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Measurement Impact 101:

Measurement Impact 101:. Practical Techniques for Capturing EVP Inputs, Activities, Outcomes & Impacts. Syreeta Skelton Associate Director of Evaluation & Performance Measurement. Today’s Agenda. Core Metrics for Employee Volunteer Programs

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Measurement Impact 101:

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  1. Measurement Impact 101: Practical Techniques for Capturing EVP Inputs, Activities, Outcomes & Impacts

  2. Syreeta SkeltonAssociate Director of Evaluation & Performance Measurement

  3. Today’s Agenda • Core Metrics for Employee Volunteer Programs • Corporate Perspectives on EVP Measurement & Reporting • Credit Suisse –enterprise-wide case of evaluation/measurement process development, framework & instruments • Gap Inc. Foundation – Job Readiness program level case of evaluation/measurement process development, framework & instruments • Measurement Expert Perspective • EVP Performance Measurement Guidance – importance of framing the research question; what do you want to know about your program and who wants to know it • Group/Panel Q & A 

  4. Who is our audience? • Where is your EVP in its evaluation maturity? • Novices – Tracking inputs and effort • Intermediates – Tracking outputs and counting activities • Experts – Assessing outcomes and impact • What types of data do you currently collect? • Informal data (i.e. stories) • Systematically collected data • Are the data you use in your evaluation… • Qualitative • Quantitative • Both • What are your learning objectives for today’s session?

  5. What is the appetite for evaluation & reporting in corporate America? • Now more than ever, companies are demanding better standards, tools, and best practices for measuring and demonstrating the efficacy of corporate civic engagement, and particularly employee volunteerism. • Measuring the magnitude, effectiveness, and especially the impact of employee volunteering remains a top concern for businesses. • A Points of Light Foundation 2005 survey among corporate members found that evaluation of employee volunteering was the greatest challenge for respondents. • A survey of 77 multinational companies conducted by The Conference Board (2006) found that more than one-third of responding companies cite measuring results and outcomes as the biggest challenge they will face in managing their corporate contributions programs (Lim, 2010).

  6. What is the appetite for evaluation and reporting in corporate America? Want to get here! We are here

  7. Who’s leading the charge? Corporate Service Professions

  8. Who’s leading the charge?

  9. What are the key data points to collect about my EVP? New Employee Volunteer Reporting Standards • Standard measures for EVPs are particularly important for: • Understanding how programs and projects compare to one another • Identifying how EVP operations and processes are performing • Documenting areas of success and opportunities for improvement • Determining how to leverage program resources most effectively EVP Reporting Standard Key Metrics • EVP Partner Organizations • Volunteers • Volunteer Activities • Volunteer Hours • Volunteer Frequency • EVP Participation Rates • Company-Paid Service Utilization Rates • Valuation of Volunteer Hours • Dollar Rate of Return on Investment (ROI) • Dollar Rate of Social Return on Investment (SROI)

  10. Tools for Benchmarking EVPs

  11. Questions Contact:Syreeta Skelton Points of Light Foundation roi@pointsoflight.org

  12. Lalita Advani, Vice PresidentCredit Suisse Americas Foundation

  13. This Section’s Agenda I. Tracking: Why Bother? II. Evolution of Measurement III. Sneak Peek of our System IV. Next Steps for You

  14. 3. Credibility 2. Motivation 2009 Engagement Per Division 77% 72% 62% 62% I. Tracking: Why Bother? 1. Strategy Dollars + Volunteer Hours Greater Value

  15. II. Evolution of Measurement Rudimentary Staff/Grantee Responsibility DefiningKey Fields & Process Garnering Resources Building Global Consensus System Development & Launch

  16. II. Evolution of Measurement Defining Key Fields & Process ENGAGEMENT = VOLUNTEERING + PARTICIPATION • VOLUNTEERING – Company sponsored, direct service • PARTICIPATION – Fundraising, Donations, Attendance INPUTS: OUTPUTS: BUSINESS IMPACT: Number of Unique Employees, Total Hours • DEMOGRAPHICS – FTE or Staff, Title, Department • TIME – On-Company or Off-Company Activity Types, Sectors, Population Served, # of Lives Impacted • SKILL LEVEL – Extra (Pair of) Hands or Skills-Based • LEVEL OF COMMITMENT – One-Time or Recurring • Employee Morale, Recruitment/Retention, Career Development, Team Building, Cross-departmental Networking

  17. III. Sneak Peek – Team Leader View • KEY FEATURES: • Team Leaders can build events for employees to view online • Key Fields are mandatory, so that information is captured up front

  18. III. Sneak Peek – Team Leader View • KEY FEATURES: • Team Leaders can check off who attended and who did not attend • Detailed employee information is captured for future analysis

  19. III. Sneak Peek – Employee View • KEY FEATURES: • Employees can view a list of events online and register to attend • Philanthropy staff has access to global activity

  20. III. Sneak Peek – Staff View • KEY FEATURES: • Philanthropy Team can run standard reports • Granular detail is also available by exporting data

  21. IV. Next Steps for You • WHERE – Understand where in the cycle your organization stands • WHAT – Define what key fields you need to measure • WHO – Identify organizations that have done this and learn • WHY – Develop the internal case and garner resources • WHEN – Develop near-term goals and plan for delays

