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Las recomendaciones. I can give and understand recommendations when I speak , when I read and when I listen. Hoy 29 de Octubre. Esponja Fill in the blank with the correct form of DOLER. Agenda para hoy. Esponja : Cuando tienes la gripe ¿ Cómo te sientes ? Explique los síntomas .
Las recomendaciones I can give and understand recommendations when I speak , when I read and when I listen
Hoy 29 de Octubre • Esponja • Fill in the blank with the correct form of DOLER
Agenda parahoy • Esponja: Cuandotienes la gripe ¿Cómotesientes? Explique los síntomas. • Test (rojo 2) • Gramatica • Síntomas • worksheets • Actividadeslibro de textopagina 75 • Speaking: conversations and questions and answers.
Gramatica: verboscomo GUSTAR There are verbs in Spanish that conjugate as GUSTAR such FALTAR, PARECER, IMPORTAR and DOLER They seem reflexive but they are not. They use indirect object pronouns. Faltar, Me hacefalta (to be necessary) noshacefalta Tehacefaltaoshacefalta Le hacefalta les hacefalta
Preguntasesenciales • ¿Qué me recomienda? Le recomiendo….. • ¿Quénecesitohacer? Necesita…. • ¿Quédebohacer? Debe… • ¿Qué me hacefalta? Le hacefalta… • ¿Cómo se siente? Me siento… • ¿Qué le duele? Me duele… • ¿Qué le pasa? No me sientobien, pareceque • tengo la gripe
Las recomendaciones • Es importante… • Es necesario… • Necesita… • Debe… • Le hacefalta… • Me pareceque…(no se sientebien/estaenferma)
Las órdenes (commands) • Siéntate • Abre la boca • Saca la lengua • Di aaaa. • Tócate la nariz
Debestomarpastillas • Por la mañana y por la noche • Tresvecescadadía • Cadacuatro a seishoras
Actividad • Dr. Sabelotodo writes a health advice column in the local newspaper. Write a question to Dr. Sabelotodo asking him/her for recommendations for a medical problem you are having.
Actividad de extracredito • You have a part time job working as an intern at the local newspaper. Dr. Sabelotodo has asked you to draft reply letters for his health advice column • Queridaaudiencia: Hay unaepidemia de gripe en esta ciudad. Los síntomas son: Muchafiebre con escalofríosfuertesHayquetenercuidado. Task answer the message explaining your symptoms and ask a question related to it.
Para hoy 02 de Noviembre • ESPONJA ¿Qué les pasó? Mirenlasfotos/dibujos y contesten la preguntaparacadadibujo. Muchosdetallespor favor.
Yopuedo Explain my symptoms Ask how someone else is feeling. Understand when I listen and read. • AGENDA • Esponja • Repaso (review) • Practica de escribir • Practica de hablar –preparar la conversacionpara el examen. • Tarea
Escenario 1 Practica de escribir • After a strenuous week of hiking you were left with aches and pains. Tell your friend what happened and tell what body parts hurts the most. Include what the doctor gave you to help you feel better
Escenario 2 Practica de escribir • It is the second block and you come to your Spanish class feeling horrible. You ask Ms. Gutierrez if you can put your head down. Ms. Gutierrez ask you ¿Quétepasa? • Answer the question by explaining how you feel, what parts of the body hurts and what you need to feel better.
Actividad • Medical recommendation http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2008/11/21/videos/1227293164.html
Deportistaslesionados http://www.google.com/search?q=Deportistas+lesionados&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADBF_enUS330&biw=779&bih=347&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=2lLBTf30HI65twer7Yy9BQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDUQsAQ
Actividad • It’s the end of the work day. Before you can leave the medical clinic you have to feel out the paper work. You saw 6 patients today. For each patient write sentences in SPANISH : • his/her name • what was wrong • your recommendation
Actividad- Hablar • As a member of the Spanish Club, you are on a 10 day trip to Spain. You and your friends are visiting the sights of Madrid when you have an accident. You are now in the emergency room and must describe the accident and your injuries to the nurse and the doctor. Write a dialogue between the patient, nurse, and doctor. • Patient: describe accident and injuries. Respond to questions • Nurse: ask personal info questions (name, age) • Doctor: ask what happened, diagnose patient, and provide a remedy
Actividad de escribir 1 • You walked into your spanish class and you notice that your friend is not feeling well. When you ask what’s wrong he/she says that his/her stomach hurts, he/she feels nauseated and has a terrible headache. He/she also has the chills and is very tired. Explain to your teacher what is wrong with your friend and give some suggestions so he/she will feel better.
Actividad-Escribir You just went to see the doctor, but the doctor seemed to have confused his patients. • A- symptoms: chills, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, headache • A- treatment: xray leg, put leg in a cast, prescribe eye drops • B symptoms: constipation, temperature, stomachache • B treatment: bandage head, take blood pressure • C symptoms: chest pains, dizzy, cough, headache • C treatment: stitches, xray