program # environmental data source # environmentally significant substa epa program # substance volume Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 4.1 Environmental management program Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  18. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACTIVITY env protection activity # monitor enforce educate remediate respond assess standardize authorize facilitate prog mgmt broker data permit STRATEGY FOR DEALING WITH REGULATORY ACTIVITY ENV SIGNIFICANT SUBSTANCE env protection activity # env protection activity # environmentally significant substance # epa regulation citation # PROGRAM SERVICE env protection activity # environmentally significant substance # epa program # ORGANIZATION ACTION env protection activity # environmentally significant substance # epa program # organization identifier # Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 4.2 Environmental management activity Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  19. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT INCIDENT env impact incident ix # env impact incident date env impact incident description ENV IMPACT INCIDENT HAZARD ENV IMPACT INCIDENT NATURE ENV IMPACT INCIDENT LOCATION ENV IMPACT INCIDENT SUBSTANCE env impact incident ix # env impact incident ix # env impact incident ix # env impact incident ix # environmental hazard # stressor nature # geo location ix # environmentally significant substance # ACTUAL RESOURCE STRESSED BY INCIDENT actual resource ix # env impact incident ix # stress begin stress end Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 4.3 Environmental incident Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  20. ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT SUBSTANCE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SOURCE ENV SIG SUBSTANCE SOURCE ORG SUBSTANCE ROLE environmentally significant substance # environmental data source # env significant substance source # org role wrt substance # partner data feed fixed location facility make it direct observation mobil (vehicular) ship it telemetry indoor home use it indoor commercial fix it outdoor commercial EPA PROGRAM epa program # environmental protection legislation # voluntary program flag ENV SIGNIFICANT SUBSTANCE OBSERVATION env significant substance observation ix # env significant substance source # environmental data source # environmentally significant substance # epa program # substance volume ENV SIG SUBSTANCE OBSERVATION ORG ROLE ENV SIG SUBSTANCE OBSERVATION LOCATION env significant substance observation ix # env significant substance observation ix # org role wrt substance # geo location ix # organization identifier # Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 4.4 Environmental data Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  21. WORK RESOURCE PROGRAM PARTNER ROLE work resource ix # program partner role # implementation oversight user EPA PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARD epa program # env quality standard # environmental protection legislation # env sensitive resource # voluntary program flag environmental hazard # environmental protection legislation # environmentally significant substance # population category # sector # env quality control period env quality effective date env quality target level PROGRAM RESOURCE PROGRAM PARTNER PROGRAM PERFORMANCE epa program # epa program # env quality standard # work resource ix # organization identifier # epa program # program partner role # Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 4.6 Program management Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  22. SECTOR sector # auto mfg metal finisher agriculture food processing energy fishing recreation water supply ORGANIZATION SECTOR REGULATED SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARD ENV SIGNFICANT SUBSTANCE IN USED SECTOR organization identifier # epa regulation citation # env quality standard # environmentally significant substance # sector # sector # env sensitive resource # sector # environmental hazard # environmental protection legislation # environmentally significant substance # population category # sector # env quality control period env quality effective date env quality target level FACILITY SECTOR PROGRAM SECTOR facility name # epa program # sector # sector # Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 5.1 Sector Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  23. ORGANIZATION TYPE ORGANIZATION org type # organization identifier # federal gov state gov local gov country producer academia association interest group ORGANIZATION CHARACTERIZATION ORGANIZATION SECTOR FOR A TBD GOOD REASON org type # organization identifier # organization identifier # sector # PROGRAM PARTNER ORGANIZATION FACILITY ROLE epa program # facility name # organization identifier # organization identifier # program partner role # organization role in facility # Alex Power Plant Va Power owner Alex Power Plant Alex citizens hate it ORGANIZATION ACTION ENV SIG SUBSTANCE OBSERVATION ORG ROLE env protection activity # env significant substance observation ix # environmentally significant substance # org role wrt substance # epa program # organization identifier # organization identifier # Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 5.2 Organization Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  24. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 6 Places 6.1 Sites 6.2 Facility 6.3 Geographic area Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  25. Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 6.2 Facility Strategic Information Model (SIM)

  26. GEO FEATURE TYPE GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION geo feature type # geo location ix # geo location coordinates watershed geo location name airshed political area community region monitored GEO FEATURE ENV IMPACT INCIDENT LOCATION FACILITY geo feature type # env impact incident ix # facility name # geo location ix # geo location ix # geo location ix # ACTUAL RESOURCE GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION POPULATION LOCATION actual resource ix # actual population ix # geo location ix # geo location ix # ENV SIG SUBSTANCE OBSERVATION LOCATION env significant substance observation ix # geo location ix # Completion Capability Area: Data ArchitectureLevel: 3 Practices: EPA Strategic Information Model 6.3 Organization Strategic Information Model (SIM)

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