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Understand chosen ciphertext security in public key encryption with definitions, examples, and attacks. Learn about existential unforgeability, channel control, and malleability concerns.
Topics in CryptographyLecture 4Topic: Chosen Ciphertext Security Lecturer:Moni Naor
Public Key Encryption Alice Bob Ciphertext c=E(m, KP) Plaintext m Public keyKP Public keyKP Secret keyKs Decryption m=D(E(m, KP), Ks)
Defining Security • How do we know that an encryption scheme is secure? • Are the following requirements sufficient? • Given E(m, KP), cannot compute m • Given E(m, KP), cannot compute ith bit of m • Given E(m, KP), cannot compute some f(m) • Definition must be • “convincing” • “application independent”
Example: Interactive Authentication Pwants to convince V that he is approving message m Phas a public key KP of an encryption scheme E. To authenticate a message m: • V P: Choose r 2R {0,1}n. Send c=E(m°r, KP) • PV: Receiving c Decrypt c using KS Verify that prefix of plaintext is m. If yes - sendr. V is satisfied if he receives the same r he choose
Existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attack Adversary can ask to authenticate any sequence m1,m2, … Success: makes V accept a message m not authenticated Complete control over the channels Intuition: if Edoes not leak information about plaintext Nothing is leaked about r Definition of security Is it Safe? • V P: Choose r 2R {0,1}n. • Send c=E(m°r, KP) • PV: Receiving c • Decrypt c using KS • Verify prefix is m. • If yes - sendr Problems • If E is “just” semantically secure against chosen plaintext attacks: • Adversary might change c=E(m°r, KP) into c’=E(m’°r, KP) • Malleability • not sufficient to verify correct form of ciphertext in simulation • Closer to a chosen ciphertext attack
Can you think of a an example of an encryption scheme where Encrpytion scheme is semantically secure against chosen plaintext attacks Authentication scheme is forgeable Question • V P: Choose r 2R {0,1}n. • Send c=E(m°r, KP) • PV: Receiving c • Decrypt c using KS • Verify prefix is m. • If yes - sendr Example: bit by bit encryption
Attacks and Security To define security of a system must specify: • The power of the adversary – both: • Computational • access to the system. • What constitute a failure of the system • Often via a game and probability of winning
Attacks Key-only attacks Generic chosen message attack: key unknown when messages chosen Non-Adaptive chosen message attack: key known when messages chosen. Adaptive chosen message attack What it means to break the scheme Universal forgery ¼ key-recovery Selective forgery: target message chosen a priori. Existential forgery - some message is forged. Taxonomy of Signature-SchemesGoldwasser, Micali and Rivest (1984) All combination of attacks/breaking are relevant
(Public-key) Encryption: Attacks • Chosen Plaintext • Minimal attack relevant to PKCs. • Assumes decrypted messages remain secret. • Chosen Ciphertext - preprocessing mode. AKA: Lunch-break, CCA1 • There is a period where the device is handled by adversary • Should remain secure for ciphertext created afterwards • Chosen Ciphertext - postprocessing mode. AKA: CCA2 • Challenge ciphertext is known when the attacks takes place • (but cannot submit it...).
Chosen Ciphertext Attack Alice Bob Query c1 a1=D(c1, Ks) Public keyKP Public keyKP Query c2 Secret keyKs a2=D(c2, Ks) Adversary can get decryptions of ciphertexts of her choice …
Encryption - Notions of Breaking • Semantic Security • Whatever is computable about the plaintext given the ciphertext is computable without it. • Given E(m, kp) it is infeasible to produce related m’ • Can substitute with indistinguishability of encryption • Cannot distinguish E(m0, kp) from E(m1, kp) • Requires a proof in each setting • Non-malleable security • Whatever is computable in an encrypted form about the plaintext given the ciphertext is computable without it. • Given E(m, kp) it is infeasible to produce E(m’, kp) for a “related” m’ • Important for achieving independence of messages. m and m’ satify R(m,m’) R is poly time
Indistinguishability under CCA • Definition: An encryption scheme is secure under CCA if: • no poly-time Adversary A can “win” with non-negligible advantage: • A is given the public key KP. • A (adaptively) asks for decryptions under Ks. • A produces two messages m0 and m1 • A receives a “challenge” c = Epk(mb) for b ∈R {0,1} • A “wins” if it guesses b correctly. • CCA1 – A only gets decryptions before challenge • CCA2 – A also gets decryptions after challenge
Chosen Ciphertext Attack Query ci Alice Bob ai=D(ci, Ks) {m0, m1} b 2R {0,1} Public keyKP Public keyKP c=E(mb, KP) Secret keyKs Query c’i The postprocessing phase a’i=D(c’i, Ks) A Wins if b’=b Guessb’
(Public-key) Encryption: Attacks • Chosen Plaintext • Minimal attack relevant to PKCs. • Assumes decrypted messages remain secret. • Chosen Ciphertext - preprocessing mode. AKA: Lunch-break, CCA1 • Challenge ciphertext is given after adversary relinquishes control of decryption device. • Good model for membership queries in computational learning. • Chosen Ciphertext - postprocessing mode. AKA: CCA2 • Challenge ciphertext is known when the attacks takes place • (but cannot submit it...). • Important in many protocols.
