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The Danish Resource Sharing Environment - Or Why the Danes Are the Happiest People in the World. Poul Erlandsen The Royal Library / Copenhagen University Library and Information Services (CULIS). But most important:. Interlibrary loans are free of charge!.
The Danish Resource Sharing Environment- Or Why the Danes Are the Happiest People in the World Poul Erlandsen The Royal Library / Copenhagen University Library and Information Services (CULIS)
But most important: Interlibrary loansarefree of charge!
Danish Interlibrary Loan Environment • New Library Act 2000 • Principles and Guidelines for ILL activities in Danish libraries 2001 • National Union Catalogue of library resources with request facility for end users on the web 2001 – library.dk
Time for Rethinking Library Services • Only 1% of individuals consult a library web page or online catalogues to begin their search for information • While 84% use a search engine like Google or Yahoo
Actions? • How do we make library services such as ILL relevant for users in this context? • Ensure that library collections and holdings are displayed in search results – e.g Google • And then what? How does the user get the actual book, article etc.?
Manifeste pour une révision du partage des ressources • Comme seules restrictions seront imposées celles qui seront nécessaires à une institution avec pour but qu'elles représentent le moins d'obstacles possibles à la satisfaction de l'utilisateur • Les utilisateurs de bibliothèques devront se voir accorder les choix appropriés quant aux formats de fourniture, aux modes de livraison et types de prestations, notamment le prêt, la reproduction, la copie numérique, et l'achat.
RRS Manifeste cont. • On encouragera l'accès mondial aux ressources partageables grâce à des accords formels et informels de travail en réseau avec pour but le moins d'obstacles possibles à sa réalisation • On considérera comme ressources partageables toutes celles détenues dans des institutions culturelles de toutes natures : bibliothèques, archives, musées, tout comme les compétences des personnels qu'ils emploient
RRS Manifeste cont • Les services d'assistance et de recherche documentaire (ou services de référence) sont un composant essentiel pour le partage et la fourniture de ressources, et doivent être rapidement offerts dans toute situation d'impossibilité a priori de fournir. Aucun document physiquement identifiable ne doit rester totalement inaccessible • Les bibliothèques devront proposer leurs prestations à un prix raisonnable plutôt que d'opposer un refus mais devraient tout mettre en oeuvre pour que ces prestations ne soient pas plus chères que des services commerciaux, comme les librairies
RRS Manifeste cont • S'inscrire à une bibliothèque devrait être une démarche aussi aisée que de s'inscrire à des services web commerciaux. Tout un chacun peut être utilisateur de bibliothèque • http://rethinkingresourcesharing.org/docs/manifesto_french.pdf
The Danish ILL Environment • National Union Catalogue open for end user requesting – library.dk – free of charge • Delivery of scanned articles from scientific journals – free of charge • Books to your Doorstep service – normally for a fee • All records from national union catalogue transferred to WorldCat by the end of 2009
Danish Interlibrary Loan Environment • Number of ILL requests doubled 2003-2007 • Still increasing • Total of 2 mill. ILL requests per year (2009: 1,5 mill made through library.dk. Of these 842.000 were unmediated)
Logistics • New national transportation system for library materials – Library Express – established January 2004 • The Library Express is since August 2009 connected to similar courier systems in Sweden and Norway • Public libraries have service 3 days a week at no cost for them
Logistics • May buy extra days at a fixed price • Other types of libraries pay DKK 5,50 per item sent (approx. EUR 0,75) • Same price within Denmark, Sweden and Norway • Items sent unwrapped in plastic bins with an address label attached with a rubber band
Books to Your Doorstep - Denmark • Decentralized service – no admin. staff • Began 2004 • http://katalog.deff.dk/?lang=en • Z39.50 search across catalogues of libraries that offer the service • Use existing technology, fast implementation, had to be without direct costs for participating libraries
Books to Your Doorstep • Open to all Danish citizens • Registration is done locally • Books are sent to home or work address • Loan period 30-40 days • Renewals allowed • Free return via a library (uses national library courier service ”The Library Express”) • Or return by mail (paid by the user)
Books to Your Doorstep • Free of charge or for a fee of DKK 50.- (EUR 6,7). Participating libraries decide. • Invoicing done by individual libraries • Invoice is sent together with book • Payment is often possible with bank card via website of the lending library
Supplier Libraries • Aarhus School of Business Library* • Roskilde University Library* • The State and University Library, Aarhus • University of Southern Denmark Library* • Aalborg University Library • National Library of Education* • The Royal Library / Copenhagen University Library (incl. The National Library of Medicine, The Danish Pharmaceutical Library and The Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Library)* • The Technical University of Denmark Library* • Copenhagen Business School Library* * = charges
Experiences • No higher loss rate • No major problems reported • No abuse of service • Free suppliers have the higest demand (surprise!!!)
DanBib in WorldCat • The whole Danish National Union CatalogueDanBibwasloadedintoWorldCat in late 2009 • Because: 1. Make Danish culturalheritage visible to the world 2. Enhancecopycataloguing
DanBib in WorldCat 3. Takeadvantage of toolsdeveloped by OCLC (collectionanalysis) 4. Ensure participation in global resourcesharing – in the best and cheapestway 5. Integrate Danish libraries as suppliersinternationally
Architecture • Library.dk used as location information in WorldCat.org • By clicking on this location users are taken to the library.dk system • Users within Denmark can then request as usual • Users from abroad are being asked to request through their local library
OCLC EMEA Statistics OCLC / PE
OCLC EMEA Statistics OCLC / PE
ILL Borrowing Statistics from the Royal Library / CULIS Jan-Mar 2010 Jan-Mar 2011 Denmark 2.714 6.427 Nordic 370 1.166 Other countries 586 1.546 Non libraries 16 196 Total 3.686 9.335
Librarians, throw off your policies & expose your resources! Dare to Share!!