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Feedback on marking and next section

Feedback on marking and next section. Feedback . Do not copy from exemplar materials. All information in the project must be your own or acknowledged Remember you are creating the solution to a problem not an input only system So questions like cost benefits, time saving are essential

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Feedback on marking and next section

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  1. Feedback on marking and next section

  2. Feedback • Do not copy from exemplar materials. All information in the project must be your own or acknowledged • Remember you are creating the solution to a problem not an input only system • So questions like cost benefits, time saving are essential • Your client is in charge NOT YOU

  3. Gathering evidence • Evidence is essential to a good project solution, interviews are good but you need proof that they happened either give details of your client or get them to sign the original or a signed note • Exemplars will not necessarily have these in

  4. Questionnaires • These are good for a larger organisation, but you need to have produced good questions which help with the process of client requirements. You could easily lose 2 marks by using badly written out questionnaires • Again proof needed of the originals

  5. What next? • You all have individual feedback on your project and the corrections to make. • Use independent study time to make these changes and class time for the main project. But remember it has now become harder as you have 2 jobs to do

  6. General feedback • Outline of existing system • Not only do you have to know the system and have spoken to your client you have to be able to see the bigger picture. How does this small element that you are solving fit into the bigger picture • So the marks are given for understanding and environment

  7. General feedback • Investigations - interview • You have all done an interview • Transcript needed of the interview and proof that what the client said is what you wrote down. • Evidence of analysis / justification is needed. Ie when you have had the interview with Mr McGrath how does this lead onto the client requirements

  8. General feedback • Investigation: questionnaires • The questionnaire have to also fit into the client requirements therefore the questionnaire questions must be good enough to build up the picture and add to the client’s requirements • As you would not give the client the questionnaire then use the questionnaires to show development within the client requirements • You will need the questionnaires to place in your project report

  9. General feedback • What does the interview tell you about • The problem • The general environment • What have you gleaned from it? • What justifications have you reached? • All needs to be written down

  10. General feedback • Proof

  11. General feedback • Other techniques • These need proof as well, if you do document analysis include documents with areas of concern • If you do a website analysis include screenshots and note any areas of concern • And your possible solutions

  12. Deadline • Final deadline to have the analysis done is 22nd November

  13. Marks for sections so far • Background – 14 marks • 5 marks if the problem is not a system, but a simple task • Analysis – 15 marks • 5 marks if the problem is not a system, but a simple task

  14. Analysis and deliverables, what is needed?

  15. Statement of scope • Substantial problem • Not a task but a system • Analysis done • Use of diagrams • Internal and external constraints given

  16. Scope • Analyse the system yourself, watch what happens • Note the errors and what works well • Storage and security are good starting points

  17. Writing a good scope • You need research • Look at the problems • Think about a proposed solution to solve these problems, note down what your solution must do • Discuss the solution with your client

  18. Writing a good scope • Link everything back to the client requirements • Internal constraints • User skills • Hardware • Software • Current procedures • Legacy • Future proofing • Access rights • External notes • Money and time allocation • Errors

  19. Writing a good scope • Link everything back to the client requirements • External constraints • Emails • DPA • Data formats • Training • Staffing • Environment

  20. Writing a good scope • DFDs up to level 3 • There will be lessons on these in INFO3 and 4 • You will need a general idea of the original system to do this though • Documents can be handy

  21. Other elements • Description of proposed solution • Description of processes • Description of the users of the proposed system

  22. Evaluation Criteria • Quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria needed plus the understanding of how these are going to be assessed

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