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Literary Terms

Literary Terms. for Beowulf Author Unknown. Point of View. The point from which the story is told. Usually the narrator, character or outside observer who tells the story. http://cctvimedia.clearchannel.com/ktvf/car%20accident.jpg. First Person Point of View.

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Literary Terms

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  1. Literary Terms for Beowulf Author Unknown

  2. Point of View • The point from which the story is told. Usually the narrator, character or outside observer who tells the story. http://cctvimedia.clearchannel.com/ktvf/car%20accident.jpg

  3. First Person Point of View • When a character in the story tells the story. • Example: When “I” or “Me” is used in a story or movie to tell the story. http://www.worth1000.com/entries/42000/42129AFhe_w.jpg

  4. Second Person Point of View When “you” is used to narrate the story. It can be intimate or accusatory. This should be used in adventure and recipe books. http://www.pandora.ca/pictures9/676276.jpg

  5. Third Person Limited Point of View • The narration does not use “I” or “me”. Only he/she/it. • The narrator focuses on the thoughts and feelings of just one character. http://www.3d-screensaver-downloads.com/images/harry-potter-screensaver/big3.jpg

  6. Third Person Omniscient Point of View • The all knowing narrator can tell us about the past, present and future of all the characters (godlike). http://landru.i-link-2.net/shnyves/God.creating.stars.jpeg

  7. Narrator • The person that is telling the story. http://www.unca.edu/housing/images/services/video-game-lending-library/videos/covers/forest-gump.jpg

  8. Setting • The time and place of a literary work. • Example: The setting for “The Cask of Amontillado” is “Early evening in an Italian city during a carnival immediately preceding Lent.”   http://cummingsstudyguides.net/Guides2/PoeTales.jpg

  9. Theme • A central message of a literary work. It is a generalization about people or about life that is communicated through the literary work. Readers think about what the work seems to say about the nature of people or about life. http://www.militarymuseum.org/Resources/saving%20private%20ryan%20poster.jpg http://victoryatseaonline.com/war/otherwars/images/patriot.gif

  10. Character • A person or an animal who takes part in the action of a literary work. Characters are sometimes classified as round or flat, dynamic or static. http://web.mit.edu/kayla/Public/Backgrounds/LOTR%20Frodo.JPG http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.numberonestars.com/movies/images2/cars.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.madeinatlantis.com/movies_central/2006/cars.htm&h=829&w=560&sz=96&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=Y6EU5SvonuLBTM:&tbnh=144&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCars%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official_s%26sa%3DG

  11. Dynamic Character • This character develops and grows during the course of the story. http://www.eurpac.com/hepicts/tsdvd/princess%20diaries%20dvd.jpg

  12. Round Character • This character shows many different traits--faults as well as virtues. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/malcolm/gallery/images/340/malcolm4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/malcolm/gallery/season3/malcolm4.shtml&h=255&w=340&sz=10&hl=en&start=16&tbnid=XhkiSujuGSyOkM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=119&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmalcom%2Bin%2Bthe%2Bmiddle%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official_s%26sa%3DG

  13. Static Character • This character does not change much in the story. http://static.flickr.com/39/82639167_4bdae091fd_m.jpg

  14. Flat Character http://www.darrenfrodsham.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/images/batman.jpg http://members.tripod.com/~film_circle/rushhour.jpg • Has only one or two traits.

  15. Protagonist • The main character in a literary work. http://www.tribute.ca/tribute_objects/images/movies/napolean_dynamite/napoleandynamite3.jpg

  16. Antagonist • A character or force in conflict with a main character or the protagonist. http://www.tvcrazy.net/tvclassics/wallpaper/superman/smallville/lex-luthor.jpg

  17. Plot • The sequence of events in a literary work. http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/toolkits/images/TMP_plotdiagram_large.jpg

  18. Exposition Exposition • Is a writing or speech that explains a process or presents information. In the plot of a story or drama, the exposition is the part of the work that introduces the characters, the setting, and the basic situation.

  19. Rising Action Rising Action • All the events leading up to the climax.

  20. Climax Climax • The conflict reaches a high point of interest or suspense.

  21. Falling Action Falling Action • Follows the climax and leads to a resolution.

  22. Resolution Resolution • The end of the central conflict.

  23. Conflict • A struggle between opposing forces, usually it will form the basis of stories, novels, and plays. http://www.warnerbros.co.uk/movies/troy/img/troy_main.jpg

  24. Internal Conflict • Involves a character in conflict with himself or herself. http://www.sfrevu.com/ISSUES/2002/0201/Film%20-%20A%20Beautiful%20Mind/beautiful%20mind.jpg

  25. External Conflict • The main character struggles with an outside force. Usually the outside force consists of: • man vs. man • man vs. nature • man vs. society • man vs. supernatural (God or gods)

  26. Man vs. Man http://www.talithamackenzie.com/pics/biog/troy.jpg

  27. Man vs. Nature http://www.canadian-titanic-society.com/book_cover.jpg

  28. Man vs. Supernatural http://www.kidsclick.com/images/hercules_action.jpg

  29. Man vs. Society http://musicmoz.org/img/editors/jswafford/rememberthetitans.gif

  30. Poetry Terms The examples given in parentheses, following some of the definitions below, are taken from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Some of these examples also illustrate the correct form for using the virgule (slash mark) to write two or more lines of poetry in prose text form or for using brackets within quoted lines of poetry.

