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Presented by: Ysa Criselda Paez. Bartholomew Cubbins Music Video Director. Bart Cubbins Silhouette, digital image, Creeps by Cubbins , viewed 27 March 2013 <http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/avatars/bartcubbins_1344971732.jpg>. Who is He?.
Presented by: YsaCriseldaPaez Bartholomew CubbinsMusic Video Director Bart Cubbins Silhouette, digital image, Creeps by Cubbins, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/avatars/bartcubbins_1344971732.jpg>
Who is He? • Bartholomew Cubbins is one of the aliases Jared Leto uses (Roxborough, 2012). • Jared Leto is an American director, musician, photographer and actor. • He grew up in Louisiana, USA surrounded by actors, musicians, photographers and artists. • Enrolled in Philadelphia University of the Arts to study painting, then transferred to the School of Visual Arts in New York. (New York Times, 2010) Jared Leto – Close up, digital image, IB Times, viewed 28 March 2013, <http://img.ibtimes.com/www/data/images/full/2013/02/28/348996-selena-gomez-flirted-with-jared-leto-at-oscars-after-party.jpg>
Style • Jared began acting in 1994 at the age of 23. He has acted in movies like American Psycho, Prefontaine, Fight Club and Requiem for A Dream, etc. (New York Times, 2010) • He directs music videos with a unique style in which he incorporates very cinematic aspects to his shots, evidently rooted from his experience as an actor.
Body of Work • He has directed 6 music videos he calls short films, among other short videos he directs to promote the activities of his band, 30 Seconds To Mars. Notably, he directed a yet-to-be commercially-released film called Artifact. (Bliss, 2012) • He has also used his work as a photographer, among others, to aid in the 2010 Haiti Earthquake.
Creative Process • The music videos that Jared Leto directs always involves a big preproduction process. (Thirty Seconds to Mars, 2011) • He shoots in short periods of time, and he consolidates the aspects of his shoots to maximise the setting. For example, he shot several sections of the music video for ‘Hurricane’ and ‘Kings and Queens’ in one night across several locations. (Thirty Seconds to Mars, 2012) • He hasn’t used a set yet in his music videos. • He draws inspiration from other artists’. Like Ansel Adams’ and Darren Aronofsky’s, among others.
Movie Interpretations • He directed the music videos for the songs The Kill and From Yesterday, basing it on the movies, The Shining and The Last Emperor, respectively.
Jared Leto usually shoots his music videos in unusual settings Locations
From Yesterday = People’s Republic of China From Yesterday – video shoot, digital image, Blogspot, viewed 28 March 2013 <http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oFTNOc_lDwQ/TO-D95cRxwI/AAAAAAAAhSk/HmLIkc_3y_c/s1600/30%2Bseconds%2Bto%2BMars%2B-%2BFrom%2BYesterday.jpg> Forbidden City, Beijing, PRC
Hurricane = ‘Sleeping’ New York Hurricane video shoot, digital mage, Popscreen, viewed 28 March 2013 <http://v009o.popscreen.com/eGcxZXNmMTI=_o_30-seconds-to-mars---hurricane-videodownload-hq.jpg> Chelsea, Manhattan, NY
Hurricane = ‘Sleeping’ New York Central Park Tunnel, digital image, Blogspot, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6RGB3V3lTJ0/TbTBw9unpkI/AAAAAAAAKqo/ZlRJ9rzy7BY/s1600/Hurricane%2Balley%2B30stom.jpg> Central Park, Manhattan, NYC
Kings and Queens = ‘Empty’ Los Angeles Kings and Queens shoot, digital image, Buzznet, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/30secondstomars/default/kings-queens-video-still--large-msg-125799816973.jpg> Downtown Los Angeles, California, USA
A Beautiful Lie = Arctic Circle Iceberg, digital image, Buzznet, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/treli/default/30-seconds-mars-beautiful-lie--large-msg-121965989187.jpg> Iceberg, Illulisat, Greenland
Close-Ups , Title Cards and End Credits, Slow Motion, Segments (Acts or Parts), Utilisation of Steadicam and Roaming Steadicam shots, and quick Montages Cinematic Concepts
