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NATIONALIST REVOLUTIONS. The Reaction Against Revolutionary Ideas UNIT #2-GLOBAL HISTORY. LATIN AMERICA. INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS IN LATIN AMERICA. Case Study: TOUSSAINT L’OVERTURE. The French colony of Haiti was the first Latin American colony to revolt against European rule .
The French colony of Haiti was the first Latin American colony to revolt against Europeanrule. • In 1791, a self-educated former slave named ToussaintL’Ouverture led a revolt against the Frenchowners of the island’s sugarplantations.
Toussaint was familiar with the works of the Enlightenmentthinkers and wanted to lead his people to liberty. • He gained control of the island which allowed the Haitian slaves to win their freedom in 1798.
After a failed attempt by Napoleon forces to retake the island, Haitians formerly declared their independence in 1804. • Haiti became a republic in 1820.
In South America during the early 1800s, an educated creole named SimonBolivar led resistance movements against the Spanish. • Bolivar was inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment, along with the French and AmericanRevolutions.
Simon Bolivar vowed to fight Spanish rule in SouthAmerica. • Called “theLiberator,” Bolivar became one of the greatest LatinAmericannationalistleaders of this period.
However, Bolivar did fail to unite Latin America as a single state, instead multipleindependentstates emerged. • These nations faced a long struggle to gain stability, achieve socialequality, and eliminatepoverty.
LATIN AMERICA The Failure of Democracy and the Search for Stability
Although revolutionaries in Latin America had eliminated Spanish rule life did not improve for most people after they achieved independence. • Revolts and civilwars broke out while poverty and prejudice continued. • Manyfactors made it difficult for Latin American nations to benefit from these revolutions.
Geographic Barriers • The Latin American nations that gained independence in the 1800s covered a vast area, from Mexico to the southern tip of South America.
This area included numerous geographicbarriers, such as the AndesMountains. • Fights between various leaders and nationalisticfeelings within isolated groups also kept Latin Americans from uniting.
Social Injustice • Despite the establishment of Latin American republics with constitutions, democracy did not follow. • One problem was that the colonialclassstructure remained largely intact.
Creoles-those of European descent born in the colonies-were the ruling class. • Mestizos (people of mixed Native American and European decent), mulattos (people of mixed African and European descent), Indians and Africans gained few rights and faced racial prejudice.
Power of the Church • The Roman Catholic Church acted as a stabilizingforce in Latin America and promotededucation. • However, the Church owned large amounts of land in Latin America which gave them a great deal of power.
Military Rulers • Local militarystrongmen called caudillos put together their own armies and challenged central governments. • Some caudillos even gained controlofgovernments. • These dictators usually favored the upperclass.
Economic Problems • CASHCROPECONOMIES-Under colonial rule, Latin American economies had become dependentontrade with Spain and Portugal. • Latin American colonies sent rawmaterials such as sugar, cotton, and coffee to Europe and imported manufacturedgoods.
Cash Crop Economies cont. • Dependence on just onecrop or even a few crops makes a nation’s economy very unstable. • If a drought or crop failure occurs, or of prices for products fall, the economy can be devastated.
CAUSES… • General PorfirioDiazruled Mexico as a dictator in the late 1800s and early 1900s. • Diaz brought economicadvances to Mexico; railroads were built and industry grew. • However, the wealth went to a small upperclass.
The rule of Diaz, who brutally suppressed opposition, left most Mexicans uneducated, landless, and poor. • Finally, in 1910 the discontent boiled over into a revolution that forced Diaz from power.
Key Figures…Several local leaders assisted in leading the revolution. • EmilianoZapata-led a large peasant revolt in the south, calling for landreform. • Francisco “Pancho” Villa-fought against the U.S. government when they sided with Mexico. • VenustianoCarranza-elected president of Mexico in 1917.
EFFECTS OF THE REVOLUTION…The Constitution of 1917 • The newconstitution agreed to by Carranza in 1917 called for landreform, gave the governmentcontrol of Churchestates, and guaranteed more rights to workers and to women.
Social Reforms • Mexico was the first Latin American nation to achieve social and economicreform for the majority of its people. • For example, the government set up libraries and schools. • Some Native communities were given land that had been taken from them.
Economic Nationalism • Mexico became determined to develop its own economy. • The Mexican government brought industries under governmentcontrol or took over foreign-owned industries.
Cultural Nationalism • In the 1920s and 1930s writers in Mexico and other parts of Latin America began to takeprideintheirculture. • These nationalistic feelings helped revive interests in muralpainting. • These paintings showed the struggles of the Mexican people for freedom.
Role in Political Revolutions Global Nationalism
NATIONALISM • Nationalism-a feeling of pridein and devotionto one’s country. • Example: If you take great pride in being an a citizen of the United States of America, these feelings are considered nationalistic (nationalism).
Force for Unification & Self-Determination Nationalistic feelings became an increasingly significant force for self-determination and unification in Europe.
Giuseppe Mazzini • One of the three great leaders of Italiannationalism was Giuseppe Mazzini. • Mazzini formed the YoungItalynationalmovement in 1831, but he was exiled for his views. • His writings and speeches provided inspiration to the nationalisticmovement.
Count Camillo Cavour • Count Camillo Cavour was the primeminister of the Italian state of Sardinia. • He shrewdly formed alliances with France and later with Prussia. • He used diplomacy and war to drive Austrianpower from Italy in order to bring unification to the peninsula.
Giuseppe Garibaldi • Giuseppe Garibaldi was a soldier who led the forces that won control of southern Italy and helped it to unite with the north.
Unification of Italy • By 1861, Victor Emmanuel of Sardinia was crowned king of a unitedItaly. • Rome and Venetia, at first not part of Italy, were included by 1870.
The Rise of Prussia • In the 1830s, Prussia set up a tradeunion among Germanstates called the Zollverein. • This agreement ended tradebarriers between the states and was a step toward unity. • More important, it established Prussia as a leader among the states.
Otto von Bismarck • In 1862, OttovonBismarck was appointed chancellor of Prussia. • Over the next decade Bismarck, a strong and practical leader, guidedGermanunification. • Aside from unification, Bismarck sought to make the Prussian king the ruler of a strong and united German state.
Bismarck believed that the only way to unifyGermany was through a policy he called “bloodandiron.” • Not believing in speeches and representativegovernment, Bismarck believed that the only way to unite the German states was through war. • In seven years Prussia was involved in 3 wars, each bringing the German states closer to unification.
In 1871, the German states united under the Prussianking, WilliamI. • As their ruler, William called himself the kaiser, a title that was derived from the name Caesar and meant “emperor.” ?
The rise of nationalism in Europe had led to an intensification of anti-Semitism in the late 1800s. • As citizens grew more patriotic about their ownnations, they often grew more intolerant of those whom they saw as outsiders, including Jews.
As anti-Semitism (anti-Jew) grew in Europe, some Jews moved to Palestine, the ancient Jewish homeland, buying land that they organized into farmingcommunities. • A Jewish journalist named Theodor Herzl called for Jews to establish theirownstate.
Herzl’s writings helped to build Zionism, the movement devoted to building a Jewishstate in Palestine. • Herzl’s dream of an independentIsrael was realized a little more than 50 years later.
Force Leading to Conflicts GLOBAL NATIONALISM