Attack Chosen Plaintext Chosen Ciphertext Preprocessing Chosen Ciphertext Postprocessing Breaking Notion Semantic Security Non Malleability
Auction ca=E(bida,Kp) Auctioneer Public keyKP cb=E(bidb,Kp) Want to ensure that bidb is independent of bida
Example: Auctions Different requirements - different notions. Semantic security is not sufficient for guaranteeing the independence of bids. • If key is used for a single auction and secrecy is not required after the auction is over – Non-malleable security against chosen plaintext attacks. • If key is used for many auctions and secrecy is not required after the auction is over: Non-malleable security against chosen ciphertext attack in the preprocessing mode. • If key is used for many auctions and secrecy is required after the auction is over Non-malleable security against chosen ciphertext attack in the postprocessing mode.
Attack Chosen Plaintext Chosen Ciphertext Preprocessing Chosen Ciphertext Postprocessing Breaking Notion Semantic Security Non Malleability All other implications: proper Open problem: construct a more secure version from the less secure one. Is it possible to constrcut a CCA2 from SS/CPA?
Approaches for CCA-Security Redundancy + verification of well-formedness • The “Naor-Yung paradigm” [NY’90, DDN’91,Sahai,Lindell] • CPA-secure scheme + NIZK • Smooth projective hashing [Cramer Shoup ’98, CS ’02,...] • “Designated verifier” proofs • Simplified: [Kiltz, Pietrzak, Stam, Yung, 2009] • Lossy trapdoor functions [Peikert Waters ’08] • Correlated Products [Rosen Segev’09] Identity-based encryption [BCHK ’04,...] • IBE (CPA)IBE(CCA)
Ideas for achieving resistance to CCA • Add redundancy - hard to generate frivolous ciphertexts • Add methods to check consistency • This is the trickiest part: • Non interactive zero-knowledge • Specific schemes • Decrypt only if given ciphertext passes the consistency checks Important point: may decrypt with several different private keys Could be NIZK based C1 C2 Proof of consistency
Min-Entropy Probability distribution X over {0,1}n H1(X) = - log maxx Pr[X = x] Represents the probability of the most likely value of X X is a k-source if H1(X) ¸ k (i.e., Pr[X = x]·2-k for all x) Statistical distance: ¢(X,Y) = a|Pr[X=a] – Pr[Y=a]|
Extractors Universal procedure for “purifying” an imperfect source Definition: Ext: {0,1}n£{0,1}d!{0,1}ℓ is a (k,)-extractor if for any k-source X ¢(Ext(X, Ud), Uℓ)· k-source of length n x “seed” EXT drandom bits s ℓalmost-uniform bits
Strong Extractors Output looks random even after seeing the seed Definition: Ext: {0,1}n£{0,1}d!{0,1}ℓ is a (k,)-strong extractor if Ext’(x, s) =s ◦ Ext(x,s) is a (k, )-extractor Leftover hash lemma [ILL 89]:Pairwise independent hash functions are strong extractors Example:Ext(x, (a,b)) =first ℓbits ofax+boverGF[2n] • Output length ℓ= k – 2log(1/) • Seed length d = 2n, almost pairwise independence d = O(log n + k)
The One Time ProblemWith shared keys • Alice and Bob share a secret key • Alice wants to send a message m{0,1}n to Bob • Secrecy and authentication is maintained • They want to prevent Eve from interfering • Bob should be sure that the message m’ he receives is equal to the message mAlice sent • For secrecy: one-time pad • For authentication: can use Universal2 hash functions
Authentication using hash functions • Suppose that • H= {h| h: {0,1}n → {0,1}k } is a family of functions • Alice and Bob share a random function h H • To authenticate message m {0,1}nAlice sends (m,h(m)) • When receiving(m’,z) Bob computes h(m’) and compares to z • If equal, accept m’ • If not equal, reject • What properties do we require fromH • hard to guess h(m’) - at mostε • But clearly not sufficient: one-time pad. • hard to guess h(m’) even after seeing h(m) - at mostε • Should be true for anym’ When a strongly universal2 family is used in the protocol, Eve’s probability of cheating is at most 2-k
Session Key Encryption Alice Bob Ciphertext c=EA(m, K) Plaintext m Shared keyK Shared keyK Decryption and Verification m=DV(E(m,K), K)
Structure of Construction: “Hybrid” Encryption: • Use public key to generate shared session key • Use shared key to encrypt + authenticate with one time scheme Decryption: • Use secret key to obtain session key • Use session decryption. Check authentication. • If fails reject. Ow output message.
