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Assessing Student Learning: Using the standards, progression points and assessment maps Workshop 1: An overview

Assessing Student Learning: Using the standards, progression points and assessment maps Workshop 1: An overview. FS1 Student Learning. OUR EDUCATIVE PURPOSE. What is powerful to learn?. What is powerful learning and what promotes it?. Who do we report to?. LEARNER. Victorian

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Assessing Student Learning: Using the standards, progression points and assessment maps Workshop 1: An overview

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  1. Assessing Student Learning:Using the standards, progression points and assessment mapsWorkshop 1: An overview FS1 Student Learning

  2. OUR EDUCATIVE PURPOSE What is powerful to learn? What is powerful learning and what promotes it? Who do we report to? LEARNER Victorian Essential Learning Standards Principles of Learning and Teaching Students Teachers Parents Community System How do we know it has been learnt? Assessment Advice

  3. Tuning in In your table groups complete the Venn diagram on the similarities and differences between Curriculum and Standards Framework II and the Victorian Essential Learning Standards.

  4. CSF EnglishLevel 2 Reading • 2.5(a) ENRE0201  Texts • Read and respond to short texts with familiar ideas, information and vocabulary, predictable structures and frequent illustrations.This is evident when the student is able to: • read and make relevant comment about meaning in texts with predictable structures, such as traditional tales • read and recall the sequence of events or information from texts • read independently and retell the sequence of events from narrative texts • read and follow simple written instructions accurately.

  5. VELS Standards Reading Level 2 At Level 2, students read independently and respond to short imaginative and informative texts with familiar ideas and information, predictable structures, and a small amount of unfamiliar vocabulary. They match sounds accurately to a range of letters, letter clusters and patterns, and work out the meaning of unfamiliar phrases and words in context. They locate directly stated information, retell ideas in sequence using vocabulary and phrases from the text, and interpret labelled diagrams. They predict plausible endings for stories and infer characters’ feelings. They self-correct when reading aloud and describe strategies used to gain meaning. They identify that texts are constructed by authors, and distinguish between texts that represent real and imaginary experience.

  6. CSF Level 4 - Reading • 4.5 ENRE0401Texts • Read and interpret a range of texts containing some unfamiliar ideas and information. This is evident when the student is able to: • read literature, everyday and media texts and construct interpretive responses supported by evidence from the text • locate and interpret information on an unfamiliar topic in a range of texts using different sources, including encyclopedias and other reference books, the Internet, CD-ROMs and databases • discuss and interpret the way a local issue or newsworthy event is presented in magazines, newspapers or on television • read and respond to literature or media texts, commenting on aspects such as dialogue, point of view, plot and setting.

  7. VELS Standards Reading Level 4 At Level 4, students read, interpret and respond to a wide range of literary, everyday and media texts in print and in multimodal formats. They analyse these texts and support interpretations with evidence drawn from the text. They describe how texts are constructed for particular purposes and audiences, and identify how sociocultural values, attitudes and beliefs are presented in texts. They analyse information, imagery, characterisation, dialogue, point of view, plot and setting. They use strategies such as reading on, using contextual cues, and drawing on knowledge of text organisation when interpreting texts containing unfamiliar ideas and information.

  8. EnglishLevel 6: Reading • 6.5 ENRE0601 Texts • Read a range of texts and use them to discuss different perspectives on complex themes and issues.This is evident when the student is able to: • read a range of texts, including accessible adult novels and films, to discuss the complex attitudes, themes and issues underlying these texts • read a variety of mass media and electronic texts on an issue, examining point of view and selection, omission and use of evidence, and attempt to evaluate some of the arguments • respond to texts both personally and in detached and critical ways, recognising that there can be more than one valid point of view.

  9. VELS Standards Reading Level 6 At Level 6, students read, view, analyse, critique, reflect on and discuss contemporary and classical imaginative texts that explore personal, social, cultural and political issues of significance to their own lives. They also read, view, analyse and discuss a wide range of informative and persuasive texts and identify the multiple purposes for which texts are created. They explain how texts are shaped by the time, place and cultural setting in which they are created. They compare and contrast the typical features of particular texts and synthesise information from different texts to draw conclusions.

  10. Building common understanding Standards Assessment maps Progression Points

  11. Standards The standards define what students should know and be able to do at different levels of schooling. They are, in effect, outcomes against which student achievement will be assessed and reported on and provide valuable information about student progress which can form the basis of further teaching and intervention. (Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview page 8)

  12. Standards • provide a clear sequence of development a student should progress through in the three strands • what students needs to know and be able to do to progress to the next level • focus on what is essential • standards have been developed at levels 1.0 through to 6.0 (English and Mathematics)

  13. Progression points • Progression points are descriptors that indicate what typical progress towards the standard may look like. They: • assist teachers to make on-balance judgements about progress towards the standards for the purposes of reporting to parents • range from 0.5 to 6.0 • have one progression point at Level 1 • have three progression points for Levels 2 to 6

  14. Progression points • They are not: • standards • a checklist • a syllabus

  15. Standards and progression points

  16. Progression points • have been written for each dimension of English and Mathematics • feedback invited by the end of the year • are located on the Blueprint website under Student Learning • other domains and dimensions will be developed progressively

  17. Assessment maps Assessment maps are designed to illustrate student progress or growth in the English and Mathematics domains of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards. They provide samples of student work typical of Levels 1– 6, annotated and linked to relevant aspects of the standards.

  18. Assessment maps – uses • as a reference for refining judgments about pieces of student work • as a reference when making their on-balance judgments • as a reference to develop their own collections of student work samples • to communicate with students • in conversation with parents • as a basis for professional development.

  19. Scores that can be assigned for reporting purposes to be entered into the new report card software.

  20. Workshop 2 • Making on-balance judgements • using the standards, progression points and assessment maps • making an on-balance judgement for reporting • Building consistency among teachers • developing common understandings among teachers

  21. Assessment Professional Learning Modules • Module 1:Connecting assessment with learning – linking policy, principles and practices • Module 2:Assessment FOR learning – strategies to build into your classroom • Module 3:Assessment AS learning – involving students in assessment and setting learning goals • Module 4:Assessment OF learning – developing good summative assessment strategies for the classroom • Module 5:Making consistent teacher judgements – effective moderation strategies

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