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Online Science -- The World-Wide Telescope Archetype

Online Science -- The World-Wide Telescope Archetype. Jim Gray Microsoft Research Collaborating with: Alex Szalay, Ani Thakar,… @ JHU Roy Williams, George Djorgovski, Julian Bunn @ Caltech Robert Brunner @ U.I. Outline. The revolution in Computational Science

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Online Science -- The World-Wide Telescope Archetype

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  1. Online Science -- The World-Wide Telescope Archetype Jim Gray Microsoft Research Collaborating with: Alex Szalay,Ani Thakar,… @ JHU Roy Williams, George Djorgovski, Julian Bunn @ Caltech Robert Brunner @ U.I.

  2. Outline • The revolution in Computational Science • The Virtual Observatory Concept == World-Wide Telescope

  3. Computational Science The Third Science Branch is Evolving • In the beginning science was empirical. • Then theoretical branches evolved. • Now, we have computational branches. • Was primarily simulation • Growth areas:data analysis & visualization of peta-scale instrument data. • Help both simulation and instruments. • Are primitive today.

  4. Computational Science • Traditional Empirical Science • Scientist gathers data by direct observation • Scientist analyzes data • Computational Science • Data captured by instrumentsOr data generated by simulator • Processed by software • Placed in a database / files • Scientist analyzes database / files

  5. What Do Scientists Do With The Data?They Explore Parameter Space • There is LOTS of data • people cannot examine most of it. • Need computers to do analysis. • Manual or Automatic Exploration • Manual: person suggests hypothesis, computer checks hypothesis • Automatic: Computer suggests hypothesis person evaluates significance • Given an arbitrary parameter space: • Data Clusters • Points between Data Clusters • Isolated Data Clusters • Isolated Data Groups • Holes in Data Clusters • Isolated Points • Points / clusters similar to “this one” Nichol et al. 2001 Slide courtesy of and adapted from Robert Brunner @ CalTech.

  6. Challenge to Data Miners: Rediscover Astronomy • Astronomy needs deep understanding of physics. • But, some was discovered as variable correlations then “explained” with physics. • Famous example: Hertzsprung-Russell Diagramstar luminosity vs color (=temperature) • Challenge 1 (the student test): How much of astronomy can data mining discover? • Challenge 2 (the Turing test):Can data mining discover NEW correlations?

  7. Data Mining Algorithms Miners Scientists Science Data & Questions Database To store data Execute Queries Plumbers Question & AnswerVisualization Tools What’s needed?(not drawn to scale)

  8. You can GREP 1 MB in a second You can GREP 1 GB in a minute You can GREP 1 TB in 2 days You can GREP 1 PB in 3 years. Oh!, and 1PB ~3,000 disks At some point you need indices to limit searchparallel data search and analysis This is where databases can help You can FTP 1 MB in 1 sec You can FTP 1 GB / min (= 1 $/GB) … 2 days and 1K$ … 3 years and 1M$ Some science is hitting a wallFTP and GREP are not adequate

  9. Personal In the old dayspeople took photoshad them developedput them in a shoe box Some people actually put them in picture albums. But mostly, pictures are never seen againit is hard to find anything Science In the old days scientists kept notebooks. Now they keep ftp servers Some put them in indexed databases But mostly, data are never seen again and it is hard to find anything. The Digital Shoebox How do we find data subsets in the shoebox?

  10. Goal: Easy Data Publication & Access • Augment FTP with data query: Return intelligent data subsets • Make it easy to • Publish: Record structured data • Find: • Find data anywhere in the network • Get the subset you need • Explore datasets interactively • Realistic goal: • Make it as easy as publishing/reading web sites today.

  11. Web Services: The Key? Your program Web Server http • Web SERVER: • Given a url + parameters • Returns a web page (often dynamic) • Web SERVICE: • Given a url + XML document (soap msg) • Returns an XML document • Tools make this look like an RPC. • F(x,y,z) returns (u, v, w) • Distributed objects for the web. • + naming, discovery, security,.. • Internet-scale distributed computing Web page Your program Web Service soap Data In your address space objectin xml

  12. Grid and Web Services Synergy • I believe the Grid will be many web services • IETF standards Provide • Naming • Authorization / Security / Privacy • Distributed Objects Discovery, Definition, Invocation, Object Model • Higher level services: workflow, transactions, DB,.. • Synergy: commercial Internet & Grid tools

  13. Outline • The revolution in Computational Science • The Virtual Observatory Concept == World-Wide Telescope

  14. Data Federations of Web Services • Massive datasets live near their owners: • Near the instrument’s software pipeline • Near the applications • Near data knowledge and curation • Super Computer centers become Super Data Centers • Each Archive publishes a web service • Schema: documents the data • Methods on objects (queries) • Scientists get “personalized” extracts • Federation: Uniform access to multiple Archives • A common global schema

  15. ROSAT ~keV DSS Optical IRAS 25m 2MASS 2m GB 6cm WENSS 92cm NVSS 20cm IRAS 100m Why Astronomy Data? • It has no commercial value • No privacy concerns • Can freely share results with others • Great for experimenting with algorithms • It is real and well documented • High-dimensional data (with confidence intervals) • Spatial data • Temporal data • Many different instruments from many different places and many different times • Federation is a goal • The questions are interesting • How did the universe form? • There is a lot of it (petabytes)

  16. Astronomy Data Growth • In the “old days” astronomers took photos. • Now instruments are digital (100s of GB/nite) • Detectors are following Moore’s law. • Data avalanche: double every 2 years • all data more than 2 years old is public • About 1 PB public now Total area of world’s 3m+ telescopes (m2) 3+ M telescopes area m^2 Total number of CCD pixels (megapixel) Courtesy of Alex Szalay CCD area mpixels Growth over 25 years is a factor of 30 in glass,a factor of 3000 in pixels.

