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Logistic Regression. Appiled Linear Statistical Models ,由 Neter 等著 Categorical Data Analysis ,由 Agresti 著. Logistic 回归. 当响应变量是定性变量时的非线性模型 两种 可能的结果,成功或失败,患病的或没 有 患病的,出席的或缺席的 实例 : CAD ( 心血管 疾病 ) 是年龄,体重,性别, 吸烟历史 ,血压的函数 吸烟 者或不吸烟者是家庭历史,同年龄组行 为 ,收入,年龄的函数 今年购买一辆汽车是收入,当前汽车的使用
Logistic Regression Appiled Linear Statistical Models,由Neter等著 Categorical Data Analysis,由Agresti著
Logistic 回归 • 当响应变量是定性变量时的非线性模型 • 两种可能的结果,成功或失败,患病的或没 有患病的,出席的或缺席的 • 实例:CAD(心血管疾病)是年龄,体重,性别,吸烟历史,血压的函数 • 吸烟者或不吸烟者是家庭历史,同年龄组行 为,收入,年龄的函数 • 今年购买一辆汽车是收入,当前汽车的使用 年限,年龄的函数
当响应是二元时的特殊问题 • 对响应函数的约束: • 非标准化的误差项: 当 当 • 非恒量的误差方差:
Logistic 响应函数的例子 • 图中横坐标为:年龄;纵坐标为:CAD的概率
似然方程的解 • 不封闭的形式解,使用Newton-Raphson算法,迭代地重加权最小二乘法(IRLS)
kyphosis {rpart}(驼背)81 rows and 4 columns • Kyphosis: a factor with levels absent present indicating if a kyphosis (a type of deformation) was present after the operation. • Age: in months • Number: the number of vertebrae involved • Start: the number of the first (topmost) vertebra operated on.
some(kyphosis) Kyphosis Age Number Start 12 absent 148 3 16 18 absent 175 5 13 32 absent 125 2 11 40 present 91 5 12 50 absent 177 2 14 51 absent 68 5 10 52 absent 9 2 17 70 absent 15 5 16 79 absent 120 2 13 81 absent 36 4 13
summary(kyphosis) Kyphosis Age Number Start absent :64 Min. : 1.00 Min. : 2.000 Min. : 1.00 present:17 1st Qu.: 26.00 1st Qu.: 3.000 1st Qu.: 9.00 Median : 87.00 Median : 4.000 Median :13.00 Mean : 83.65 Mean : 4.049 Mean :11.49 3rd Qu.:130.00 3rd Qu.: 5.000 3rd Qu.:16.00 Max. :206.00 Max. :10.000 Max. :18.00
预测因子vs.驼背的箱图 • 图中横坐标为:是否驼背;纵坐标分别为:年龄,数值,起始boxplot(Age~Kyphosis,data=kyphosis)
广义拉格朗日乘子拟合 summary(glm(Kyphosis~Age+Number+Start,family=binomial,data=kyphosis)) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.3124 -0.5484 -0.3632 -0.1659 2.1613 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -2.036934 1.449575 -1.405 0.15996 Age 0.010930 0.006446 1.696 0.08996 . Number 0.410601 0.224861 1.826 0.06785 . Start -0.206510 0.067699 -3.050 0.00229 ** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 83.234 on 80 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 61.380 on 77 degrees of freedom AIC: 69.38 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
模型偏差 • 拟合模型的偏差是拟合模型的对数似然与饱和模型的对数似然的比值。 • 饱和模型的对数似然=0
协方差矩阵 x<-model.matrix(kyph.glm) fi=fitted(kyph.glm) xvx<-t(x)%*%diag(fi*(1-fi))%*%x xvx (Intercept) Age Number Start (Intercept) 9.62034 907.8886 43.67401 86.49843 Age 907.88858 114049.8138 3904.31285 9013.14288 Number 43.67401 3904.3128 219.95349 378.82840 Start 86.49843 9013.1429 378.82840 1024.07295
xvxi<-solve(xvx) xvxi (Intercept) Age Number Start (Intercept) 2.101403767 -4.332171e-03 -0.2764671477 -0.0370950478 Age -0.004332171 4.155738e-05 0.0003368973 -0.0001244667 Number -0.276467148 3.368973e-04 0.0505664451 0.0016809971 Start -0.037095048 -1.244667e-04 0.0016809971 0.0045833546
sqrt(diag(xvxi)) (Intercept) Age Number Start 1.449621939 0.006446501 0.224869840 0.067700477
因向模型中增加项而产生的偏差变化 anova(kyph.glm) Analysis of Deviance Table Model: binomial, link: logit Response: Kyphosis Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. DfResid. Dev NULL 80 83.234 Age 1 1.302 79 81.932 Number 1 10.306 78 71.627 Start 1 10.247 77 61.380
带有附加的年龄^2的驼背模型 • kyph.glm2<-glm(Kyphosis~poly(Age,2)+Number+Start,family=binomial,data=kyphosis) • summary(kyph.glm2)
偏差分析 anova(kyph.glm2) Analysis of Deviance Table Model: binomial, link: logit Response: Kyphosis Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. DfResid. Dev NULL 80 83.234 poly(Age, 2) 2 10.4959 78 72.739 Number 1 8.8760 77 63.863 Start 1 9.4348 76 54.428
驼背数据,16个对象,带有拟合和残差 kyphosis$fi<-fi y<-as.numeric(kyphosis$Kyphosis) y<-as.numeric(kyphosis$Kyphosis)-1 kyphosis$rr<-y-fi kyphosis$rp<-(y-fi)/sqrt(fi*(1-fi)) kyphosis$rd<-sqrt(-2*log(abs(1-y-fi)))
响应残差vs.拟合的图 • 图中横坐标为:y拟合值;纵坐标分别为:拟合值 plot(rr~fi,kyphosis)
偏差残差vs.序号的图 • 图中横坐标为:序号;纵坐标分别为:残差plot(resid(kyph.glm)) • yy<-sign(y-fi)*(-2*(y*log(fi)+(1-y)*log(1-fi)))^(1/2)