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This chapter delves into the relevance of politics and government in shaping society and highlights the apathy of America's youth towards these crucial aspects. It discusses how government institutions operate, the impact of politics on policymaking, and the significance of democracy. Key themes include governance methods, governmental functions, policy impacts, and democratic principles. Through definitions, examples, and historical context, the text aims to educate readers on the importance of being politically aware and engaged citizens.
Government in America Chapter One
Bellringer • The textbook claims that even though government and politics substantially affects our daily lives, America’s youth are especially apathetic about our nation’s government and politics. LIST: • 3—ways government affects your life • 2—reasons youth are apathetic about government and politics • 1—way citizens have an impact
Politics and Government Matter • Many Americans-especially young people-are apathetic about politics and government. • Huge gap has opened between young (under 25) and the elderly (over 65) on measures of political interest, knowledge, and participation. • So what? Why does voter turnout matter?
Government Defined: • institutions that make authoritative public policies for society as a whole. • Four key institutions make public policy at the national level: • Congress • The President • The Courts • The Bureaucracy (federal administrative agencies)
Government • This chapter raises two fundamental questions about governing that will serve as themes for the whole text: • How should we govern? • What should government do?
What governments do: • Regardless of how they assumed power, all governments have certain functions in common: • Maintain national defense. • Provide public goods-that everyone can share • Have police powers to provide order • Socialize youth-Pledge of Allegiance • Collect taxes to pay for services
Politics • Politics determines whom we select as governmental leaders and what policies they pursue. • Harold D. Lasswell defined politics as “who gets what, when, and how.” • Political Socialization—ways in which people get involved in politics. • Single-issue groups—interest groups whose members will vote on a single issue, such as pro-life and pro-choice that ignore a politician’s stand on everything except abortion.
The Policymaking System • A policymaking system is the process by which policy comes into being and evolves over time. • In a democratic society, parties, elections interest groups, and the media are key linkage institutions between the preferences of citizens and the government’s policy agenda.
The Policymaking System(continued) • People confront politicians with problems they expect them to solve; they are trying to influence the government’s policy agenda. • Political Issue—arises when people disagree about a problem or about a public policy choice. • The end product of government and politics is public policy.
The Policymaking System(continued) • Policymakers stand at the core of the political system, working within the three policymaking institutions established by the U.S. Constitution: the Congress, the presidency, and the courts.
Policy Impacts • Policy impacts are the effects policy has on people and on society’s problems. • There are many types of public policies, including congressional statutes, presidential actions, court decisions, budgetary choices, and regulation. • Having a policy implies a goal: people who raise a policy issue usually want a policy that works.
Policy Impacts(continued) • Translating people’s desires into public policy is crucial to the workings of democracy. • Policies can be established through inaction as well as action.
Democracy • Democracy is spreading throughout the world, in areas that were formerly undemocratic. However, people around the world define democracy differently—and few Americans really understand it fully.
Defining Democracy: • The writers of the Constitution were suspicious of democracy. • In his Gettysburg Address, Lincoln defined democracy as “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” • The basic definition used throughout this text is: democracy is a means of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences.
Traditional Democratic Theory • Traditional democratic theory rests upon several principles that specify how a democratic government makes its decisions.
Democratic theorist Robert Dahl: • Five criteria that are essential for “an ideal democratic process.” • Equality in voting—“one person, one vote” • Effective participation—political participation must be representative. • Enlightened understanding—free press and free speech are essential to civic understanding. • Citizen control of the agenda—citizens should have the collective right to control the government’s policy agenda. • Inclusion—citizenship must be open to all within a nation.
Traditional Democratic Theory • In addition, democracies must practice majority rule and preserve minority rights. • The relationship between the few leaders and the many followers is one of representation: the closer the correspondence between representatives and their electoral majority, the closer the approximation to democracy. • Most Americans also feel that it is vital to protect minority rights, such as freedom of speech.
Contemporary theories Who really governs our nation? • Pluralist • Elite and class theory • Hyperpluralism
Pluralist Theory • Pluralist theory contends that many centers of influence compete for power and control.(Group Politics) • Groups compete with one another for control over public policy, with no one group or set of groups dominating. • There are multiple access points to our government, with power dispersed among the various branches and levels of government.
Pluralist Theory(continued) • Bargaining and compromise are essential ingredients of our democracy. • Electoral majorities rarely rule; rather as Dahl puts it, “all active and legitimate groups in the population can make themselves heard at some crucial stage in the [policymaking] process.” • The recent increase in interest group activity is cited by pluralists as evidence of pluralism. • Critic Robert Putnam: technology has enabled Americans to go “bowling alone.”
Elite and Class Theory • Elite and class theory contends that our society (like all societies) is divided along class lines. • An upper-class elite rules, regardless of government organization. • Wealth is the basis of class power: a few powerful Americans are the policymakers
Elite and Class Theory(continued) • Big business and its power is at the center of most elite and class theories. • Some observers argue that elitism is increasing in recent times.
Hyperpluralism • Hyperpluralism—pluralism gone sour. • Many groups are so strong that government is unable to act. • There are too many groups with access to different levels and branches of government: these groups have multiple ways to both prevent policies they disagree with and promote those they support. • When politicians try to placate every group, the result is confusing, contradictory, and muddled policy. Or no policy at all.
Challenges to Democracy • Increased Technical Expertise • Limited Participation in Government • Escalating Campaign Costs • Diverse Political Interests
A Culture War? • Some scholars believe that America is becoming sharply polarized: • Polarization: “an intense commitment to a candidate, a culture, or an ideology that sets people in one group definitively apart from another, rival group.” James Q Wilson
Which is more important: High citizen participation – even when the citizens are not knowledgeable Participation should be limited to only those citizens who are knowledgeable Socratic Seminar