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ACT-R : A Theory of Higher Level Cognition and Its Relation to Visual Attention

ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion. ACT-R : A Theory of Higher Level Cognition and Its Relation to Visual Attention. 백영미 February 21, 2005. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface

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ACT-R : A Theory of Higher Level Cognition and Its Relation to Visual Attention

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  1. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion ACT-R : A Theory of Higher Level Cognition and Its Relation to Visual Attention 백영미 February 21, 2005

  2. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion ACT-R : High level cognition 과정들의 넓은 범위를 모델링하는 일반적인 시스템 In this ariticle, 메뉴 Selection을 위한 ACT-R 어플리케이션 구현에 대해 논의 하고, ACT-R이론이 메뉴를 Search하는 시간에 대해 측정된 어떤 파라미터도 없어도 특별한 예측들을 만드는 것을 보여준다.

  3. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Introduction ACT-R은 high level cognition 모델로, Anderson에 의해 개발됨.(1993) Tower of Hanoi, 강의실 내 수학 문제 해결, 컴퓨터 미로 내에서의 네비게 이션, 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 등의 Domain에서는 좋은 Human cognition을 제공. But, Human-Computer Interaction에서는 심각한 failing를 가지고 있음. <왜냐하면 피검자들이 외부환경과 함께 상호작용 했던 많은 내용들을 무시했기 때문>

  4. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Introduction In Kieras and Meyer’s(1994) terms, “Disembodied cognition” 이론을 가지고, 이 논문에서는 앞서 말한 누락을 다루었고, ACT-R이 컴퓨터 어플리케 이션들과 상호작용하는 방법이론을 개발했음. 이것은 Visual attention과 관련있음. 1. Visual attention 이론과 이것이 어떻게 ACT-R이론이 관련있는지 설명. 2. Vidual attention에서 어떤 고전전인 패러다임들을 위한 어플리케이션을 설명. 3.메뉴 선택과제 확장과 과제에 대해 어떤 초기 예측들을 만들수 있는 능력을 설명. - 4가지 cognition의 기본적인 ACT-R 이론을 통해..

  5. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Introduction ACT-R에서 가정하는 2 types of Knowledge : Cognition은 Declarative와 Procedural Knowledge의 상호작용 결과로 나타남. -핵심 가정 : 모든 지식이 초기에는 Declarative하지만 그것이 Procedural로 변형될 수 있음. ex) 운전을 배울때 어떤 사실들을 들음으로써 시작을 하고, 들은 것을 행위의 지표로 아주 느리게 해석해낼 수 있다. 이런 지식은 연습 결과, 빨리 그리고 자동적으로 실행되는 Procedural로 전환됨. ① Declarative Knowledge : Factual, holds information ② Procedural Knowledge : specify how to bring declarative knowledge to solve problems Example “3+4=7”, “George Washington was the first president of the United States.” Example IF the goal is to add n1 and n2 in a colum, and n1+n2=n3 THAN sets a subgoal to write n3 in the column.

  6. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion A Theory of the Visual Interface High level cognition 이론들은 visual attention과 perception같은 low level process를 무시한다. Higer level process에 Focusing Strategy은 high level cognition에는 뛰어나지만, resulting model에서는 두가지 stress가 생김. ① Input의 절차화된 표현 가정에 의해, theorist들은 표현 선택에서 자유도를 분석하지 않음. ②Theorist들은 정확성과 지연성 같은 종속변수들에 기여할지도 모르는 정보 접근에서 중요한 문제들을 무시함.

  7. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion A Theory of the Visual Interface Fig.1 proviede basic overview of the system. -Three basic entities to be related.

  8. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Visual Attention Visual attention의 ACT-R이론, -ACT-R이 Fig.1에서 iconic menory에서 information을 찾고 추출하는 방법과 관련있음. Visual icon내 정보는 Chunk(군집)로 표현.

  9. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Visual Attention Three basic types of information ACT-R can - look in particular locations and direcrions - look for particular features - request to scan for objects that have not yet been attended. Several Comments 1. ACT-R은 시각적 특징들의 conjunction을 찾을 수 있다. 2. ACT-R은 특히 처리되지 않은 object들을 제한할 수 있다. 3. ACT-R은 그것을 찾기 위한 특징들의 척도와 인식하는 object 사이즈를 선택할 수 있다.

