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GN2 JRA5: Roaming and Authorisation, year 2 results and year 3 plans. Jürgen Rauschenbach (DFN), Diego Lopez (RedIRIS), JRA5 team DICE meeting 11/07/06. Tasks resulting from JRA5 visions (reminder).
GN2 JRA5: Roaming and Authorisation, year 2 results and year 3 plans Jürgen Rauschenbach (DFN), Diego Lopez (RedIRIS), JRA5 team DICE meeting 11/07/06
Tasks resulting from JRA5 visions (reminder) • JRA5 builds a European Roaming Infrastructure(eduroam-ng) taking into account existing experience from the roaming area and provides a first (simple, but operational) federation example • JRA5 will pilot the federated support for existent Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures for Research and Education, this will be called eduGAIN • In some countries federated AAIs are already available, eduGAIN will be able to cooperate with them (Shibboleth, PAPI, FEIDE, A-Select) • JRA5 enables AA access needed in the GÉANT partner countries and in other GN2 activities (JRA1 for now) • Development of an universal single sign-on architecture • Integration of advanced technologies into the 3 main work items
Achievements of the first 2 project years in work item 1 • Deliverables • “Glossary of Terms” DJ5.1.1, a terminology document • “Roaming Requirements document” DJ5.1.2; security, standardisation and operational requirements • “legislation overview” for roaming DJ5.1.3,1 part 1 • “eduroam confederation policy” DJ5.1.3,2(review procedure started 17/03/06, extended EXEC review just passed) • Roaming architecture DJ5.1.4(1st part of review done) • Inter-NREN roaming infrastructure and service support description (cookbook 1st version)DJ5.1.5,1(ToC prepared, material mostly available, last roaming document in year 2)
Achievements of the first 2 project years in work item 2 • Deliverables and internal documents • “AAI Requirements document” DJ5.2.1 (February 05) • “AAI architecture document” DJ5.2.2 (October 05) • “eduGAIN Profiles and Implementation Guidelines, internal document, Spring 2006 • “AAI architecture document” DJ5.2.2bis (internal document based on the experiences/corrections during the implementation work, available on request, May 2006) • “AAI Best practise document (cookbook v1)“ DJ5.2.3 (exists as an almost complete draft, work on-going on the guideline part)
Achievements of the first 2 project years in work item 3 • Goal: integrate eduroam and eduGAIN for logging in once for both network and applications • Deliverables and internal documents • “SSO Requirements document” DJ5.3.1 - first draft available • Preparation of CPT for DAMe (Murcia, Stuttgart) – approval informally (signing procedure started) • “Survey of possible solutions for universal SSO”, MJ5.3.2 - shifted to y3 and converted to a milestone • Universal SSO Architecture (new DJ5.3.2) planned for month 32 (March 07)
Eduroam (from 1st TWS) • Providing roaming network access at higher education and research institutions • Developed by TERENA taskforce on mobility (TF-Mobility) initially • First pilot service started begin of 2004 • JRA5 will transform the pilot service into a full service by: • Creating the neccesary policies and governance bodies • Making the infrastructure more robust
European eduroam confederation policy • The policy document set the rules for the European participants (rules between different regional confederations like AsiaPacific or NorthAmerica not included, will be negotiated when the regional policy is settled) • The policy was developed in JRA5, but also discussed in the eduroam community (TF Mobility meetings and mailing list) • We tried to find the right level of abstraction for the confederation, more specific rules are listed in the blueprint for a federation policy (appendix) • The document is also setting the organisational framework for the confederation and the policy authority.
