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Visual Representation

Visual Representation. By Tejas Joshi. The Crucible. Betty Parris. Naïve Mischievous A follower not a leader A quiet girl represses by society. Betty Parris. Based on Elizabeth Parris of Salem Village Forced to lie Afraid to tell the truth

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Visual Representation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visual Representation By Tejas Joshi

  2. The Crucible

  3. Betty Parris • Naïve • Mischievous • A follower not a leader • A quiet girl represses by society

  4. Betty Parris • Based on Elizabeth Parris of Salem Village • Forced to lie • Afraid to tell the truth • Afraid of her father and hurting his reputatuon

  5. Pictures • I have chosen pictures • A song • And words to describe Betty • In this presentation

  6. Song • There are a few songs in which I saw Betty in • One I really liked had a message and I believe if Betty was around this message would really be of great help to her.

  7. Song • The Song is by Avril Lavigneand its called COMPLICATED

  8. Song meaning • The song Complicated is really moving and one of my favorites. • I believe the writer is saying don’t try to be like the others. • Betty was afraid and followed Abigail like the others • But she should have not followed her and conjoured spirits In the first place

  9. Meaning-continued • She sould not have lied • And after she did should have told the truth • But is she had not mage things so complicated for herself many people would not have suffered • And from her mistakes she must suffer guilt FOREVER

  10. I found a few pictures That reminded me a Betty I believe from looking at these pictures you will be reminded of betty. Pictures

  11. Pictures

  12. Pictures

  13. Pictures

  14. Pictures

  15. Sleeping Beauty

  16. Sleeping Beauty

  17. One dressed up as betty

  18. Someone dressed acting like Betty

  19. My thoughts on Betty • As I have said Betty is a follower • She needs to set her own standards • I believe she is a girl tired of the hypocrisy • Even though she doesn’t see herself a part of it she sees it in others and there actions

  20. Thoughts continued • She has had to face many difficulties • I think she is a very repressed girl restrained by her piers and society • Mostly she is controlled by her father Reverend Hale • She can’t do anything that would disgrace his name and its been like this for a while

  21. Thoughts-continued • She is tired and wants to have fun • I believe there are many reasons why her and the other girls did all this conjuring, sneaking around, and playing in the forbidden forest. • I believe it was pure excitement.

  22. Why she and the others did it • It was the year 1692, a time in which people still believed and felt strongly about witches. It started when a group of girls formed a club, in the village of Salem, in Massachusetts.The girls would have a meeting every day, hearing stories from a Indian slave named Tituba, about magic, superstition, and witchcraft. Such things were prohibited in their village, making every meeting more and more dangerous.

  23. Why? continued • This danger mad things so exciting and that’s why I believe Betty and the other girls did this. • I found a site and it tells a very good reason on • WHY DID THE "AFFLICTED CHILDREN" ACCUSE INNOCENT VICTIMS? • http://www.sfusd.k12.ca.us/schwww/sch634/Silvia/Q6.html

  24. Why? contiued • The girls would have a meeting every day, hearing stories from a Indian slave named Tituba, about magic, superstition, and witchcraft. Such things were prohibited in their village, making every meeting more and more dangerous. Until the girls became aware that they were almost caught.As the days went by, the girls started to act more strange.

  25. Why? contiued • Soon the whole village started talking about the strange behavior they've noticed in the girls. Fearing stern punishment, the girls were left with no other alternative but to blame respected people in the village, causing them to be in their "affliction".Whereas the first person the girls told on was Tituba, the Indian slave.

  26. Why? contiued • Tituba was held for fourteen months in jail, then given the chance of a trial. The only way she could escape her fate was to confess if her accusations were true. Tituba was forced to "confess" even though her accusations were false. She was given the freedom to live.

  27. Why? contiued • In addition, the only person that profited from the witch killings was Sheriff George Corwin. He was the one that seized property and collected fees of the accused and their relations. To to him the more the court condemned victims and killed, the wealthier he got. Giving the reason to agree with the girls who they accused.

  28. Why? contiued • These girls and the colored slave were one the main instigators in this saga in history. Of the "afflicted" girls, Ann Putnam confessed her deceit fourteen years later, being the age of twenty six. She gave the village minister to read her confession in one of the Sunday services:

  29. Why? contiued • "It was a great delusion of Satan that deceived me in the sad time whereby I justly fear I have been instrumental to bring uponmyself and this land the guilt if innocent blood" • Although no one punished the girls for bearing false witness and killing innocent blood, their guilt was a punishment in itself.

  30. My Presentation • This was my presentation • On Betty Parris • This presentation shows what I think of her • What type of person I believe she is

  31. Conclusion • I also added a song which I believe would be useful for Betty • And I added some pictures of actors who depicted her and pictures of my creative way to show her sleeping.


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