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Hashi in a Graph-Theoretic Model. Ben Warren. What is Hashi?. Single-player puzzle invented in Japan. “Hashi” is short for the Japanese name, “hashiwokakero”, meaning “build bridges”. The player is given a puzzle key, and seeks to construct a unique solution according to certain simple rules.
Hashi in a Graph-Theoretic Model Ben Warren
What is Hashi? • Single-player puzzle invented in Japan. “Hashi” is short for the Japanese name, “hashiwokakero”, meaning “build bridges”. • The player is given a puzzle key, and seeks to construct a unique solution according to certain simple rules.
Rules of Hashi • Played on an n-by-n grid, with some spaces containing numbered islands. • The goal is to connect all of the islands with bridges such that: • All bridges run orthogonally between two distinct islands. • No two bridges cross. • Either 0, 1, or 2 bridges connect any two islands. • The number of bridges incident on an island matches that island's number. • The final puzzle solution connects all islands into a single group.
Connection to Graph Theory • With some restrictions, it seems that hashi keys are vertex sets of an unknown solution graph with a given degree sequence. Hashi solutions seem to behave like connected planar multigraphs.
Constructing a Model • In order to construct a model for hashi, we have to consider the following: • The rules of hashi depend on distances being fixed. Our model should not be “stretchable”. • The rules of hashi also demand that lines be strictly orthogonal. Our model should not be “bendable”. • We would like to force planarity for all solutions.
Definitions • A unit-distance graph is a graph in which all edges are of unit length
Definitions • A grid graph is a unit-distance graph which is the Cartesian product of two unit-distance path graphs.
Definitions • A Hanan grid graph of a given set of vertices is the graph obtained from the intersection of all the orthogonal lines through each vertex in the set.
More simply put: • We are given a hashi grid with weighted vertices. • We can construct a Hanan grid graph of all possible connections between the set of weighted vertices, such that the underlying simple graph of the hashi solution is a subgraph of the Hanan graph.
Our Model in Practice: • Suppos we're given a 7x7 hashi puzzle key:
Our Model in Practice: • We express the puzzle key as a 7x7 weighted unit-distance grid graph, G:
Our Model in Practice: • We construct the Hanan grid graph generated by the non-zero weight vertices of G (indicated in blue):
Our Model in Practice: • The hashi solution multigraph, H, has an underlying simple graph which is some subgraph of the Hanan graph of G:
Our Model in Practice: • So, H can be determined as a multigraph which is a supergraph of some subset of the Hanan graph of G:
Why is this model an improvement over the “common-sense” approach?
Why is this model an improvement over the “common-sense” approach?
Why not construct a better model? • It turns out, according to Andersson(2009), solving arbitrarily-sized hashi is an NP-complete problem. • This is bad news for anyone looking for a general solution to hashi.
Some notes on P vs. NP • In computer science, there are different “complexity classes” of problems. • Problems in “P” can be solved in polynomial time. • Problems in “NP” can have their solutions verified in polynomial time. • All problems which are “NP-complete” are: • In NP • And can be reached by reducing any problem in NP.
Example problems in P • Calculating greatest common divisors • Determining if a given number is prime Example problems in NPC • “Traveling salesman” problems. • Determining graph colorings • Sudoku • Hashi
So, why is hashi interesting? • Besides being fun, hashi is a good “gateway” between computer science and graph theory. • It can be expressed in the language of either, but neither has offered a complete picture. • As hashi keys grow in size, their complexity compounds in a very intuitive way.
Questions for future research: • We're given an arbitrarily-sized hashi key whose weighted vertices generate a Hanan graph for which all possible solution subgraphs take the form of a tree graph. Does this restricted case grant us any new conclusions?
Questions for future research: • Given some small integer n, can we count all isomorphic hashi keys and solutions which can be generated for an nxn hashi? • Given a vertex-weighted nxn unit distance grid graph, G, can we determine any conditions by which G absolutely is or is not a valid hashi key?
Citations • Wikipedia. “Hashiwokakero#Rules.” Accessed April 29, 2011. • Nikoli Co., Ltd. “Puzzle Cyclopedia”, ISBN 4-89072-406-0 • Andersson, Daniel, “Hashiwokakero is NP-Complete” • Eppstein. ICS 161: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lecture notes for March 12, 1996: NP-Completeness. University of California, Irvine, n.d. Web. 1 May 2011. Special thanks to: • Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection, http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/, distributed freely under the MIT License