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PDUs ? Professional Development Units. Project Management Professionals, PMPs, are encouraged to maintain their Certification by participating in the CCR Program. The PMP can renew his or her certificate by accruing 60 or more PDUs during his or her PMP Cycle.. PDUs ? Professional Development Units
1. PMI Continuing Certifications Requirements Program (CCR)- PDUS
2. PDUs – Professional Development Units Project Management Professionals, PMPs, are encouraged to maintain their Certification by participating in the CCR Program. The PMP can renew his or her certificate by accruing 60 or more PDUs during his or her PMP Cycle.
3. PDUs – Professional Development Units What are PDUs?
The pmi.org Website says, “The PDU is a measure of time spent in a structured learning activity… One (1) PDU is given for each hour of structured learning.”
The CCR Handbook says, “Typically, one PDU is earned for every one hour spent in a planned, structured learning experience or activity. Fractions of PDUS may be reported in 0.25 increments following one full hour.”
4. PDUs – Professional Development Units PMPs can earn PDUs in 5 distinct categories:
Formal Academic Education
Professional Activities and Self Directed Learning
PMI Registered Education Providers
Other Providers
Volunteer Service to Professional or Community Organizations
5. PDUs – Professional Development Units Category 1: Formal Academic Education
This category of PDUs is earned by attending courses leading to a university degree. The conversion process of academic credits to PDUs is based on the American collegiate format. Example: a formal academic course worth 3 credits over a normal 15 week semester would claim 45 PDUs. The conversion works as follows: 1 PDU per contact hour x 3 contact hours per week (3 credits) x 15 weeks = 45 PDUs. This contact hour equation can be applied to any formal academic program.
6. PDUs – Professional Development Units Category 2, Professional Activities and Self Directed Learning
Category 2 has several subcategories which reference different activities that PMPs may engage in. Each of the different subcategories has its own criteria and PDUs assignments. Some of the subcategories, specifically 2H and 2SDL have limits, or “caps” on how many PDU can be claimed in a year or cycle. The subcategories are as follows:
7. PDUs – Professional Development Units 2A - Author or co-author of article pertaining to project management and is published in a refereed journal. (e.g. Project Management Journal®) A single author may claim 30 PDUs per article while co-authors may claim 20 PDUs per article
2B - Author or co-author of an article pertaining to project management published in a non-refereed journal. (e.g. PM Network®). A single author may claim 15 PDUs per article while co-authors may claim 10 PDUs per article
2C - Speaker/Teacher on project management topic at a conference, symposium, workshop or formal course. The speaker may claim 10 PDUs per activity. An activity is defined as a class or seminar delivered to a specific group. An instructor or speaker may claim 10 PDUs for each time he or she delivers a program to a distinct group.
8. PDUs – Professional Development Units 2D - Speaker on a project management topic at PMI Component meeting. PMI Chapter or Component meetings qualify under this category. A Speaker may claim 5 PDUs per activity.
2E - Member or moderator of a project management panel discussion at a conference, symposium, workshop or formal course. A member of a panel is eligible for 5 PDUs per activity.
2F - Author or co-author of textbook that pertains to project management. An author of a textbook is eligible for 40 PDUs while co-authors are eligible for 20 PDUs.
9. PDUs – Professional Development Units 2G - Developer of content for seminar or other structured learning program. A developer of educational materials for a structured program can earn 10 PDUs per new program.
2H - Practitioner of project management services for more than 1,500 project work experience hours per year. The PMP who is working in a Project Management environment, for a minimum of 1,500 hours in a calendar year is eligible for 5 PDUs per calendar year. This subcategory is limited to 15 PDUs per cycle.
10. PDUs – Professional Development Units Self-Directed Learning
2SDL - Self-directed learning activities are individualized learning projects involving personally conducted research or study. It may include articles, books, instructional manuals, videos, CD-ROMs, or other material resources as well as discussions or coaching sessions with colleagues, co-workers, clients or consultants. SDL activities must be relevant to project management, meet a specified purpose, and use knowledgeable resources. If audited, PMPs should be able to provide evidence supporting their reported learning project. This may include notes from and dates of discussions or reading.This category is capped at 15 PDUs per cycle.
11. PDUs – Professional Development Units Category 3: Registered Education Providers
PMPs may earn PDUs by participating in educational programs conducted by providers registered with PMI. The Registered Education Providers, or REPs, adhere to program quality standards established by PMI. REPs are authorized to grant PDU Certificates to PMPs who successfully complete the requirements of the program. REPs can be recognized by their authorized use of the PMI REP Logo. The REP will establish the number of PDUs available in the individual programs.
12. PDUs – Professional Development Units Category 4 : Other Providers
The programs that would be claimed under category 4 are similar to those in category 3, but are conducted by a provider that is not registered with PMI. It is necessary for PMPs to calculate their own PDUs for these initiatives as non-registered providers are unable to provide PDUs. This equation used is one contact hour of learning per PDU. Also, in the event of an audit, the PMP is required to send in more information than if the course was provided by an REP, specifically, the syllabus, attendance sheet, and the credentials of the instructor along with there documentation of completion.
