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AT&T Developer Center ForHealth

AT&T Developer Center ForHealth. March 2012. AT&T ForHealth SM Solution Areas. Harnessing the power of technology and smart networks to create a healthier world. Cloud-Based Solutions. Healthcare Community Online. mHealth. Telehealth. Trend 1:. Inflection point in healthcare.

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AT&T Developer Center ForHealth

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  1. AT&T Developer CenterForHealth March 2012

  2. AT&T ForHealthSM Solution Areas Harnessing the power of technology and smart networks to create a healthier world. Cloud-BasedSolutions HealthcareCommunity Online mHealth Telehealth

  3. Trend 1: Inflection point in healthcare Mobility - not just young invincibles 97% 79% All Age Groups w/ Cell phone1 Age 50+ w/ Cellphone2 Smartphone users, Million5 Mobility enables care access 84% 79% 70% Hispanics w/ Cell phone1 Medicaid insuredwho text2 Co-morbid chronicpatients w/ Cell phone3 3% 11% 50+ age group seeking mHealth 39% 42% 90% Use mHealth Want mHealth Caregivers 2 Age 50+ 2 Age 50+ “if mHealth enabled you to live in your own home for longer”2 1. Strategy Analytics Forecast 2010, 2. AARP Report 2011, 3. PwC HRI report 2011, 4. Pew Internet and American Life Project 2007, 5. ComScore: mobile year in review 2010

  4. Trend 2: Explosion in mHealth apps Mobile health and wellness apps Number 2011 doublingin mHealth investments Increase in mHealth apps >70% / yr mHealth vendors >1,900 Source: PwC 2010, MobiHealthnews 2010, research2guidance 2011

  5. Trend 3 Profusion of “connected” devices M2M Healthcare Connected Devices - US Number • Connected Technologies: • Zigbee • Ant+ • Blue Tooth • Low Powered BlueTooth • 3G/4G • WiFi • NFC • Proprietary 956,000 75,000 1,000 Source: Juniper Research 2010

  6. Promise and Dissonance Use Of Mobile Device To Access Healthcare Info Percent of US adults US Total mHealth Apps Downloads Number, million US Adults Downloading mHealth Apps Percent Expectation that MANY apps will be downloaded … But mHealth apps downloads – holding steady End-users want to access healthcare info using their mobile devices … Source: Juniper Research 2011, Pew Research 2011; Manhattan research 2010

  7. The Downward Slope Silo-ed Apps Standalone, Unconnected Limited Functional Library function, e-logs Profusion and Confusion Curse of Me-Too Churn Baby Churn

  8. Only Connect • Harness Application Developers’ innovation and capabilities to … • Create meaningful applications that meet true needs of Healthcare Enterprises… • While empowering Individuals to control their own data

  9. The Art of the Possible • AT&T managed interoperability • Single set of APIs • Highly-secure storage for masses of data • Free and open access • Carrier, device, platform agnostic • Application IP belongs to the developer

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