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Date: 9.21.12 A 9.24.12 B. How do social scientists use artifacts to learn about a society or civilization?. Being a Social Scientist & Lascaux Cave Painting. Class Work:. Warm Up – Check HW- Lat/Long WS Define Archeology, Anthropology, Artifacts and how they study Culture
Date: 9.21.12 A 9.24.12 B How do social scientists use artifacts to learn about a society or civilization? Being a Social Scientist & Lascaux Cave Painting Class Work: • Warm Up – Check HW- Lat/Long WS • Define Archeology, Anthropology, Artifacts and how they study Culture • Social Scientist WS in groups • Present findings about artifacts • Artifact Analysis – Lascaux Cave Painting • Lascaux Cave Painting reading-read in pairs • WIO • Go over HW Warm Up: What do you think a social scientist is? Would it be something you would like to do? WIO: COPY THE BOLD ONLY!! Culture is a shared practice, belief, attitude, or behavior of a group. We learn a culture from friends, family, media, government, and religious institutions. What objects might best represent parts of your culture? List at least 5. • HW: The Lascaux Cave Painting is an estimated 17,000 years old and tells us much about the society that created it. Now, imagine people in the future have discovered a “cave painting” about our society. What would people discover about us? • Write a paragraph to answer the question. Pick one or two items and explain how and what they show about our culture. Could be something personal or something that is of a larger group. Page 13 Page 14
Date: 9.25.12 A 9.26.12 B Why/How do historians use a common dating system to recognize the beginning phases of human species? Understanding BC, BCE, AD, and CE Class Work: Warm Up: Make an educated guess. What do BC, AD, BCE, and CE stand for? Put the following dates in order of when they happened. A. Declaration of Independence – 1776 A.D. B. Columbus comes to the New World – 1492 A.D. C. Adena culture begins in Ohio - 800 B.C. D. Roman Republic is established – 509 B.C. • Warm Up – Check HW-Culture Paragraph-Share in pairs. • Notes- What is this BCE, CE, BC, and AD? • Timeline Activity • WIO • Discovery Video Clip • Go over HW • HW: • Read over Hominid Chart (put on page 19). • Using the Hominid Chart, put the various hominids in chronologic order, on a timeline, according to when they came into being on page 19 in NB • PROGRESS REPORT SIGNATURE WIO: Answer in complete sentences: What did you think of the timeline activity? Did it help you understand the differences between BC, BCE, AD and CE better? Explain. Page 15 Page 16
Date: 9.28.12 A 9.28.12 B What are the significant characteristics about various types of hominids? Caveman Catastrophe Class Work: Warm Up: Use your hominid chart to answer the following questions. Which hominid do the following statements describe? I walk on two feet, am about 5 feet tall, and I was the first hominid to make fires. I am from Europe and central to southwestern Asia, and I was the first early human to have a language. • Warm Up – Check HW- Hominid Timeline • Watch “Caveman Catastrophe” • Pair/Share video questions • WIO WIO: 3-2-1 about hominids 3 – Write 3 things you have learned about hominids 2- Write 2 facts you thought were really interesting (these need to be different than the 3 things you learned) 1- Write 1 question you still have about early humans. • HW: • Create a symbol/visual to represent each of the hominids on the Hominid Chart. This can be on the sheet or on page 19. • Late Progress Reports Page 17 Page 18
Date: 10.1.12 A 10.2.12 B What are the significant characteristics about various types of hominids? Early Man Notes Class Work: Warm Up: View “Prehistoric” song from youtube.com • Warm Up – Check HW-Signatures, Imagination Map, Cultural Paragraph • “Early Man Notes” • Group work to design a 21st Century tool • HW - WIO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD4CQ5ppm_A Write down at least 2 facts about prehistoric man from viewing the song • HW: Complete WIO and brainstorm ideas to share with your group about your 21st century tool. WIO: Draw a symbol for each of the hominids on the chart using one of the characteristics about each of them. Page19 Page20
Compare and contrast the significant characteristics of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages. How do the early hominids fit into these ages? Date: 10.3.12 A 10.4.12 B “Prehistoric Man Contest” and Paleolithic/Neolithic Notes Class Work: Warm Up: Copy the underlined words ONLY!! Answer in complete sentences. Go back in your notes to assist in your response and support your answer with at least 3 reasons. Why do you think Neanderthals died out and Cro-Magnon survived? • Warm Up – Pair/Share, Check HW – WIO • Share 21st century tools • Explain HW • Review Paleolithic/Neolithic chart • Highlight, underline important info • Read intro paragraph for “Prehistoric Man Contest” (PMC) • Review group work rules/expectations • Complete “PMC” in groups • Review answers • WIO – “Horrible Histories – Stone Age” song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sn911TNR4M EXIT SLIP – collect as walking out the door WIO: Watch “Horrible Histories-Stone Age Song” Copy the underlined ONLY!! Not the website! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sn911TNR4M After viewing the Youtube music video clip, List 3 facts about early man, the Neolithic Age, or the Paleolithic Age that you heard in the clip and that we also discussed in class on 10/1 &10/2 and/or 10/3 & 10/4. • HW: Answer review questions about early hominids. Questions taped in notebook and on WIKI. Page21 Page22