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The basic components of your short essay?. Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie?. Your short essay will consist of three parts?. INTRODUCTION 1 - 3 BODY PARAGRAPH A CONCLUSION.
The basic components of your short essay? Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? • Your short essay will consist of three parts? INTRODUCTION 1 - 3 BODY PARAGRAPH A CONCLUSION
Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? Toolbox 5: Components of an introduction --Always start with a “hook”—an attention grabber. --Then, reference the work (title and author) --Provide some plot description—1 or 2 sentences telling summarizing what the work is about. --Write your thesis statement—the topic you are trying to prove and the three main points you will discuss in your body paragraph. --End, with a concluding sentence—a final statement that brings together the ideas brought up in the paragraph and/or emphasizes the main point one last time. --MOST IMPORTANT—NEVER, EVER, USE “I” or “You” in your entire essay, unless it is a narrative.
Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? The Introduction A full and complete paragraph consists of a MINIMUM of 6-10 sentences and follows a specific format: THE HOOK (1st Sentence) The HOOK is merely a catchy first sentence that will grab the reader’s attention. REFERENCE THE WORK:Name the title and author of the book with the movie and give a brief description of the plot of both pieces. PLOT DESCRIPTION: Provide a brief synopsis of what your topic/plot is about. (Is the movie’s plot description the same as the book’s plot?) THREE PART THESIS STATEMENT: Where the reader learns the essay’s purpose. What is being proved. A basic thesis statement contains the topic and the 3 main points you will use to support your topic in the body paragraph.* CONCLUDING SENTENCE (last sentence) Each paragraph should end with a final statement that brings together the ideas brought up in the paragraph and emphasizes the main point one last time.
The Introduction Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? Write an introduction explaining how the short story and movie are similar or dissimilar. • Introduction:Books made into movies are always better than the film. Harrison Bergeron, the short story,Kurt Vonnegut, and 2081, the movie version are both about a rebellious young man living in a dystopian society. The protagonist, Harrison, breaks free from the oppressive government that handicaps. Although the content is similar in both formats, the movie version has too many dissimilarities from the short story. The movie version does not depict Harrison’s…(include the three points that support what you will prove). • Concluding sentence with transition word: Clearly, the short story is better at illustrating Harrison’s escape than the movie version.
BODY PARAGRAPHS Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie. • In a basic 3-5 paragraph essay, there are 1-3 body paragraphs that all follow the same structure; but, discuss and prove different points. • Each body paragraphshould discuss one of the points mentioned in your thesis statement. • You are trying to convince the reader that your point is right. • Each body paragraph needs a Topic Sentence + Plot Description + Evidence + Explanation and finally a Closing Sentence. • Be sure to use transition phrases to connect your ideas. (Ex: For instance, However, Therefore. • Write a closing sentence. • Repeat this 1-3 times.
Body1/Point 1: Harrison Bergeron makes a better title. Evidence “Now go back Piggy, and take names. That’s your job” (Golding 25). Explain: . Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? THE three points in my thesis are the three points for my body paragraph. DO NOT number them, that is only to show you my points. THESIS FROM MY INTRODCUTION The movie is much different from the story because the title has been changed, (1) Harrison’s appearance has changed, (2) and (3) finally, the mother and father’s roles are switched. Plot Description + Evidence: The story is more about its character’s conflict in a dystopian society, than the year 2081. Explanation + Closing Sentence: Harrison’s dilemma is central to what happens at the the end. Consequently, 2081 is simply a marker for the future. NOW MOVE ON TO YOUR 2nd AND 3rd POINT AND FOLLOW SAME FORMAT.
Body paragraph Example: Aim: How can we contrast 1984, the novel, with the 1956 movie version? Harrison Bergeron makes makes a better title than 2081. The short story is more about its character’s conflict—Harrison Bergeron—in a dystopian society than the year 2081. For instance, Harrison’s handicaps are the main cause of his conflict.Although the society, seeks equality, it is ineffective and Harrison’s dilemma—breaking free—is central to what happens at the the end. Consequently, 2081 is not fitting as a title as it is simply a date used as a marker for the future.
TOOLBOX 6: FORMAL ESSAY WRITING RULES Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? • Do not use the first or second person (I, my, we, us). • Do not use the past or future tense. You must write in the present tense. • e.g. “Vonnegut demonstrates the evil in humans. ” NOT “Vonnegut demonstratedthe evil in humans.” • Do not use contractions (can’t, won’t, doesn’t use cannot, will not, etc). • Do not use clichés: “When it rains, it pours.” • Never say what you are doing: “This essay will discuss...” (future tense) or “This essay discusses” or “In my opinion...” • Avoid using “a lot, very, nice, bad, cool, stuff, or any words that are conversational. • Avoid redundancy and repetition. You may not repeat a word more than twice. • Be specific. Do not use words such as “things” or “many examples,” or “them.” What things? Which examples? Who is them? Do not be vague.
The Conclusion Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie • The conclusion brings together ALL of the main points of the essay. Start with a transition word. • It refers back to and REPHRASES (NOT RESTATES) the THESIS. Do not repeat it in the same way! • Summarizes the three major points again. Don't simply repeat things that were in your paper. Say them in a new way. • Include a statement that gives your reader something new to think about, perhaps a way to use your paper in the "real" world. • Finally, end with a concluding sentence that leaves an impression. #1 RULE IN ANY CONCLUSION DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW EVIDENCE,
Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie Writing a conclusion Write a conclusion: (Remember your thesis): The movie version has too many dissimilarities from the short story. • Conclusion:All in all, the written version of the story is better than the film adaptation. Vonnegut’s Bergeron and his graphic illustrations of his handicaps come alive on the page. Especially, in his description of Bergeron’s appearnce. Add your other points here. Concluding sentence with transition word: Overall, Bradbury’s work suffers from minor details when seen on the screen. • VOTE 3-2-1
3/6 Do Now:A. Write a topic sentence for your body paragraph.B. Write a topic sentence for your conclusion. Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie.
SAT Word #13 myriad: a countless or extremely great number.EX: I have a myriad of books on my shelf.EX: I have a myriad of emotions during a 24 hour period.Synonym: multitude, a large/great number or quantity. Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie.
How to Begin Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? • Activity: • You will spend the entire period finishing your first draft. • I will rotate and help you with your drafts.
How to Begin Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? • Homework: • Finish your completed first draft. • Due tomorrow.
How to Begin Aim: How can we compare and contrast Harrison Bergeron, the short story, to 2081, the movie? • EXIT TICKET: • WHICH OF THE ESSAY PARAGRAPHS HAVE BEEN THE MOST DIFFICULT TO WRITE. EXPLAIN.