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Eduroam organisational structure
Technology: bypassing the hierarchy overhead? • AA traffic goes through all intermediate entries • All links are peer-to-peer agreements / static routes / p2p secure • DIAMETER? DNSsec? RadSec? Work on-going in Telematica Instituut/JRA5 partners
eduroam Architecture alternatives • RadSec (OSC, modification of the RADIUS protocol) • Uses TCP/SCTP instead of UDP • TLS tunnels used between servers: authentication is based on certificates instead on IP addresses, RADIUS packet transported in the tunnel (encrypted), no shared secrets needed • Experimental work done (and integration into pilot planned with 4 partners initially) • Dynamic peer discovery in beta state (will be exploited later) • Not a standard solution (yet), not all RADIUS implementations for now, but good signals from FreeRadius
eduroam architecture alternatives (2) • DIAMETER (RFC 3588) • Problem: no DIAMETER “quality” implementation so far • DAMe will use openDIAMETER and provide the needed transfer agents to integrate into the RADIUS infrastructure • Diameter support for Radiator now available (not yet tested) • RADIUS/DNSSec • Look-up through secure DNS (not very much in use) • Dedicated roaming domain secure DNS tree needed
RadSec and the IETF • Proposal to write an I-D on RadSec, discussed with IETF wg radext activists and AD • Charter says: no new transport, no new security for RADIUS -> RadSec is not in-line with the official Diameter support policy • Support for the I-D from Mike McCauley (OSC) and Alan DeKok (NitroOS9) granted • Aboba: 2 interoperable implementations would be very helpful for the procedure (Radiator, FreeRADIUS) • Integration into eduroam service planned
The AAI Scenario within GN2 • We started from • Scattered AAI (pilot) implementations in the EU and abroad • The basic idea of federating them, preserving hard-won achievements • So we decided to provide the possibility for • Building the infrastructure on top of existing AAIs • Dynamically locating components • Establishing loose and dynamic trust links • Allowing for both centralized and de-centralized connections
eduGAIN Concepts • Confederations and dynamic trust establishment • A confederation is a loosely-coupled set of cooperating identity federations • Identity management and authentication-authorisation must be properly handled by the participating federations • Trust must be dynamically established • Members of a participant federation do not know in advance about members in the other federations • Federations are loosely coupled by the confederation
The eduGAIN Model • Use a set of interconnection points (Bridging Element, BE) at each federation • Announce BE metadata through the FPP (Federation Peering Point) • Distribute these metadata through the Metadata Service (MDS) • Metadata is retrieved through the eduGAINMetaQuery API and delivered to the requesting BE • BEs exchange data using the eduGAIN SAML-based profiles • Interactions are based upon the eduGAIN trust model
The eduGAIN Components • Bridging Elements (BE) • Interconnection points • Federation-wide (LFA) or distributed (LA) • Federation Peering Point (FPP) • Able to announce BE metadata • The Metadata Service (MDS) • Publishing interface (to FPPs) • Querying interface (to BEs)
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate The eduGAIN Model Metadata Query MDS Metadata Publish Metadata Publish R-FPP H-FPP R-BE H-BE AA Interaction AA Interaction AA Interaction Resource(s) Id Repository(ies)
Component Identifiers • eduGAIN operations strongly depend on having unique, structured and well-defined component identifiers • Based on URNs delegated by the eduGAIN registry to the participating federation • Identifiers establish the kind of component they apply to by means of normalized prefixes • Identifiers follow the hierarchy of the trust establishing process • Including the identifiers of the federation (and BE) the component is using to connect to eduGAIN
Some identifier examples • A typical MDS server identifier urn:geant:edugain:component:mds:galaxian | COMMON PREFIX |TYPE|CONFEDERATION| • A typical FPP identifier urn:geant:edugain:component:fpp:starfleet | COMMON PREFIX |TYPE|FEDERATION| • A typical BE identifier urn:geant:edugain:component:be:starfleet:enterprise | COMMON PREFIX |TYPE|FEDERATION| IDENT |
eduGAIN Operations • Defined in abstract terms, following the SOA paradigm • Metadata Service (MDS) • Authentication Service (AuthN) • Attribute Exchange Service (Attr) • Authorisation Service (AuthZ) • Formally defined parameters for each operation • Bindings defined for SAML 1.1 and part of SAML 2.0 • SAML 2.0 over REST for MDS • SAML 1.1 over SOAP (and REST in WebSSO) for the others • Plans for evolving these bindings as required • Authentication assertions and attribute exchange mechanisms are designed to be Shibboleth 1.x compatible
