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Black Box Electronics. An Introduction to Applied Electronics for Physicists 3. Digital Electronics and more University of Toronto Quantum Optics Group Alan Stummer, Research Lab Technologist. Digital Concerns. Physical Supplies : Older +5V, newer +3.3V to +0.9V.
Black Box Electronics An Introduction to Applied Electronics for Physicists 3. Digital Electronics and more University of Toronto Quantum Optics Group Alan Stummer, Research Lab Technologist
Digital Concerns Physical • Supplies: Older +5V, newer +3.3V to +0.9V. • Volatile/Nonvolatile: Hold state and memory when power turns off? Volatile are SRAM and DRAM. Nonvolatile are Flash (new: MRAM and FeRAM). • Edge Rate: Logic family (speed, power, voltage, termination). • Feature size: small is now 90nm, going to 65nm and 45nm. Speed and Complexity • Microprocessors: μP, μC, DSP. Sequential execution only. • Programmable (FPGA): Sequential and/or parallel execution, Verilog or VHDL, intensive simulations, volatile (“config chip”), high pin count (BGA/QFP). • Synchronous or Asynchronous: Clocked (preferred) or ripple (beware of race). • Edge or Level Sensitive: Most common is edge. Protocol and Control • State Machines: Controlled order of operations. • Clock: Embedded, separate or async. Communications • Baud and BPS: Physical signal rate (symbols) vs. payload data rate. • Single-ended or Differential: Fast, slow, susceptible to noise? • Overhead: Packet info, framing, scrambling (encoding), encryption.
State Machines & Timing Diagrams 1 Wait for trigger 2 Pulse Q1 3 Wait for trigger 4 Pulse Q2 Reset 4 or State Trigger Q1 Q2 1 2 3 1 1
Loose Logic • AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, AND/OR, Buffer, Invert, Transceiver, Counter, Divider, Shift Register, Selector/Mux, Decoder, Register, Flip-Flop, Latch, Adder, Comparator, Parity Encoder/Decoder, Switch, etc. • Used for small or specialized tasks. Use programmable logic (FPGA) if need greater functionality. • Available in most logic families. • Inputs can have Schmitt trigger (hysterisis). • Outputs can be totem pole or open drain/collector. • Outputs can have strobe (latch) and/or enable.
ProgramableLogic (FPGA) • Large generic digital blocks with firmware determining function. • From 100’s to 100K’s of gates, may contain RAM, PLL, Layer 2 hardware. • Fast and large devices are volatile and use separate configuration device. Cheaper and smaller devices have built-in non-volatile memory. • Most operations are synchronous to master clock(s), synchronous operations can be executed concurrently or sequentially. • Programmed in C-like Verilog or VHDL languages, freeware. • Can embed processor, DSP, any protocol (IP cores). • Complex development environments, requires lots of development time. • Main vendors: Altera (used here in Physics), Lattice and Xilinx.
Verilog Example Module’s name and I/Os module Counters_Serializers (APD_A, APD_B, Clk, USBdata, USBinst); input APD_A, APD_B; //two APD inputs. input Clk; // a synchronizing laser input. output [7:0] USBdata; //data bus out to USB device. input [7:0] USBinst; //command bus input from USB. reg [39:0] Counter [4:0]; //the internal array of counters. assign APDs = {APD_B, APD_A}; //concatenate APDs. /**************** MAIN “ALWAYS” EVENT FUNCTION *************************/ always @(posedge Clk) begin case (USBinst[1:0]) 0: begin //COUNT MODE. Counter[APDs] <= Counter[APDs] + 1'b1; Counter[4] <= Counter[4] + 1'b1; end 1: Counter[4] = 0; //Reset main counter. 2: USBdata = Counter[4][7:0]; //Read low byte of main counter. 3: USBdata = Counter[1][7:0]; //Read low byte first counter. endcase endmodule Local register Combinational logic (asynchronous) On every +ve Clk edge, do this… Non-blocking (do next line now too) State Machine Blocking (do this then next line)
TLAs(Three Letter Acronyms) • MOSFET: Metal Oxide Semiconductor [Shield] Field Effect Transistor • CMOS: Complimentary MOSFET architecture • RF: Radio Frequency • FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array (A.K.A. PLD, CPLD, PL) • Verilog-HDL, VHDL: Hardware Definition Languages • µC, µ P: Microcomputer, Microprocessor. • EEPROM, E2: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory • Flash: Functionally similar to EEPROM. • TTL: Transistor-Transistor Logic • ECL, PECL: [Positive] Emitter Coupled Logic • ASIC: Application Specific IC • SMT: Surface Mount Technology • DIP: Dual In-line Pins
Vendors & Suppliers • Vendors (Manufacturers), no particular order. • Analog Devices www.analog.com (linear, DSP – good, cheap) • Linear Technology www.linear-tech.com (linear – good, expensive) • Maxim www.maxim-ic.com (linear, digital – diverse, good, serious supply issues) • National Semiconductor www.national.com (linear, some digital - good) • ON Semiconductors www.onsemi.com (Motorola linear - good) • Texas Instruments www.ti.com (linear, digital – good, murky website) • Altera www.altera.com (FPGAs) • Distributors, preferred first. • Digikey www.digikey.ca (fast, cheap, reliable, <8PM = next AM) • Electro-sonic www.e-sonic.com (okay speed, cheap, local, not always reliable) • Active Surplus, Supreme Electronics (Queen St., College St., very questionable) • Newark www.canada.newark.com (okay speed, customs issues) • Allied www.aliedelec.com (okay speed, customs issues) • Up-to-date bookmark list on www.physics.utoronto.ca/~astummer
Spice • Simulation of linear or hybrid circuits using numeric integration. • Uses text models for components and ICs supplied by vendors. • Various analysis: • Dynamic (transient): similar to ‘scope. • DC, Bias: biasing, static state. • Frequency response: sweep a signal, observe effects. • Temperature effects: test at different temperatures (not common). • Monte Carlo: random component values inside given ranges.
Bypassing & Grounding Bypassing • Bypass all ICs as close as possible to the IC with at least 0.1uF. • If more than several cm from supply, bypass ICs with 10uF “bulk” capacitor. • If IC has high frequency components (>10MHz), add 100-1000pF bypass. • Bypass all regulators with 0.1uF at input and output, or as per data sheet. • Be generous with bypass caps! • Fuse all supplies if can draw lots of current on failure. Ground loop: anywhere ground connections can be followed in a circle. • Be aware of effects of ground currents on analog measurements: are you measuring the signal or signal plus ground errors? • On PCBs or handwired boards, use a central ground point if possible – Star. • Avoid connecting a ‘scope if not needed – shields are grounded.
Sample Ground Loops Tek B&K
Ω The End Ω Next: 4. Sample Circuits 5. Spice simulations Then: More in depth on anything? Suggestions?