  31. Poetry Poetry is made up of oral or written ideas in a compressed and creative form that has an identifiable pattern. Poetry usually contains a definite pattern (meter) and can contain rhyme, but it does not necessarily have to.

  32. RHYMED VERSE • Rhymed verse consists of lines of poetry that rhyme and have a regular meter (a pattern to lines).

  33. Blank Verse • Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter • Who can express the slaughter of that night,Or tell the number of the corpses slain,Or can in tears bewail them worthily?The ancient famous city falleth down,That many years did hold such seignory.With senseless bodies every street is spread,Each palace, and sacred porch of the gods.-Surrey, Aeneid

  34. Rhyme • REP of sounds at the end of nearby words. • Let me not to the marriage of true minds (a) • Admit impediments. Love is not love (b) • Which alters when it alteration finds, (a) • Or bends with the remover to remove. (b) • O no, it is an ever fixed mark (c) • That looks on tempests and is never shaken; (d) • It is the star to every wand'ringbarque, (c) • Whose worth's unknown although his height be taken. (d) • Love's not time's fool but edreavey likes the dick, though rosy lips and cheeks (e) • Within his bending sickle's compass come; (f) • Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, (e) • But bears it out even to the edge of doom. (f) • If this be error and upon me proved, (g) • I never writ, nor no man ever loved. (g)

  35. End Rhyme • End rhyme is when the rhyme occurs at the ends of two or more lines of verse (“As who pursued with yell and blow / Still treads the shadow of his foe”).

  36. Internal Rhyme • Either where a word in the middle of a line of poetry rhymes with the word at the end of the line e.g. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe or where two words in mid sentence rhyme e.g. 'dawn-drawn' in The Windhover by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

  37. Rhyme Scheme • Rhyme scheme is the pattern or sequence in which the rhyme occurs. The first sound is represented or designated as a the second sound is designated as b, and so on. When the first sound is repeated, it is designated as a also. This designation continues through the stanza. It is an ancient Mariner, a And he stoppeth one of three. b By thy long grey beard and glittering eye, c Now wherefore stopp’st thou me? b

  38. Frame Narration or Frame Story • A framed story is a narrative in which one story is enclosed or embedded inside another.

  39. Terms and Definitions

  40. Alliteration • Repetition of initial consonants for rhyme. • Example: Sally sells seashells by the seashores.

  41. Apostrophe • directly addressing an imaginary person, place, thing, or abstraction, either living, dead or absent from the work. Example: Ophelia, in Hamlet, says, “O, heavenly powers, restore him.”

  42. Hyperbole • Is an extreme exaggeration. • Example: I have so much money, I am burning a hole in my pocket • If I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times

  43. Metaphor • A figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as though it were something else. • Example: • “Time is a monster that cannot be reasoned with” http://www.alyon.org/generale/theatre/cinema/affiches_cinema/s/seu-smo/simon_birch.jpg

  44. Metonymy • Metonymy (unlike metaphor) uses figurative expressions that are closely associated with the subject in terms of place, time or background. The figurative expression is not a physical part of the subject. Examples are: • The White House declared (White House = US government / President) • The land belongs to the crown. (crown = king / queen / royal family / monarchy) • Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. (Norman Vincent Peale) (empty pockets = poverty; empty heads = ignorance / dullness / density; empty hearts = unkindness / coldness) • the spit-and-polish command post (meaning: shiny clean) • The name of one thing is applied to another thing with which it is closely associated: • “I love Shakespeare.”

  45. Onomatopoeia • a word whose sound (the way it is pronounced) imitates the meaning. • Examples: “roar,” “murmur,” “tintinnabulation.”

  46. Oxymoron • Figure of speech containing two conflicting terms. • (See examples on next slide)

  47. Oxymoron Examples • Found missing Resident alien • Genuine imitation Good grief • Same difference Alone together • Silent scream Living dead • Small crowd Soft rock • Butt Head New classic • Sweet sorrow "Now, then ..." • Passive aggression Taped live • Clearly misunderstood Extinct Life • Plastic glasses Terribly pleased • Pretty ugly Working vacation

  48. Personification • Inanimate objects have human characteristics. • “The wind cried in the dark.” • “The leaves were dancing in the trees.” To Kill a Mockingbird

  49. Simile • A figure of speech in which like or as is used to make a comparison between two basically unlike ideas. • Example: Claire is as flighty as a sparrow. http://www.abcteach.com/circus/images/simile10.gif

  50. Symbol(ism) • Anything that stands for or represents something else. An object that serves as a symbol has its own meaning, but also represents abstract ideas. http://wynn.house.gov/images/American%20Flag.gif http://www.homeschooloasis.com/wedding_rings2.jpg

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