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate A general model for eduGAIN interactions <samlp:Request . . . RequestID=”e70c3e9e6…” IssueInstant=“2006-06…”> . . . </samlp:Request> <samlp:Response . . . ResponseID=”092e50a08…” InResponseTo=“e70c3e9e…”> . . . </samlp:Response> TLS Channel(s) Requester Responder Resource Id Repository
eduGAIN Trust Fabric • Based on a PKI • Validation procedures include • Normal certificate validation • Trust path evaluation, signatures, revocation,… • Peer identification • Certificates hold the component identifier • It must match the appropriate metadata • Applicable to • TLS connections between components • Two-way validation is mandatory • Verification of signed XML assertions
eduGAIN API Structure • The eduGAIN APIs are the common libraries for all eduGAIN components • Direct implementation of the eduGAIN service definition • And also available to local requesters and responders • Building blocks: • eduGAINBase: Adapt the abstract service definition plus specific profile-based access points • eduGAINMetaQuery: Queries to the Metadata Service • eduGAINMetaPub: Publication at the Metadata Service • eduGAINVal: Validation procedures
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate A Layered Model for Implementation Component logic eduGAINBase Profile Access eduGAINBase + eduGAINVal + eduGAINMeta SAML library SOAP/TLS/XMLSig libraries
eduGAIN Profiles • Define the precise exchange of messages and the processing rules for these messages in particular use cases • Two profiles defined so far • Web SSO (Shibboleth compatible) • Automated client (no human interaction) • Others envisaged • Extended Web SSO (allowing the send of POST data) • Non-web applications (based on Web SSO) • eduGAIN usage from roaming clients (DAMe)
eduGAIN WebSSO • Intended to connect existing Web-based AAIs • And to experiment with the whole eduGAIN model • Based on HTTP redirects • Making use of the user’s browser • Fully compatible with Shibboleth 1.3 • The R-BE redirects the user’s browser to the H-BE • Parameters go in the URL using a GET method • The H-BE makes the user’s browser send a SAML response • By means of a POST operation back to the R-BE
Automated client • Customized to the needs of perfSONAR (but can be reused in other cases later on), described in the perfSonar service specification • Not yet implemented, and still discussions on details • Client will provide a certificate for authentication to the H-BE and gets a SubjectHandle for further AuthZ needs • GIdP will be useful • Discussion to use SASL-CA for the automated client
Where We Are • Implementing the eduGAIN APIs (July target date) • Polishing profiles • Through interaction with user activities • Preparing the first version of a cookbook • Deployment and component implementation guidelines • First pilot to be run around 4th quarter of this year • Establishing links with other potential user communities beyond the GN2 project • Policy for eduGAIN will follow eduroam policy
Y3 plus 6 months plans • Work item 1: Roaming • Further Eduroam service preparation • Policy installation • Preparation and establishment of a SA (and a service group later on to take over after GN2) • Defining tasks and installation of the eduroam operational team • Service start planned for policy approval + 9 months • Monitoring and diagnose tools development • RadSec testing and integration • On-going evaluation of other alternatives (openDiameter, other implementations: DJ5.1.5,2 cookbook v2, month 32) • Integration of DAMe results and further evaluation of the architecture DJ5.1.6, month 37)
Y3 plus 6 months plans (2) • Work item 2: AAI • Stabilising eduGAIN basic elements and interoperation in an eduGAIN testbed • BE specification and implementation (internal report) • eduGAIN testbed with (established) local AAIs (Shibboleth, PAPI, A-Select, FEIDE-LA) and Guidelines document (cookbook v2): DJ5.2.3,2, month 28 • Provisioning of the automated client profile in eduGAIN and integration with perfSonar • Interoperation with GIdP • Establishing links with other potential user communities beyond the GN2 project (Lobster, Grid) • eduGAIN policy • integrate roaming with the European AAI eduGAIN
Y3 plus 6 months plans (3) • Work item 3: SSO • Development of the universal SSO architecture (DJ5.3.2, month 34) • Integration of DAMe results (final report will be a JRA5 deliverable: DJ5.3.3, month 40) • Evaluation of available solutions including DAMe, SSO final report DJ5.3.4 in month 46) • Work item 4: Integration of advanced technologies • Defining of the advanced technologies to be integrated into work item 1 to 3: deliverable DJ5.4.1, month 30