Decisional Diffie-Hellman gx Alice Bob gy Both parties computeK = gxy • DDH assumption: (g, gx, gy, gxy) (g, gx, gy, gz) (g1, g2, g1r, g2r) (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) for random x, y, z 2 Zq for random g1, g22G and r, r1, r22 Zq
A Simple DDH Based Scheme • G - group of order q • Ext : G£{0,1}d!{0,1} - strong extractor • Choose g1, g22 G and x1, x22 Zq • Let h = g1x1 g2x2 • Output sk = (x1, x2) and pk = (g1, g2, h) Key generation MAIN IDEA: • Redundancy: any pk corresponds to many possiblesk’s • h=g1x1 g2x2 reveals only log(q) bits of information on sk=(x1,x2)
A Simple Scheme • G - group of order q • Ext : G£{0,1}d!{0,1} - strong extractor • Choose g1, g22 G and x1, x22 Zq • Let h = g1x1 g2x2 • Output sk = (x1, x2) and pk = (g1, g2, h) Key generation • Choose r 2 Zq • Output (g1r, g2r, AE(m,hr) Encpk(m) • Let k= u1x1 u2x2. Output DV(e, k) Decsk(u1, u2, e) u1x1 u2x2 = g1rx1 g2rx2 = (g1x1 g2x2)r = hr
A Simple Scheme Theorem: The scheme is secure against CCA1 Proof by reduction: Adversary for the encryption scheme Distinguisher for decisional Diffie-Hellman
A Simple Scheme Theorem: The scheme is secure against CCA1 pk ci ai m0, m1 (sk, pk) Output b’ Epk(mb) b à {0,1}
A Simple Scheme Theorem: The scheme is secure against CCA1 (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) pk ci ai m0, m1 Epk(mb) r1= r2 or b’ r1 r2 Distinguisher for DDH
A Simple Scheme: Generating pk Theorem: The scheme is secure against CCA1 (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) pk ci ai Generating pk given (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) • Choose x1, x22 Zq • Let h = g1x1 g2x2 • Output pk = (g1, g2, h) and remember sk = (x1,x2) m0, m1 Epk(mb) Distinguisher for DDH
A Simple Scheme: Answering the Queries Theorem: The scheme is secure against CCA1 (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) pk ci ai Generating pk given (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) • Choose x1, x22 Zq • Let h = g1x1 g2x2 • Output pk = (g1, g2, h) and remember sk = (x1,x2) m0, m1 Epk(mb) Distinguisher for DDH Answer queries usingsk = (x1,x2)
A Simple Scheme: Generating the Challenge Theorem: The scheme is secure against CCA1 (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) pk ci Generating pk given (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) • Choose x1, x22 Zq • Let h = g1x1 g2x2 • Output pk = (g1, g2, h) and remember sk = (x1,x2) ai m0, m1 Epk(mb) Distinguisher for DDH Let k= g1r1x1 g2r2x2 Output (g1r1, g2r2, AE(mb,k))
A Simple Scheme: The Distinguisher Theorem: The scheme is secure against CCA1 (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2) pk ci ai If b=b’ guess m0, m1 Epk(mb) r1= r2 b’ If b≠b’ guess Distinguisher for DDH r1 r2
Invalid Ciphertext – Random Key Two possibilities • Valid: plaintext can be recovered, knowing sk • Invalid: no info. on plaintext, given pk computationally indistinguishable (g1r, g2r’) (g1r)x1(g2r’)x2 Invalid ciphertext: r r’ x1 + wx2 = log(h) rx1 + r’wx2 = log(k) (g1r)x1(g2r’)x2uniformly distributed given pk and (g1r, g2r’) Therefore, random key is used with invalid ciphertext
Proof: nothing leaked about x1,x2 • Given the public key pk = (g1, g2, h)one linear equation is known on x1,x2 • Given h = g1x1 g2x2. • Still log q entropy Claim: this entropy is kept during the query-attack phase • In legitimate query ciphertexts: (v1=g1r, v2=g2r) and AE(m,k)) and the decryption is independent of x1, x2 • In invalid query ciphertexts: (v1=g1r, v2=g2r’) and AE(m,k)) is rejected whp
Proof: when input not DDH – challenge ciphertext independent of message For the original input (g1, g2, g1r1, g2r2): challenge ciphertext • Let k = g1r1x1 g2r2x2 • Output (g1r1, g2r2, AE(mb,k)) • if r1 r2 then k is random and hence independent of mb • Even an all powerful adversary cannot guess b with probability better than ½. • if r1= r2 then challenge ciphertex is “normal”. • Adversary should guess b with probability better than ½+
Proof: summing up During the attack: • Chance for invalid ciphertext not labeled as such: q ¢ Pr[forgery in AE] • Entropy of x1,x2 decreased by this amount Challenge ciphertext valid or not depending on whether the input is in DDH or not. • If original adversary wins the game with probability ½+ • Advantage in distinguishing DDH from non-DDH is