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Folliculitis is a skin condition caused by inflammation of one or more hair follicles. It usually occurs in places where irritation occurs, e.g. B. where the skin is shaved, the skin is chafed or clothing is chafed. In most cases of folliculitis, the inflamed follicle becomes infected with bacteria, specifically Staphylococcus (or "staph") microorganisms that normally live on the skin. Bacteria such as Pseudomonas can live in hot tubs, spas and swimming pools and can cause folliculitis.<br>
HowToAvoidFolliculitisAfterWaxing? Byadmin-May29,2023067 folliculitis-after-waxing folliculitis-after-waxing Fromusingcleantowelsafterbathing,applyingtheappropriatewax,applyingcoldcompressesandeven wearingbaggyclothes,thesearesomeofthemosttraditionalbuteffectivetricksthatwillhelpyouRELIE VETHE TERRIBLE DISCOMFORTof those inflamed lumps. Therefore,ifyouwanttohavesmoothskinbeforeshowingyourselfinabikini,seeherehowtoavoidfollic ulitisafter waxing, soyou will avoid infectionsand unsightly bumps. Let’sgetstarted! TableofContents Howtoavoidfolliculitisafterwaxing? Arebumpsorgrainsnormalafterwaxing? Whatcausestheformationofbumps? Quicktipstoreducefolliculitis Whattodoimmediately,after,andbetweenwaxing? Homeandnaturalremediestocalmfolliculitisandexfoliatetheskin Over-the-counterproductstosootheandexfoliatefolliculitis Howtopreventfutureirritations Howtoavoidfolliculitisafterwaxing? Folliculitisisaninflammationandinfectionofthehairfolliclesandthefeelingofdiscomfortbeginswhenth ese: theycoverup, Theyareirritatedbysweat, Theyarecontaminatedbyoils,makeup,etc., TheybecomeinfectedAFTERinadequateHAIRREMOVAL. So if you are planning to wear a bikini or tight suit or you are simply going to shave: Read this article, you willnotonlyavoidintroducingbacteriaandfungitoyourskin,butyouwillalsolearnhowtoavoidfutureirr itations! Here’showtoavoidfolliculitisafterwaxing: Arebumpsorgrainsnormalafterwaxing? folliculitis-after-waxing folliculitis-after-waxing Yes,butdependingonyourhairremovalmethod,skintype,andtreatedbodyarea,folliculitiswilltightena ndIRRITATE YOUR DERMISTO A GREATEROR LESSER DEGREE. Inthisregard,Dr.KelliA.HutchensfromtheDepartmentofDermatologyandVenereology,LoyolaUniver sityMedical Center, mentions that: “Follicular papules are more common after cosmetic treatments intended to remove body hair in addition Folliculitisafterwaxingismorecommonontheproximalpartsoftheextremitiesthanonthedistalparts.” Ontheotherhand,whenotherdepilatorymethodssuchasshavingareused,bumpsandarashmayalso appear,making the process normal,but uncomfortable. Whatotherareasofthebodyarepronetofolliculitis? Usuallyinareaswherethehairisthicker:face(beard) Otherareas ofthe face
Nape Armpits bikini line Buttocks Legsandarms. Whatcausestheformationofbumps? AccordingtotheMedicalNewsTodayportal,CONTACTDERMATITISleadstothecausesofallergiesan dpost-waxing inflammations. Reddotsarealsoaconsequenceofabrasivewaxing,withgreatforce,andevenduetoLACKOFHYGIE NE. Bacteria(Staphylococcusaureus) Virus Fungus Excessivesweating(hyperhidrosis) If post-shaving pimples persist for a week after the initial inflammation has subsided, the bumps may be c ausedbyINGROWNHAIR,atypeoffolliculitisthatformswhenhairgrowsbackintotheskininsteadofbr eakingout to the skin surface. WARNING AFTERWAXING,PIMPLESMAYALSOTURNWHITISHORRUNNY(LIKEACNE-LIKEPUSTULES).I NTHISCASE,FOLLICULITISWILLRESULTINAMILDINFECTION.BUTDON’TWORRY,DON’TBE SCARED: THIS CAN BE TREATED AT HOME QUICKLY WITH TIPS LIKE THE ONES YOU WILL SEE BELOW. Quicktipstoreducefolliculitis Thanks to your quality of skin regeneration, both armpit irritation, bikini area, and other parts of the body, willhealontheirown,buttoaccelerateRELIEF,reduceinflammationandavoidpost-depilatoryfolliculitis youcan: Wearcottonunderwearandlooseclothingovershavedparts:Rememberthattightandsyntheticfabricsc anincrease irritation on already sensitiveskin. Applyacoldcompress:Itwillhelpsoothetheaffectedarea.Youcanuseanicepackormakeacompres sby passinga cleancloth withcold wateron the affectedarea (maximum20 minutes). Useaslightlywarmcompress:Withthis,youwillremoveingrownhairmoreeasily(maximum5minutese achtime). Avoidpickingorpoppingpimples:Theseactionswillnotonlydamagetheskinbutwillintroducebacteria andincrease the risk ofgenerating infected hair! Whattodoimmediately,after,andbetweenwaxing? Immediatelyafter waxing: Applyacoldcompressortakeacoldshowertoreduceirritation AvoidHOTBATHSORSHOWERS(theywillleaveyourskinverysensitive) Wearloose clothingto avoidfriction and dermatitis Donotapplyperfumedproducts(lotions,creams,perfumes) ApplyaCORTISONECREAMtoreduceinflammationofthetreatedarea Avoidexcessiveactivitysuchasgoingtothegymfor24hoursafterwaxing(perspirationcanirritatefreshl ywaxed skin). Oneortwodaysafterwaxing: Keep wearing loose clothing to reduce dermatitis Avoid applying perfumed lotions and creams ApplysoftandecologicalgelssuchasAloevera. Betweenonewaxingand another: Cleanseandexfoliatebeforewaxingregularly
