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Therapeutic Group Programmes (TGP)

Therapeutic Group Programmes (TGP). Department Of Psychiatry. Ann Marie Jinks Ann Marie Nedeljkovicz Andrea Curran. Triggers for change. Clients perspective Audit – questionnaire / client focus groups -Sep to Oct 2009. ‘ the day was long within the unit ’ Professional perspective - MDT

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Therapeutic Group Programmes (TGP)

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  1. Therapeutic Group Programmes (TGP) Department Of Psychiatry Ann Marie Jinks Ann Marie Nedeljkovicz Andrea Curran

  2. Triggers for change Clients perspective Audit – questionnaire / client focus groups -Sep to Oct 2009. ‘the day was long within the unit’ Professional perspective - MDT Exploration of the evidence base - therapeutic interventions to promote recovery Literature Search of both Nursing and Occupational Therapy resources. Needs identified by staff following client assessment / care planning. Value of group programme’s to support sharing and identification of solutions Organizational Perspective Making best use of staff time in the delivery of effective care and support (Breech Article 16(A)). Legislative requirement MHC Regulations for Approved Centre's.

  3. Aim & Objectives • Provide a structure to care within the unit • Promote the co-ordination of care within MDT • Promote client self – esteem • Reduce tension within unit environment • Reduce the use of PRN medication • Introduce community supports and build resilience for recovery and discharge • Activate clients physically and mentally

  4. Therapeutic Group Intervention:

  5. When:Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays. Who Facilitates:Nurses, OT, Service User (last Friday of the Month) ( Future: More Service Users, Doctors, outside Agency). Intervention Aimed: Psycho education “Health & Wellness”, Self management (“D.I.Y.”), Community Management (“Out and About”), Recovery Support Groups (“No One Is an Island”). Therapeutic Benefits: Promote “Recovery” principles, Awareness of their conditions and to maintain wellness, Learn, understand and apply self- help techniques. Access community resources and encourage greater integration into the community. When:Community Leisure Group: Wednesdays. Physical Activity Group: None Creative and Expressive Groups: Unstructured. Who Facilitates:Nurses, OT, SW (Future: Community Client Groups, Outside agencies) Therapeutic Benefits: Promote and explore healthy leisure activities. Facilitate expression and creativity. Awareness of leisure resources in the community. Plan leisure activities. Experience to engage in physical leisure activities. Provide opportunity to meet psychological, educational, social, physiological, relaxation, aesthetic Recovery Group Leisure Group

  6. Leisure Group: Outcomes.. ‘losing weight helps me feel better about myself’ ‘enjoyed the scenery’ ‘walking is good for physical and mental health’ ‘it kept me awake’ ‘takes your mind off’ ‘I won’t need sleeping tablets tonight’ ‘it’s nice to get out in fresh air’ ‘nice to get out of the building’, ‘walking and talking means I don’t have as many distracting thoughts’

  7. Outcomes • Increased communication re. care given and client response to care with the group interventions. • Increased client choice and discussion of programme contents • Groups facilitate the delivery of the persons individual care and recovery plan • Integrates key programmes e.g. smoking cessation and solutions for wellness/ WRAP • Offers a form of ‘green prescription’ as opposed to medication only

  8. Thank You For Listening • Ann Marie Jinks • Andrea Curran Donegal Mental Health Services

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