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I. Introduction

Prokaryotic abundance, activity and community structure in relation to the quality of dissolved organic matter in the deep waters off the Galician Coast (NW Spain).

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I. Introduction

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  1. Prokaryotic abundance, activity and community structure in relation to the quality of dissolved organic matter in the deep waters off the Galician Coast (NW Spain). Elisa Guerrero-Feijóo, Mar Nieto-Cid, Xosé-Antón Álvarez-Salgado, Marta Álvarez, Víctor Hernando-Morales,Eva Sintes, Eva Teira, Gerhard J. Herndl, Marta M. Varela

  2. I. Introduction Theprokaryotes are animportantcomponent in marine plankton Arístegui et al. 2009

  3. I. Introduction Theprokaryotes are animportantcomponent in marine plankton Herndl and Reinthaler, 2013

  4. II. Aims 1. Determine theabundance, activity and theprokaryoticcommunitystructure (Bacteria & Archaea) 2. Studytherelationshipbetweenprokaryoticcommunitystructure and environmental variables environmental variables biologic organicmatter physico-chemical

  5. III: Studyarea Sampling site (NW Spain) Twocruises: In 2011  BIOPROF-1 In 2012  BIOPROF-2 St 111 St 108 St 16 St 11

  6. IV: Methods Prokaryotic abundance (PA) Prokaryotic heterotrophic production (PHP) Smith and Azam (1992) Prokaryotic community structure CARD-FISH Fingerprinting


  8. V.Results: PA & PHP Results

  9. V.Results: CARD-FISH Results Bacteria Thaumarchaeota

  10. V.Results: CARD-FISH Ʃ=97.82%

  11. V.Results: CARD-FISH Results Relationship: CARD-FISH and quality DOM

  12. V.Results: T-RFLPs Archaeal Community Structure (ACS) Euphoticzone Results Deepwaters Mesopelagicwaters

  13. V.Results: ARISA Bacterial Community Structure (BCS) Mesopelagic waters Deep waters Euphotic zone

  14. Results: DisTLManalysis Forrunningthemodel: Bestprocedure

  15. Results: DisTLManalysis Forrunningthemodel: Bestprocedure

  16. Results: DisTLManalysis Forrunningthemodel: Bestprocedure

  17. V.Results: DistLM T-RFLPs ACS = Physico-chemical (20%) + Organicmatter (26%) + Biological (17%) Results

  18. V.Results: DisTLM ARISA BCS = Physico-chemical (38%) + Organicmatter(30%)+ Biological (18%) Results

  19. VI. Conclusions Prokaryotic abundance and prokaryotic heterotrophic production decrease with depth. Thaumarchaeota relative abundance was higher in deep waters than surface layer, while Bacterial abundance tends to decrease with depth. SAR-11 and Alteromonas dominated the prokaryotic community structure inhabiting surface waters. SAR-202 and SAR-324 increased with depth. SAR-406 did not show any clear trend. The prokaryotic community assemblages clearly clustered according to the different water masses. DisTLM analysis explained that only 29% of the variation of ACS can be modeled by the environmental variables tested in this study. DOM represented the primary factor driving the ACS. On the other hand, the analysis explained 49% of the variation for the BCS to the variables included in this work. The physico-chemical set was the most representative to modeling the BCS.

  20. Acknowledgment Elisa Guerrero-Feijóo is supportedby Project BIO-PROF Funding: BIO-PROF MODUPLAN Crew of the R/V Cornide de Saavedra Co-authors Marta M Varela Marta Álvarez Victor Hernando Morales Eva Teira Eva Sintes Mar Nieto Cid Pepe Álvarez Salgado Gerhard Herndl THANK FOR YOUR ATTENTION!! Otherimportantmembers Rebeca Alvariño Vladimir Dobal Fátima Eiroa Ángel Lamas Elena Rey

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