  17. X-ray, optical, infrared, and radio views of the Crab Nebula, which is now chaotically expanding after a supernova sighted in 1054 A.D. by Chinese Astronomers. Crab star 1053 AD Time and Spectral DimensionsThe Multiwavelength Crab Nebulae Szalay’s variant of Metcalf’s Law: The utility of N different data sets is approxmately N2/2 Each pair of comparisons gives additional information. The Federation value is superlinear in size.

  18. The Age of Mega-Surveys MACHO 2MASS DENIS SDSS PRIME DPOSS GSC-II COBE MAP NVSS FIRST GALEX ROSAT OGLE LSST... • Large number of new surveys • multi-TB in size, 100 million objects or more • Data publication an integral part of the survey • Software bill a major cost in the survey • These mega-surveys are different • top-down design • large sky coverage • sound statistical plans • well controlled/documented data processing • Each survey has a publication plan • Federating these archives  Virtual Observatory Slide courtesy of Alex Szalay, modified by Jim

  19. Data Publishing and Access • But….. • How do I get at that petabyte of public of the data? • Astronomers have culture of publishing. • FITS files and many tools.http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_home.html • Encouraged by NASA. • FTP what you need. • But, data “details” are hard to document. Astronomers want to do it, but it is VERY difficult.(What programs where used? What were the processing steps? How were errors treated?…) • And by the way, few astronomers have a spare petabyte of storage in their pocket (today). • THESIS: Challenging problems are publishing data providing good query & visualization tools

  20. Virtual Observatoryhttp://www.astro.caltech.edu/nvoconf/http://www.voforum.org/ • Premise: Most data is (or could be online) • So, the Internet is the world’s best telescope: • It has data on every part of the sky • In every measured spectral band: optical, x-ray, radio.. • As deep as the best instruments (2 years ago). • It is up when you are up.The “seeing” is always great (no working at night, no clouds no moons no..). • It’s a smart telescope: links objects and data to literature on them.

  21. 300 M Photo Objects ~ 400 attributes 1 M Spectra with ~30 lines/ spectrum Sky Server • Alex Szalay of Johns Hopkins builSkyServer (based on TerraServer design) http://skyserver.sdss.org/ • Data access & Astronomy education • ~7M web hits, usage growing 15%/month • Moving to V4 DB & Schema (1.5 TB DB + 5TB image by 7/1/2003) • Recent CS efforts have been • automated data pipeline (workflow engine) and • web services integration with VO • Template widely used and cloned in the Astronomy and Computer Science communities • Prototype for publishing an Astronomy archive on web.

  22. Virtual Observatory Status • Lots of meetings (too many) • VO table defined (a successor to FITS?) • Tool suite emerging • Defining Astronomy Objects and Methods. • Federated 5 Web Services(fermilab/sdss, jhu/first, Cal Tech/dposs, Cambrige/nt) • http://skyquery.net/ multi-survey crossID match and select Distributed query optimization • http://SkyService.jhu.pha.edu/SdssCutout Image access service(cutout + annotated) • WWT is a great Web Services (.Net) application • Federating heterogeneous data sources. • Cooperating organizations • An Information At Your Fingertips challenge.

  23. Basic Services Metadata about resources Waveband Sky coverage Translation of names to universal dictionary (UCD) Simple search resources Cone Search Image mosaic Unit conversions Filtering, counting, histograms On-the-fly recalibrations Higher Level Services Built on Atomic Services Perform more complex tasks Examples Automated resource discovery Cross-identifications Photometric redshifts Outlier detections Visualization facilities Goal: Build custom portals in days from existing building blocks (like today in IRAF or IDL) SkyQuery Web Serviceshttp://skyquery.net/

  24. SkyQuery Cross-id Steps http://skyquery.net/ SELECT o.objId, o.r, o.type, t.objId FROM SDSS:PhotoPrimary o, TWOMASS:PhotoPrimary t WHERE XMATCH(o,t)<3.5 AND AREA(181.3,-0.76,6.5) AND (o.i - t.m_j) > 2AND o.type=3 • Parse query • Get counts • Sort by counts • Make plan • Cross-match • Recursively, from small to large • Select necessary attributes only • Return output • Insert cutout image

  25. Summary • The revolution in Computational Sciencesimulation & analysis • The Virtual Observatory Concept == World-Wide Telescope • I finally found a distributed database • I have found a distributed system and a distributed object system.

  26. ReferencesNVO (Virtual Observatory)WWT (world wide telescope) • NVO Science Definition (an NSF report)http://www.nvosdt.org/ • VO Forum website http://www.voforum.org/ • World-Wide Telescope paper in ScienceV.293 pp. 2037-2038. 14 Sept 2001. (MS-TR-2001-77 word or pdf.)

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