13. PDUs – Professional Development Units Category 5: Volunteer Service to Professional or Community Organizations
Category 5 allows PMPs to claim PDUs for volunteering their PM skills or providing PM services in support of a recognized professional, community, or charitable organization. There is a maximum of 20 PDUs per cycle that can be claimed in Category 5.
14. PDUs – Professional Development Units PMPs can earn PDUs in a variety of ways to make up the necessary 60. The attached chart shows a breakdown of a PDU report adding to 60 and potential combination of PDUs. Notice that this PMP has maxed out his or her 2SDL claims.
15. PDUs – Professional Development Units PMPs may submit their PDU Claims in a several ways:
Online to PMP CCR Records at http://tel.occe.ou.edu/pmi/PMI_Member/PDUlogin.php3
Using the CCR Activity Reporting form in the back of the CCR Handbook via fax to 1-405-325-6925 (US)
Using the CCR Activity Reporting form via mail to:
PMI/CCR Records
College of Continuing Education
1700 Asp Avenue
Norman, OK 73072-6400 USA
16. How are PDUs Claimed Online Online PDU Claim Form
17. PMP Suspended If a PMP does not meet the requirements of the CCR Program, he or she will be placed in “PMP-Suspended” Status
The Suspension period is a full calendar year, after the expiration of the credential, in which the suspended PMP can claim any PDUs necessary to renew their credential. During this year, however, the suspended PMP may not use the PMP credential or postnomial.
18. Assistance or Questions Please contact the PMI Global Operations Center with any questions or concerns at +1-610-356-4600, in the US or online at customercare@pmi.org
19. PDUs – Professional Development Units Some FAQ’s
Can I claim PDUs for classes that I have taken?
You may claim PDUs for any class dealing with the PM knowledge areas. If on a portion of the courseware is specific to any of the PM knowledge areas, you may claim of percentage of the credit. If you determine that only half of the course is relevant to PM, you may take half of the contact hours for PDU credit.
20. PDUs – Professional Development Units I am in a Master's Degree program in Ireland, (or any other country outside of North America.) How many PDUs do I get for that?
For any formal educational courses, participants can use the formula of one contact hour of learning per PDU. If you are in class for 3 hours per week for 15 weeks, as is standard, you may claim 45 PDUs. That is, of course, if the courseware is specific to the PM knowledge areas.
21. PDUs – Professional Development Units I have been involved in a self study course with very few contact hours. How would I calculate PDUs for that?
Self study time is not recognized for PDUs as it rewards those PMPs who work more slowly. However, if this is part of a formal education, you may claim the number of PDUs relevant to similarly credited course which is instructor led. If this is a stand alone course, you may claim the time spent on it as Category 2 SDL. 2 SDL is capped at 15 PDUs per cycle.
22. PDUs – Professional Development Units I have developed a course on PM for my company. Can I claim PDUs for that?
Yes, you can claim 10 PDUs under category 2G. I am taking a course in HR for my company. Can I claim PDUs for that?
If the program is relevant to any of the PM knowledge areas, you may claim credit for the course. Human Resources is one of the knowledge areas, as are Integration, Scope Management, Time Management, Cost, Quality, Risk, Communications and Procurement.
23. PDUs – Professional Development Units I have 80 PDUs in my first year. Can I carry them over or are they wasted? You can only carry over PDUs, greater than 60, earned during the final year of current cycle. I would hope that you wouldn't consider the effort wasted but have gained some valuable insight into additional PM practices and procedures. The rationale behind the design of the CCR program, specifically the reporting of PDUs, is continual professional development. The number of PDUs transferable from one cycle into the next, (20, accrued during the final year of the cycle), had been established to assure some uniformity in the process. It has been in effect since 1998. The idea behind limiting the amount of PDUs carried over is that if a PMP were allowed to transfer an unlimited number of PDUs into the next cycle there would be no incentive for the PMP to do any work relative to professional development during that cycle.
24. PDUs – Professional Development Units I am one of multiple instructors for a PM training program. How can I claim PDUs for that?
As a member of a group of instructors, you may claim PDUs for your effort under category 2E. Your participation is viewed as being a part of a panel of instructors and as such you may claim 5 PDUs.
I have co-developed a PM training program with a coworker. How do I claim PDUs for that?
There is no language prohibiting co-development. As such a PMP in this situation can claim 10 PDUs under category 2G.
25. PDUs – Professional Development Units I have volunteered as a official in my church. May I claim PDUs for that?
PDUs can only be claimed for volunteer service of a PM nature, not just for volunteerism in itself. I am in a volunteer leadership position in a PM organization. What is the difference between being an officer and being on a committee?
An officer is an elected, leadership position. A committee member is appointed or volunteers for a specific purpose.
26. PDUs – Professional Development Units I have written an article on PM for my company news letter. Can I claim PDUs for that?
PMI only grants PDUs for articles placed in journals, either refereed or not. Since articles in company newsletters are not distributed to the global PM community they are not seen as journals. A PMP may claim the work researching the article under category 2SDL.