  22. Questions Contact:Lalita Advani Credit Suisse Americas Foundation lalita.advani@credit-suisse.com

  23. Marianne CampbellSenior Manager, Gap Foundation

  24. FOUR AREAS OF FOCUS Capacity Building Employee Engagement Youth Development Women’s Advancement

  25. Preparing youth for life through the world of work Career Exploration Job Readiness Internships Follow-on Support

  26. This Way AheadGap Inc. Youth Signature Program • Career Exploration • One Month+ • Individual career assessment • Exploration of roles in various industries • Long-term planning and goal planning • Job Readiness • Four Months • Weekly classes that teach hard and soft skills that prepare youth for the world of work and life • Gap Inc employees serve as volunteer facilitators • Internship • Four Months/13 Hours per Week • Two week preparatory course • Paid internships that occur in Gap or Old Navy stores • Monthly coaching sessions with Store Manager • Follow-On Support • Twelve Months • Check-in with career coach • Opportunity to interview for a permanent part-time job at a store • Access to other job opportunities, outside of Gap Inc

  27. This Way AheadEvaluation Process • Created a Logic Model • Identified desired impact • Developed strategy to achieve that impact • Designed an evaluation to measure progress to desired impact goal • Determined who is evaluated and how • Youth • Nonprofit Organization • Employees • Evaluation resource • TCC Group

  28. Gap Inc. Youth Signature Program Logic Model RESOURCES/ INPUTS STRATEGIES SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES LONG-TERM OUTCOMES IMPACT • All Youth in Program: • Have expanded awareness of career opportunities • Have a better understanding of what it takes to get on a career track • Have more positive attitude toward jobs, working, and their futures • Are motivated to do what it takes to get internship and to get career later i.e. stay in school, get good grades, etc • All Youth in Program: • 4-month Job Readiness Training at CBOs • Supplementary sessions with Gap Inc. employees • Interns: • Acquire new skills • Have the opportunity to practice the new skills • Take steps toward career or vocational plan Social Impact Underserved youth are better prepared for life and ultimately to better contribute to society Gap Inc. Resources Gap Inc. Employee skills, time, experience Partner CBO skills and experience Youth interest, time, and readiness • Smaller # of Youth: • 4-month internship • Follow on support post internship Evaluation Results: Used for continuous program enhancement Shared with public, customers, Gap Inc. leadership, employees, shareholders Field Leadership participate in program • Participating stores: • Store leaders build own skills • Higher employee morale in store Field Leadership and store managers see benefits; want to sustain the program Gap Inc. is known as an innovative corporate citizen that achieves real results for society and the business Business Impact • Participating Stores: • Train employees for program • Communicate to all store staff about program • Gap Inc. Employees: • Develop their own skills by helping interns • Increased pride in store and Gap Inc. • Deeper connections with co-workers • Increased productivity Participating stores have less turnover, better work force • Gap Inc. Employees: • Volunteer at CBOs to provide job readiness training • Act as mentors to interns • Customers: • Positive associations with Gap Inc. brands • Loyalty to Gap Inc. goods Gap Inc. communicates to: employees, Gap Inc. leadership, and customers about program and its impact

  29. Evaluation Included Three Data Sources Youth Findings Gap Inc. Employees CBO Staff

  30. Youth Evaluation Summary

  31. Questions Contact:Marianne Campbell Gap Foundation, Inc. Marianne_Campbell@gap.com

  32. Jan Brown, Senior Consultant

  33. This Section’s Agenda • Framing the Evaluation of Corporate Volunteer/Service Efforts • Questions & Metrics

  34. The Typical Project or Program Framework

  35. The Corporate Volunteer/Service Project or Program Framework Corporate Social Responsibility Inputs Strategies Outcomes Impact

  36. Framing the Evaluation Questions: Outcomes • What social outcomes will result from our volunteer/service program or effort? • CBO partner’s target audience (individuals and/or groups) • General public (community, neighborhood, region, etc.) • CBO partner’s organizational capacity • What business outcomes will result from our volunteer/service program or effort? • Employees (current & future) • Business units/departments • Corporate reputation

  37. Framing the Evaluation Questions • What was the quality of our volunteer/service project, program or event? • Volunteer/employee experience • Target audience (e.g., CBO or their clients) experience • Other partners’ & stakeholders’ experience • Resource needs & use

  38. Framing the Evaluation Questions • What, specifically, about the volunteer/service project, program or event worked, and what did not, in relation to achieving the outcomes? • What specific experiences did outcome achievers have that non-achievers did not? • What background traits, environmental conditions and/or readiness variables distinguished high achievers (with re to outcomes) from the rest? • What project, program or event resources were critical to supporting the specific experiences that made a difference?

  39. Exercise: What Are Your Company’s Volunteerism/Service Outcomes? • How will employees, CBOs and/or CBO’s clients be “directly” changed (improved) by the experience? • Awareness • Knowledge • Attitude • Motivation • Skills • Opportunity • Behavior • What would people hear implementers, participants and service recipients say or see them do if the outcomes were evident?

  40. Questions Contact:Peter York TCC Group http://www.tccgrp.com/

  41. Panel Question & Answer Period

  42. Thank You

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