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¿Who are we?

¿Who are we?. The Jesuit Service for Migrants Mexico (SJM/MEX) is a non governmental organization of the Mexican Jesuit Province, with a humanitarian caracter created in 2001. International Level, Network SJM/CA&NA. Canadá. EEUU. México. Honduras. Guatemala. Nicaragua. El Salvador.

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¿Who are we?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ¿Who are we? The Jesuit Service for Migrants Mexico (SJM/MEX) is a non governmental organization of the Mexican Jesuit Province, with a humanitarian caracter created in 2001.

  2. International Level,Network SJM/CA&NA Canadá EEUU México Honduras Guatemala Nicaragua El Salvador Panamá Costa Rica Mapa del Mundo Proyección de Peters

  3. OBJECTIVE Contribute building a just and solidary humanity in which each person can ensure that his rights are respected : right to live, to work and to truly accomplish himself in his place of origin or in any part of the world.

  4. Education and gender perspective.

  5. Women Program and Migrant Family General Objective To promote emotional health of the Mexican families who live the experience of migration through formation of Self Help Groups, community banks and income generating activities for the women and their families.

  6. SELF HELP GROUPS A group of women who reflect on the experience of ‘white widows’. Its a space of reflexion in which they can speak of their emotions, feelings, exchange experience and hand mutual help. The goal is to promote the growth and human developement.

  7. Moarning Self esteem Asertivity Managing emotions Emotion health atention Leadership Community recognition

  8. COMMUNITY BANKS Counter proposition to the commercial bank. Trust and solidarity in the word Reinforcement of the social environment. Culture of savings and administration of the remittences. Self Management

  9. INCOME GENERATING PROJECTS Self-work Micro entrepreneurs New habilities Economical Independance Local Development Empowerment Decision Taking

  10. VOLONTARY LOCAL PROMOTERS Engaged person whith his comunity, willing to form and to share the tools learned with other women, men, youngsters in order to promote at contributing to a ‘good living’ SUSTAINABILITY OF THE PROGRAM AT THE COMUNITARY LEVEL.

  11. PROPOSALS • Migration politics which reduces the social, economical, cultural, emotional cost of the comunities of origin (Bi National Responsability) • Recognition of the habilities and the knowledge of the returned (diplomas as tecnicals). • Temporal Visa to work

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