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Creative Expressions of Resistance

Creative Expressions of Resistance. What role do artists play in the face of oppression?

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Creative Expressions of Resistance

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  1. Creative Expressions of Resistance What role do artists play in the face of oppression? In this course, we will reflect on the creative responses to tyranny and explore various ways individuals and societies have expressed resistance to power through poems, music, short stories, visual art, articles, and political cartoons.

  2. How Do We Know What’s True? How reliable are human perceptions and memories? In this course, you will question the different factors that affect our judgment and decision-making. You will do so critically examine your beliefs and understand where they come from.. N.d. Bryan Ridgley. Web. 17 Mar. 2016. <bryanridgley.com>.

  3. Imagining Exile What does a person call home? In this course, you will learn about how a person living abroad integrates into a new society and culture. You will also examine how this decision affects the individual and his family through learning about different experiences.

  4. Of Heroes and Demons How does a person perceive beliefs and values through reading heroic tales? In this course, you will look at folktales, myths, films, and textual explorations of the mythical, literary and historical and formulate concepts of the heroic and demonic.

  5. Filming Difference: Perceptions of Nations, Borders, Race andIdentity How do films present different nationalities, ethnicities & identities? In this course, you will interpret and examine theoretical issues pertaining to identity through comparative readings of various films from different eras.

  6. A Beautiful Mind: 21st Century Learning What is the relationship between education and success? In this course, you will contextualize your educational experiences through analyzing different ideas about learning. This course promotes motivation, creativity and discipline for your university career.

  7. Advertology How does science affect what people buy? In this course, you will learn the science behind advertising and consumerism through applying different persuasion techniques.

  8. Who Am I? What makes you the person that you are? In this course, you will explore yourself and your surroundings through different theoretical and practical approaches of the human consciousness and the “self” in sciences, psychology, philosophy, the arts, and religion.

  9. The Human Quest: Exploring the Big Questions What does it mean to be human? In this course, you will reflect on the importance of identity in an age of globalization. You will also examine the different ethical issues facing humankind in a world full of societal dominance.

  10. Imagined Worlds: Utopias and Dystopias Why do humans desire to establish a paradise on Earth? In this course, you will understand the concepts behind why citizens attempt to create a perfect world. You will analyze different literature such as Plato’s Republic and Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games.

  11. Vision Machines: The Story of Inventions and Everyday Life What impact have technological inventions had on human life? In this course, you will reflect on the importance of the digital age--its effect on our communication, our knowledge and our relationships with other people and our environment.

  12. High and Low:Culture and Context What do people label as a “high” or “low” culture? In this course, you will explore the two cultural worlds and analyze their meanings through their differences. Students are also expected to challenge their views and examine the "grey" area in between the forms of "high" and "low" culture.

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