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Bissaya Barreto Municipal Airfield Sustainability Study

Bissaya Barreto Municipal Airfield Sustainability Study. Francisco Lemos. Thanks. President of the Ju ri - Profª. Ana Cristina Amaro ( Phd ) ( Examiner ) Pedro Tavares ( Phd ) ( Mater’s Thesis Orienter ) Pedro Coimbra Martins ( Phd )

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Bissaya Barreto Municipal Airfield Sustainability Study

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  1. BissayaBarreto Municipal Airfield Sustainability Study Francisco Lemos

  2. Thanks • PresidentoftheJuri - Profª. Ana Cristina Amaro (Phd) • (Examiner) Pedro Tavares (Phd) • (Mater’sThesisOrienter) Pedro Coimbra Martins (Phd) • (Mater’sThesisCo-Orienter)Paulo Leitão (CityCouncilOfficial) • (Mater’sThesisSupervisor) Cmd. Costa Ramos (AeronaticalEngeneeringTechnician)

  3. Keywords • BissayaBarreto Municipal Airfield • Coimbra CityCouncil • AppliedMathematics • Linear Optimization • Operations Research • Data EnvelopmentAnalysis

  4. Financial envelope • Coststructure: • Anual currentexpenseaprox. 150.000,00 € (Financial + HR) • No income, no landing, parking or fuel supplyfees

  5. Functionalstructure • PilotSchool - AeroClube de Coimbra • Aeronauticmaintenance – • Industrias Aeronáuticas de Coimbra

  6. Functionalstructure • Firepreventionsquadron • Functionalrunway – landingofBrazil’sPresident, Dilma Roussef

  7. Architectureproject for development – 5 tsageswith a total of 9 infrastructures 1st stage: Parking spaceand fuel supply 2nd stage: runwayextensionandtransferof safe house 3rd stage: Parking space 4th stage: Parking spaceandaccess to runway 5th stage: Parking spaceand hangar layout

  8. What’stheProblem? • Minimumammountof capital q decreasinglinearlywith time that’snecessary to execute theproject?

  9. InitialScenario • Necessary: • Execute theinfrastructureproject in 15 years • Paytheproject in 25 years • With: • Bankfinancing • EuropeanUnion funding • Incomefrominvestmentsbeingmade

  10. Formulation– Data – Project stages ST0 = 25.000,00 € (initial capital at t = 0, orstarting cash flow) , i=1,…,9 ; t=1,…,15 EuropeanUnion funding percentagefor infrastructurei infrastructureicost IncomefromEuropeanUnion funding (oneyearaftertheexecution):

  11. Formulation – Data – Incomeprediction

  12. Formulation – Data – Incomeprediction Expectedincome:

  13. Formulation – Data – Financingconstraints (debtpayment) (interests) (sum ofdebtpaymentequalstheloan’samount)

  14. Formulation – Data – Humanresourcesand financial costs

  15. Formulação – Data – Project stageconstraints Theinfrastructures are builtaccording to the time sequencedefined for the5 stages, hencesecondstageinfrastructures 3 and4 willonlybebuiltaftertheexecutionoffirststageinfrastructures 1 and 2: Theinfrastructureswillbebuiltduringthefirst 15 years:

  16. Formulation– Data – Project stageconstraints

  17. Formulation– Compilation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

  18. Formulation– Compilation (…) Ano15 (…)

  19. Formulação – Dados e Programação Linear Inteira Mista – Restrições adicionais Ano 24 Ano 25

  20. Formulation – Sustainabilityconstraint Sustainabilityconstraintattheendoftheplanninghorizon (t = 25) addsup to: the sum ofeveryincomeplusZmust belargerthantheexpenses: Z being positive iscommonlyknown as deficit .

  21. Efficiencyanalysis – Data envelopmentanalysis Data EnvelopmentAnalysis (DEA), formulatedbyCHARNES etal. • Input: • q • Outputs: • Net PresentValue (NPV) • Investmentincome • Z • Investment in internal processes andinternallearning (PAPC)

  22. Scenarioresults Initialscenario(5.1.1)

  23. Scenarioresults Initialscenario(5.1.1)

  24. Scenarioresults Reductionofexpenses (5.1.2)

  25. Resultados e análise de Scenarios Reductionofexpenses(5.1.2)

  26. Scenarioresults Reductionofexpenses(5.1.2)

  27. Scenarioresults No EuropeanUnion Funding withexpensereduction(5.1.3)

  28. Scenarioresults No EuropeanUnionFunding withexpensereduction(5.1.3)

  29. Scenarioresults No EuropeanUnion Funding withexpensereduction(5.1.3)

  30. Scenarioresults Expensereductionandreplaning(5.1.4)

  31. Scenarioresults Expensereductionandreplaning(5.1.4)

  32. Scenarioresults Expensereductionandreplaning(5.1.4)

  33. Scenarioresults Expensereductionandreplaning(5.1.4

  34. Scenarioresults Expensereductionwithreplaningandinvestment in internal processes andlearning,PAPC(5.1.5)

  35. Scenarioresults Expensereductionwithreplaningandinvestment in internal processes andlearning,PAPC (5.1.5)

  36. Scenarioresults Expensereductionwithreplaningandinvestment in internal processes andlearning,PAPC (5.1.5)

  37. Scenarioresults Expensereductionwithreplaningandinvestment in internal processes andlearning,PAPC (5.1.5)

  38. Scenarioresults Expensereductionwithreplaningandinvestment in internal processes andlearning,PAPC(5.1.5)

  39. Resultados e análise de Scenarios RI vsPAPC (5.2.1)

  40. Scenarioresults RI vsPAPC (5.2.1)

  41. Scenarioresults NPV vsPAPC(5.2.2)

  42. Scenarioresults NPV vsPAPC(5.2.2)

  43. Scenarioresults Z vsPAPC(5.2.3)

  44. Scenarioresults Z vs PAPC(5.2.3)

  45. Scenarioresults Financial analysis(5.2.4)

  46. Modelconclusions • What’sleft to explore? • Variablelimitations? • Software package distribution ? • Otherapplications: • Highways, hospital, stadiums? • Productionofpharmaceuticals? • Software development?

  47. Sustainabilitystudyconclusions • Gradual decreaseofexpense • Acompanyinfrastructureexecutionwiththeunderstandingofinternal processes andlearning. • EuropeanUnion funding

  48. TheEnd Thankyou

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