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Learn about the Czech pension system, its pillars, benefits structure, demographics, reforms, and retirement age policies. Explore the mandatory, quasi-mandatory, and voluntary schemes to plan for your future in the Czech Republic.
Study Visit on Employment policies and Social security systems with special reference to Migrant workers Prague, 2November, 2015 Ministry of Labourand Social Affairs, Prague, Czech Republic
Pension Systemin the Czech Republic Ministry ofLabour and SocialAffairs Department ofSocialInsurance 2nd November 2015
Introduction • The pension systemis a integral part ofnationaleconomy. • The most importantobjectiveofthesystemisprovidingbenefits in case of invalidity, oldage and survivor. • Withrespect to long term characterofthesystemchangeshave to run step by step (evolutionary not revolutionary) withwideconsensus.
Czech pension system • Mandatory public PAYG system (I. pillar) • Quasi-mandatory FF system (II. pillar) – (since 2013 till 2015) • Voluntary supplementary FF scheme with state support (III. pillar) – (since 1994) --------------------------------------------------------- • Life insurance products
Public PAYG system (I. pillar) • Providing old-age, disability and survivor’s pensions (2,5+0,47+0,1= 3 mil.) • Dominant source of old-age income (~ 94-95 %) • Providing average gross replacement rate of 42% (2011), netreplacementrateabout 53 % • Pension expenditure – cca 9 % GDP • Contributionrate – 28 % (6,5+21,5) • High solidarity/redistributionformula = low risk ofpovertyamongpensioners • Institutionalroots: end of 19 century • Uniformsystem (no specialschemes)
Numberofpensioners and pensions – 2015 (end of 2014) • Numberofpensioners 2 863 000 • Numberofpaidpensions 3 576 000 • Old – agepensions 2 345 000 • Disability pensions 428 000 • Widow´s/widower´spensions 658 000 • Orphan´spensions 43 500 • Numberofinsuredpersons 5 300 000 Averageoldage pension isabout 11.380CZK (400 €) Averagewageisabout 26.000 CZK (920 €)
Lifeexpectancy (at 65 years) zdroj: EUROPOP 2011
Dependency Ratio (65+/15-64) TODAY zdroj: EUROPOP 2011
Demography – population ageing • Life expectancy at the age of 60 • Born 1945………22-23 (22,7) years • Born 1990………29-30 (29,2) years • Low fertilityrate • Current 1,2 – 1,4(expected growth to a maximum of 1,7) • Increase in the share of people in older age groups • especially in the group of 80+ + 6,5 years
A lot ofparametricchangesduring last 20 years Increasingoftheretirementage (4 times) Introducingofsocialcontributions and changes in thelevelofcontribution Increasingof minimum insurance period forentitlement Extensionof reference period – to lifelong Introducingregularvalorizationofpensions Changes in the area of early pensions Redefinitionof invalidity (threelevels) Fullycoordinationwith EU legislative (free movement, transfersofbenefits) Introductionof III. fullyfundedvoluntarypillar (1994) Introductionof II. fullyfundedpillar (2013) Pension Reform
Pensions • old-age (including the so-called early old-age pension), • disability(threelevelsof disability), • widow and widower, • orphan Thissystemisbased on severalgeneralprinciples: social solidarity, pay-as-you-go financing, mandatoryparticipationofalleconomicallyindividuals, defined benefit, universality - the legal regulation is the same for all the insured persons, there are no industry-specific schemes .
Pension insurance Thegroupsof pension insuredpersons • employes • Self-employedpersons • Participantswithouteconomicalactivity in casesgiven in act – e. g. persons, whotake care ofchildyoungerthan 4 yearsofageorhelplesspersons, jobapplicants to a limited extent and others (non-contributoryperiods)
Pension Benefit Formula(oldage) • Flatrate part (9 % oftheaveragewage, 2440 CZK - 2016) + percentageamount, wage-linked (but withhighincome solidarity) • Entitlement: • Minimum insurance period: increasing(from 25 to 35(30) years - 2019) • Retirementage: increasing(60 (1995) - 67 (2044)) • Decisive period: lifelong • allwagessince 1986 Percentage part ofpension 1,5 % ofcalculation base foreachyearoftheinsurance Flatrate (fix amount) 9 % ofaveragewage 2440 CZK - 2016
Thestatutoryold-age pension Theconditionsofentitelment The insured person shall be entitled to the old-age pension, provided he/she has reached the necessaryinsuredperiod and retirementage. Currently, retirementageformenis 62 years and 10 months (2.11.1952-2.9.2015), forwomenwithoutchildern 62 years and and between 61 years – 58 yearsforwomen, whohaveraisedoneor more children.
The amount of the old-age pension The amount of the pension consists of two components specifically a basic assessment and a percentage assessment. • The amount of the basic assessment of the pensions has been is set as a percentage of the average wage – 9 % of average wage (currently 2 440 CZK per month). • The percentage assessment is 1,5 % of the calculation base for each year of the insuredperiodacquired before the entitlement to the pension arose.
Retirementage – increasing and unification year 2041, retirementage 66 years+8 months, born in 1975
Lifeexpectancy and retirementage • The increases in retirement age match life expectancy gains • Average years spent in retirement fixed at ~20 years • Future revisions of life expectancy and retirement age envisaged
Risk ofpovertyrate (65+, 2011) Eurostat
Conclusions • Demographytrends are clear (low fertility rate, increasinglifeexpectancy) • Statutoryretirementageincreasingis natural adaptationof pension systems • Importanceoftheflexiblelabour market withoutagediscrimination • Pension system and labour market – mutualfindingoptimal balance
Thankyou for your attention Martin Štěpánek, Department of Social Insurance, martin.stepanek@mpsv.cz