Byremovingdeadcellsandotherskindebris,itcanalsohelptofreeupingrownhairsandpreventthefor mationof new ingrown hairs. RECOMMENDATION: IFYOUHAVEEXTREMELYSENSITIVESKIN,ITISNOTCONVENIENTTOUSEALOOFAHORADR Y BRUSH TO EXFOLIATE AS YOU WILL IRRITATE THE SKIN MORE. INSTEAD YOU CAN RUB YOU RSELFWITH AN EXFOLIANTTHAT CONTAINS SALICYLICACID. Homeandnaturalremediestocalmfolliculitisandexfoliatetheskin Mostofthehomeandnaturalremediesthatyouwillseeherecanbepreparedwithingredientsthatweha vein our kitchen,or purchased at yourlocal pharmacy. Anyways: Relieffromhairremovalfolliculitiswillnottakelongtofeel! sugarscrub Mix½cupof sugar with½cup ofcoconut or oliveoil. Applyasmall amount tothe affected areaand GEN TLYRUBinacircularmotionevery3-4days. aloevera If you have an Aloe vera plant, take a piece of one of its stalks, place it for a couple of hours in the fridge, and then squeeze the essence of its pulp directly onto the affected area and massage gently as it will soot heinflammation, hydrate the areaand will help maintainHEALTHIER SKIN. Do itup to 3 timesa day. teatreeessentialoil This oil also known as Melaleuca alternifolia oil is almost MIRACULOUS for treating infected pimples than ks to its antibacterial qualities. But beware! Since it is very strong, apply it only diluted with a carrier oil, su ch as olive or coconut oil, (10 drops of carrier oil for each drop of tea tree oil) . Spread the solution up to 3 timesa day. If you want to know the best tea tree oils, check our list! witchhazel Anotherfolliculitis treatmentto sootheand healirritated dermis iswitch hazelor witch’sbroom compresse s, a shrub that has ANTISEPTIC PROPERTIES that prevents rashes and irritated armpits. To use it, soak acotton ball with the pure extract of this plant and apply it to the affected area upto 3 times a day. Applecidervinegar This natural antiseptic works great to prevent both infections and bumps that often appear after waxing or BLAZING. To use, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it on the inflamed area up to 3 times aday to speed healing and prevent pusformation. WARNING THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE HAS BEEN MADE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. BEFORE APPLYI NG ANY NATURAL OR PHARMACEUTICAL REMEDY, REMEMBER TO CONSULT YOUR TRUSTED D ERMATOLOGIST AND DO A TOPICAL TEST WITH THE FORMULATION, APPLYING A SMALL PORTI ONOF THE PRESCRIPTION 24 HOURS BEFORE. Over-the-counter products to soothe and exfoliate folliculitis creamsand gels HYDROCORTISONE CREAM: It is a type of cream for after waxing that is super cool when the dermis is i nflamed and nothing goes down! Its action is due to a topical steroid capable of reducing swelling and irrit ation. TEATREE OIL GEL:Helps calm inflammationand reduces therisk of infection!They also havethe adva
ntage that it does not clog pores, so if you shave, it is preferable to use it in this presentation rather than o il. ALOEVERA GEL: Derivedfrom the fleshypart of the Aloevera plant, itis a productwith high moisturizing , anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that allows a sensation of relief in the epidermis, especially af terwaxing, burns and other injuries. . Exfoliantsandothersolutions Usingexfoliatingpadsgently Useahairremovalcreaminsteadofwaxorarazor Use Tend Skin Air Shave Gel if you will be removing hair with blades. Howto prevent future irritations Exfoliateregularly Maintain proper skin hygiene (before and after waxing) Avoidwearingtight clothingafter waxing Useaproperwaxingtechnique Performapropershavewithpropertoolsandtechniques Opt for laser hair removal (ultra-aseptic procedure) that helps to minimize the effects of folliculitis since ov ertime, it will reduce hairgrowth and especially thick hair thatprotrudes from the skin’ssurface. Choose to take care of your skin with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory products of organic, natural, and ec o-friendlyorigin, since they willbe more friendly to yourskin and the environment.