  10. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Visual Attention Subjects can adjust the scale or spatial frequency at which they are attending to a visual display.(Navon, 1977)

  11. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Visual Attention 이 이론이 어떻게 작동하는지 이해하기 위한 가장 좋은 방법? - visual attention을 포함하여 다양한 과제들에 적용시켜보는 것. 1) Sperling Task 2) Subitizing Task 3) Visual-search Task

  12. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions By Sperling,1960-Whole-report condition, 문자들을 피실험자에게 잛은 시간 노출(50msec) 후 보고된 기억내용 조사 평균 4.4개-partial-report condition Fig.3 실험은 2가지 점을 시사. -First Demension : Visual sensory memory 제한들에 대한 정보이다. -Second Demension : 빠른 visual attention은 정렬을 이동할 수 있다. => 이런 이유로 visual attention ACT-R 이론은 이 결과를 모델화시킬수 있다. Sperling Task

  13. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Sperling Task Visual array에서 문자들을 visual interface에 의해 기호화하는 이 과제를 시뮬레이션으로 개발했음. When a report row is not identified, the following production would apply : After a row has been identified, the following production : If no tone is presented, Encode-Screen will edcode any letter in the array If a tone is present, productions like Encode-Top-Row will encode letters in the cued row.

  14. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Sperling Task Fig.4는 이 model의 예측을 나타낸것임. *ACT-R model of this task : very simple, consists of the production rules given plus a rulr to switch from attending to reporting

  15. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Subitizing Task By Simon, Cabrera, & Kliegl(1994) : several objects are presented to a subject, and the subject must identify as quickly as possible how many objects there are on thescreen. 가정 : special productions that recognize one object, two object, three objects etc..

  16. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Subitizing Task Startwill move attention to some part of the screen. See-one, See-two, See-Threewill apply to initialize the count. Attend-Anotherwill move attention to other unattended objects. Add-onewill add one to the count. Stopwill report the count.

  17. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Visual-Search Task By Shiffin and Schneider(1977) In their experiment 2, Subjects had to detect a target item when it was presented in a visual display of one to four(frame size) The target letter was in a memory set of one to four(memory-set size) In general, judgment times increase with memory-set size and frame size, but the effects are much stronger for the varied-mapping condition. Fig. 6(top panel) shows Shiffrin and Schneider’s results. 이 task의 ACT-R model이 무엇인지 개발했음. 단계 : 1)Preparation 2)Search 3)Judgment

  18. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Visual-Search Task

  19. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Sperling Task Subitizing Task Visual-Search Task Conclusions Conclusions ACT-R model is consistent with some od the classic results from visual attention. 각 3개의 과제중에서, We were able to fit the data asuming just about 185 msec to switch attention. -In the sperling task, attention switching was the only actvity. -In the subitizing task, there was also time required to set up and increment a count. -In the Shiffrin and Schneider task, judgment time played a significant role.

  20. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Application to menu-selection data • Kieras and Meyer 의 EPIC model 보고서에서 다룬 Nilsen data로 ACT-R 시스템에 적용. • (이런 데이터는 메뉴에서 아이템의 타겟 위치의 기능처럼 메뉴를 스캔하는 시간과 관련되어 있음.) • Fig.7 메뉴에서 아이템의 연속적 위치의 기능같은 action시간을 나타냄.

  21. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Application to menu-selection data For this study, the items in the menu areordered randomly(1to 9). 가정 :subjects selected one of its features and scanned down the menu for the first item with that feature. The two critical productions are:

  22. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Application to menu-selection data

  23. ACT-R Introduction A Theory of the visual interface Visual attention Application to menu-selection data Conclusion & Discussion Conclusion & Discussion Our goal in this article has been to describe how we have given eyes to ACT-R. *Our goal has been to show : -Visual attention의 basic process model -Menu scaning같은 전통적인 HCI task matter ACT-R provides an architecture for both simple and complex tasks.

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