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With bad credit business loans and other financing options, many people with poor credit scores and blemishes on their credit reports still manage to obtain financing for start ups. Here are some of the funding options that you can explore to finance a business despite having bad credit.<br><br>Get more information about startup business financing for bad credit at:<br>http://www.badcreditresources.com/start-up-business-financing-despite-bad-credit<br>
Manypeoplewithbadcreditscores stillmanagetoobtainfinancingfor startups. Herearesomeofthefundingoptionsto exploretofinanceabusinessdespitehaving badcredit...
EQUIPMENTLEASES A leasing company purchases equipment and then allows you to use it for a set period of time in exchange for a fee.
SALE LEASEBACK FINANCING Some start up business financing companies will allow you to use things you already own as collateral for a working capital loan. It can be equipment, vehicles, boats, CD, jewelry etc.
CREDITCARDFINANCING Ifyourbusinessacceptscreditcards, youmaybeabletogetaloanfrom youramerchantcashadvance company.
FACTORING Af a c t o r i n gc o m p a n yw i l lu s ey o u r b u s i n e s sa c c o u n t sr e c e i v a b l e si n o r d e rt og i v ey o uaw o r k i n gc a p i t a l l o a n . T h i st y p eo ff i n a n c i n gi s b a s e do nt h ec r e d i tw o r t h i n e s so f y o u rc l i e n t s .
PURCHASE ORDER FINANCING This type of financing is usually used by manufacturing companies. You receive a large order for your product but you need money to compete the manufacturing process.
PEER TO PEER LENDING With these types of arrangements, you create a profile on a website with the story of your business and information about your financial status.
CROWDFUNDING Crowdfunding is similar to social lending in that you solicit funds from users of a website but crowdfunding sites allow you to pool small investments from dozens to thousands of people.
MICRO CREDIT ORGANIZATIONS If you only need a small amount of money, you may be able to qualify for a micro loan. Micro loans are bad credit business loans that are provided through a number of micro credit organizations.
HavingaBADCREDIT doesn’t mean that it’s not possible for you to pursue your dream of owning your own business...