Quick Montages: “Hip Hop Montage” Requiem for A Dream Movie Clips 2012, ‘Requiem for A Dream Movie Clip’ viewed 27 March 2013, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkYNhZvlHv0> Up In The Air - Music Video Thirty Seconds to Mars 2013, ‘Up In The Air: Genesis’ viewed 27 March 2013, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ydSUu7VPSc&feature=player_detailpage>
References: • Tomo – The Shining Reenactment, digital image, Natasha Doreyblogspot page, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=the+kill+30+seconds+to+mars&start=115&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=3OF&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1169&bih=515&tbm=isch&tbnid=GNfAEf35rwmLNM:&imgrefurl=http://natashadorey.blogspot.com/2010/11/30-seconds-to-mars-kill.html&docid=24ZTOLMd8T7LnM&imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TYi6MirAaAw/TNKABjnv5_I/AAAAAAAAAO0/SEHuMEZYBRA/s320/Picture%252B28.png&w=320&h=178&ei=zsJWUa7vMYimkwWI2IHIBw&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:16,s:100,i:52&iact=rc&dur=762&page=10&tbnh=142&tbnw=233&ndsp=15&tx=114&ty=44> • The Shining – Bear Scene, digital image, Philosophy for Life, viewed 27 March 2013, < http://philosophyforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/snapshot20071023200725zo9.jpg> • The Kill screenshot, digital image, WikiMedia viewed 27 March 2013, < http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/67/30_Seconds_To_Mars_The_Kill_Music_Video.png/190px-30_Seconds_To_Mars_The_Kill_Music_Video.png> • The Shining Twins, digital image, Urbanvox, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://www.urbanvox.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/the-shining-twins.jpg> • From Yesterday – Forbidden City, digital image, Vimeo, viewed 30 March 2013 http://b.vimeocdn.com/ts/225/455/225455813_640.jpg • The Last Emperor, digital image, Wikipedia, viewed 27 March 2013 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/e5/The_Last_Emperor_filmposter.jpg/220px-The_Last_Emperor_filmposter.jpg • Chapter One: Birth, digital image, DeviantArt, viewed 28 March 2013 <http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/358/2/b/30_seconds_to_mars_hurricane_chapter_one___birth_by_aloschafix-d4k2ag2.jpg> • Iceberg, digital image, Fanpop, viewed 27 March 2013, http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33700000/30-Seconds-To-Mars-A-Beautiful-Lie-Music-Video-30-seconds-to-mars-33765138-1920-1080.jpg • Los Angeles skyline, digital image, StatickFlickr, viewed 28 March 2013 <http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4062/4456482905_d6237bd462_z.jpg?zz=1> • Kings and Queens – Griffith Park, digital image, Favim, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://favim.com/orig/201106/27/30-seconds-to-mars-clip-cliprock-music-kings-and-queens-rock-rock-music-Favim.com-85431.jpg> • 30 Seconds to Mars in Concert, digital image, CBS Street Date, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://cbsstreetdate.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/30stm-lead-image-2-385.jpg?w=420> • A Beautiful Lie, digital image, Buzznet, viewed 27 March 2013 <http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/treli/default/30-seconds-mars-beautiful-lie--large-msg-121346326406.jpg> • Roxborough, S 2012, ‘AFM 2012: The Works Picks Up 30 Seconds to Mars' Doc 'Artifact‘’, The Hollywood Reporter, 1 November, viewed 27 March 2013 http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jared-letos-30-seconds-mars-385648 • New York Times, 2010, ‘Jared Leto – Full Biography’, The New York Times, 2010 viewed 27 March 2013 http://movies.nytimes.com/person/200349/Jared-Leto/biography • Bliss, K 2010, ‘30 Seconds to Mars Documentary Wins People's Choice Award in Toronto’, Rolling Stone, September 18, viewed 27 March 2013 http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/30-seconds-to-mars-documentary-wins-peoples-choice-award-in-toronto-20120918 • Thirty Seconds to Mars, 2011, Making of “Hurricane”, video file, viewed 27 March 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlaLc-4E4YA. • Thirty Seconds to Mars, 2012, Making of “Kings and Queens”, video file, viewed 27 March 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6poNdWt1e4